Just bought this game after seeing some reviews and saw it on "sale" so I figured I would get it. Every time I launch the game and select a server I get "battleye initialization failed" I went online and after trying countless things that have failed, Updated Battleye via the website and replacing the .DLL file. Uninstall\Re-install. Re-install of Steam. Firewall is off. Uninstalled all security software. Reset router. Folders have all the correct permissions. Verified Game Cache on steam, removed BE folder and then did it again. All of the above have failed. I am at a lost. My computer is running vista and this is the first game I have had an issue with in terms of mulitplayer games that use anti cheat clients. I would really love to play the game I spent $30 bucks for. If anyone has ANY suggestions on how to get this working please let me know.