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ironman Tetsuo

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Everything posted by ironman Tetsuo

  1. ironman Tetsuo

    All my games suddenly FPS drop, any help?

    always make a back-up before you upgrade any drivers, you never know when you'll need them. But yes, try downgrading your drivers and see if that helps.
  2. ironman Tetsuo

    Camo clothes garbage?

    no need to shout
  3. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ Mod is dead, long live DayZ!

    You have to remember there's a global market in here, not everyone will understand the phrase "DayZ is dead, long live DayZ"... don't worry bud, i got ya! But yeah, I expect the recent delays to the patch are probably more to do with Rocket finalising deals, setting up teams and arranging his My Little Pony figure collection on his new desk than lack of any effort. I've been having the same graphic glitches as everyone else but instead have used the time to catch up on other games i'd neglected during my DayZ binge (KSP and Legend of Grimrock!) the patch will soon be here and we'll all have forgotten about having to wait two weeks....
  4. ironman Tetsuo

    Camo clothes garbage?

    Of course the camo doesn't stack up against the Ghillie, but it sure beats wearing bright blue in a map that's 99% made of green.....
  5. ironman Tetsuo

    All my games suddenly FPS drop, any help?

    I think you answered your own question wih the last line buddy. When anything suddenly changes with your PC's performance always look to the last thing you changed/updated....
  6. ironman Tetsuo

    If it wasn't for the hackers...

    exactly like these threads!
  7. ironman Tetsuo

    If it wasn't for the hackers...

    you're part of the problem, not the solution
  8. ironman Tetsuo

    Standalone: Why be excited about Arma 3 engine?

    a mod can only add to what the engine does already it cannot change what's below the surface and it has very limited powers, most problems are fixed by bodging a work-around together. A stand-alone game created with the VR4 engine will have total control of everything. /end of thread
  9. ironman Tetsuo

    New map for standalone possible?

    I would love it if we could have a map large enough to become a single shard environment like EVE online's single galaxy (even if it had to be broken down into sections and spread across several servers) this would put an end to server hopping but more importantly bring an even greater feeling of persistence across the entire game. I can but dream!
  10. If you read between the lines... Patch was due August 1st Rocket became head of DayZ standalone at Bohemia on August 1st That's not something you just wander into, he's probably been out at meetings and organising a team and getting settled into his new role, the patch isn't late just because of dogs.
  11. /le sigh Alpha is for testing new ideas Beta is for fixing the ideas that are kept on from alpha
  12. DLC map packs split the player base, I've never liked the practice and wish devs would stop doing it. Do publishers realise how many games I haven't bought because coming to the party late means having to buy the game and several DLC packs at once just to catch up?
  13. ironman Tetsuo

    loving the hacker threads

    threads about hackers make you as much of the problem as the hackers themselves. These threads are trophies to those guys, they love it when they can actually see the fallout of their actions. If you have a problem with hackers report it in the proper manner. Posting threads like these does nothing but stoke the flames higher. The systems are in place for a reason!
  14. ironman Tetsuo

    m14 aim or mk48 mod 0 ?

    I am currently packing the mk48 but I play as part of a group, one sniper, one supporter (me) and several scavengers. If you're a lone wolf player i'd suggest sticking with the M14, the mk48 is only any good if deployed properly (shot from a prone position) and is too cumbersome to be used acurately whilst running around firing from the hip.
  15. try playing Arma for practice, sounds like dumb advice but honestly it's the best thing you can do. Disable the DayZ mod via the expansions menu and reload the game, boot up the single player editor and try the training missions, they will help you far more than any video or piece of written advice.
  16. I've never "lost" anything, I only gain experience :P
  17. low price point is low...? Speculation is speculation. Patience is a virtue.....!
  18. ironman Tetsuo

    So criticism not allowed here?

    I just read your Original post twice and I still don't understand what you're trying to say.
  19. ironman Tetsuo

    Help me understand DayZ stand-alone.

    Did you even read the announcement, it's pretty clear concerning the plans for the future of the mod and the stand alone game. The Mod will continue to be supported, you haven't wasted your money on AO, you can continue to play what you bought it for. The Stand-alone game will be seperate. it will be released still in Alpha (maybe Beta) for a small fee (probalbly between £10-20) and will be updated gradually until it reaches Gold status and is officially-officially released just like Minecraft did earlier this year. Concerning your problem with only seeing DayZ servers, i think DayZ currently disables normal Arma while active (maybe to stop some types of hack?) you will need to go into the expansions menu and un-tick the DayZ mod and then restart the game. As for other mods or how to get in on Arma games, google is your friend.
  20. Ever considered the possibility that if they don't respond they might not have heard you or maybe they even speak a different language? The alternative to shoot on sight isn't to prance around in front of someone else's gun swinging daisy chains, you still have to keep yourself safe, stay in cover, demand that they don't point their gun in your direction, think about how you're approaching people and what exactly you want to achieve by it. You also have to think about how you appear to the other person, bounding out of cover yelling "hey" waving a high powered assualt rifle around is enough to spook even the most passive of players into panic shooting. Don't expose yourself or put yourself in danger just to talk to another player, don't expect everyone to want to buddy up and cetainly don't drop your guard for a second. -------- The other day I was playing with two other friends on a night time server (mmmm full moon!) when a large truck started chasing us through the woods, horn booming, dust flying, it spooked us and we opened fire on the wheels but in the end it turned out to be a friendly German who just wanted to offer lifts. He got out of the cab and we apologised for shooting, he warned us about a dangerous looking player hiding in the factory down the road (another one of our clan), we declined a ride to the closest town and bid him farewell and went in opposite directions.
  21. lol, I don't know how Rocket can spend 5 hours a day looking at threads like these and keep sane, so many douches, so many closed minded opinions and superiority complexes, it would drive me nuts (reading just 3 pages of this shit has melted my frontal lobe already!) I suppose the only reason I torture my eyes with this drivel is for those little slithers of intelligence that sit between the cracks of crud... oh, and whoop! Very excited for the standalone version :)
  22. yes, and you can probably expect the introduction of even more features that need more than one person to activate them, these will be the elements that Rocket introduces in an effort to force players into more situations where they must "trust" another player.
  23. ironman Tetsuo

    Do some zombies see much further then others?

    all Zombies see the same distance, the reason you get the variation in detection is because the system now runs off of a % chance of being seen. If there's a 99% chance you'll be seen from a certain position most of the Zs wont see you but there's always a chance one will be that 1% that does and he's the one that chases you from across the field.
  24. ironman Tetsuo

    What is the point to DayZ, if not to kill players?

    I play for the unique experiences that come from interaction with other players, you don't get those if you shoot them on sight before they do something funny.... I do not play for "fun", the word "fun" has no place in this game. I play for terror, panic and paranoia, if my hands aren't sweaty and my heart pumping then i'm doing it wrong. Edit: PvP player: Sees another guy run past him into a building, shoots him dead. This is your DayZ experience our group spots another guy running past into a building, we surround the building and fuck with occupant to the point where he either freaks out or quits. Or maybe we'll chat and he'll tell us a story and swap gear or maybe we will just shoot him, but that's the point, we play for more variation than just deathmatch, I can get that from any other FPS on the market. You know what you can't do in those other FPS? You can't bluff a fully armed player into dropping his gear, you can't freak another player out by chucking flares at them from an unseen position, you can't stop and offer lifts to other players in a Skoda, you can't... list goes on and on, it's not my fault you're too narrow minded to see anything more than PvP.