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Linus Leonard

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About Linus Leonard

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Anybody knows whether BattlEye bans take precedence over the guids in the whitelist? I'm assuming that even if guid XYZ is present in Whitelist.txt, a BattlEye ban will prevent the player with guid XYZ to join. Is this a correct assumption?
  2. Linus Leonard


    Tried to PM you but apparently you can't receive them? Anyhoo, I'm an IT-specialist by trade, so I can most likely help if you are in need of technical expertise, at least with regards to technical requirements, info-sec, and availability aspects etc. Not sure if I have time to actually code anything though; my custom whitelisting system and community forum adjustments (over at linuslan.net) were complex enough to keep me busy coding for a couple of weeks, and I do have a day job as well :) What are your plans, and how far have you gotten? Regards, Linus
  3. Name: LinusLAN.net Hardcore DayZ <<PER:ON|3PP:OFF|PRIVATE|WHITELIST>> IP-addr: Forums: LinusLAN.net If you are reading this, you are hereby cordially invited to the LinusLAN.net DayZ Community. After registering at LinusLAN.net, your objective is to apply for whitelisting using our custom whitelist system. Apart from some reading skills, you will need a Steam account that is both in good standing and at least level 3. After whitelisting, you are free to play on our UK (London) based 50 slot hardcore private hive server, which is pre-paid for the next 180 days. We're serious enough about DayZ to actually have a DayZ mission statement. You can read it in full here, but suffice it to say we want to provide a hardcore, oldschool, purist DayZ experience. Clean, plain, and simple. No bullshit. The zombie apocalypse was never about any easy street. There are lots of DayZ communities out there that already provide casual, softcore, and laid-back DayZ experiences. That is not, and never shall be, our forte. Our pledge to you as a member of the LinusLAN DayZ community is that whenever a choice of path presents itself, of either going a more difficult route, or take the easy way out, we will choose the difficult. We will chose the authentic, the realistic, the immersive, and the gritty, before the gamey, the colorful, the immature, and the shitty. Below are some of the core aspects that the LinusLAN.net DayZ Community provide to you as a member. Whitelisting and cheater deterrents Our custom whitelist system integrates with Steam, so no need to mess around with GUIDs anymore.We use the Steam integration to check for previous bans IN ANY GAME to keep bad apples away. This has proven to be a very good deterrent indeed, and if other communities can claim to be "hacker-free" (there's no such thing by the way), we can always claim to be more "hacker-free" for this very reason.We manage a community blacklist to keep previously known cheaters off of our servers.We will never show any leniency towards cheaters or disruptive asshats. There's no "ban appeals" section in our forums. You serve your time. Even if it is permanent. Loot safety and balance Our new 50 slot private hive shard is pre-paid for the next 180 days, and persistency will always be enabled, so you can "safely" set up camp here.Multiple servers will never share hives, i.e. transfering loot and ghosting is a thing of the past.We will never, EVER, stoop so low as to offer any pay-to-win / pay-to-play incentives to disrupt the ingame loot-economy. (Seriously. Fame, fortune, and entitlement seems to be favored over honor and loyalty these days. It's truly a shame).Metagaming with regards to the location of player bases and tents is strictly prohibited in the forum, i.e. if anyone ever reveals the location of bases/tents in the forums, harsh bans will be issued. Transparent and open DayZ community We will never enforce any style of playing DayZ. We don't frown upon KoS, banditry, hoarding, shenanigans, PvP, etc.We have rules for both players AND admins. It's a two-way street.We are always open for suggestions and discussions. We will always hear you out and thoroughly wheigh your suggestions against our DayZ mission statement, server ruleset, etc. Upcoming stuff [confirmed] Community TS3 server is in the works.[pending Multiplay] Day/night timecycle.[pending Bohemia] Reduced loot spawns.[pending Bohemia] Increased player respawn timer.[pending Bohemia] More randomized player spawn locations.[surveying] Host a very hardcore DayZ mod server.[surveying] Host other game servers. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  4. Linus Leonard

