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About Xavoneks

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  1. how much Humanity do you require to become a Hero?
  2. Hey, i posted a thread about 8 days ago when we crashed our helicopter. Alot of people said to wait 7 days for it to respawn (What happened was we crashed it, cause it rolled down a hill, and then blew up, but every server restart it just re-blows up, and does the same amount of destruction to the trees around it) So we waited our 7 days, but it still will not respawn. We have no idea why not, but it seems like, the helicopter will never respawn on the server. Is there anything that can be done? like can the admin reset the helicopter, or is it just stuck there forever. (its currently been 9 days since the crash) We've check all spawn points aswell.
  3. Xavoneks

    Helicopters Not Respawning

    Are you sure its 7 days? or will it not respawn, because its crashing over and over again, every single restart? or is this just a glitch where it looks like it is
  4. Me and a few of my mates got a helicopter, but then crashed it later. It hasnt respawned since, but when we went where we crashed it, The server restarted. We logged back in too see the chopper fall out of the sky, and blowing up and, just as it did when we crashed it. Why is it repeating itself? is this why it isnt spawning. Can link video if needed.
  5. Xavoneks

    Pending Update: Build

    Excellent update. I would suggest adding 2 things. Fix the Leaking of helicopters when they don't have windows please. The other, is up the durability of HUEY's when your landing, sometimes when you tap the ground it damaged the Main Rotor and destroys the engine complelely
  6. Xavoneks

    US 531 - Closed server after death.

    The Server is currently up, and has been for the past 7hours
  7. Xavoneks

    US 531 - Closed server after death.

    I play on this server all the time. It regular desync, and sometime crashes. The owner lives in a similar timezone as me, they cannot re-launch the server. This sounds like co-incendence. The server admin was no on at the time, as i was playing. Felipe is NOT a server admin. I Team with the admins, and they didn't ambush anyone.
  8. Xavoneks

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    ^_^ i understand your working hard on this update, but i really hope you can release it now, even if you keep updating again in smaller version ( ect.)
  9. Xavoneks

    1.7.1 is a joke...

    Yes. Agreed this update is a joke. Everything is Good about the Updates. Except the Zombies Range and Strength
  10. Xavoneks

    1.7.1 Too Difficult?

    Remember i did say. People in "GROUP" Chat, thats where i got this from, Then i checked it out for myself. Seems alot harder. Yet, i thought id post this to ask others
  11. Xavoneks

    1.7.1 Too Difficult?

    I've come to realise. This recent patch. Is way to difficult. Server members have been complaining to "Group Chat" on how bad it is. All ive figured is that. The Zombies are way to OP. You get taken out too fast. The animations are brillant, but the new system of how they can spot you so easily, makes the game -unenjoyable to a level. Your stealth Almost seems pointless. I really think it should return back to how it was in 1.7. (NOTE) I am to a level. Happy with the patch. Yet it does seem a bit to harsh on newer members. Agree? Disagree? Leave below :) Note- Do not think Everything should return to how it was in 1.7, just the Zombie's Strength, and Field of View, and how easily they find you.