I hope this is the right place to post this, if not I apologize. Anyway, I am new to Dayz and how it works. I have played a little bit over a friend's house and fell in love, but my problem is launching it. I have the Play withSix launcher set up and have been trying to play DayZ using a selected server from Play withSix. However when I press the play button, I am taken to the Arma II server browser. Is this supposed to happen? Did I do something wrong when installing the game and the mod? Any help is appreciated :)
I meant to say the DayZ Launcher in my last post, not DayZ Commander. Sorry for the mix up. But i've tried joining a couple different servers and my screen gets stuck on the loading screen and it just says "Spawning Items..." and there is the number 20 on the bottom right corner, I don't know if that means anything....Any reason as to why it is doing this? Also, when I do connect to a server, I get kicked because Battle Eye fails to update. Fixes?
I think DayzCommander is working? It's hard for me to tell because when I go to load into a server, I get stuck at a loading screen for 5+ minutes saying spawning items and nothing ever happens.