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ironman Tetsuo

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Everything posted by ironman Tetsuo

  1. ironman Tetsuo

    Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

    yes, with the one key i bound to "evade forward" which goes from prone to full sprint in under a second.
  2. ironman Tetsuo

    The problem with modern gaming

    actually, on a serious note, you can't blame casual players for ruining the industry (for one, the industry is bigger, stronger and more diverse than it's ever been, it certainly isn't ruined) the real culprit is popularity. The moment anything becomes big enough to become worth investing in then the increased flow of money will bring with it all the other more unsavoury aspects of big business. It happens with movies, music and art and now gaming is big enough to have it happen as well. But this is not a "bad"! thing per say, it's just change and we can be very resistant to change especially when we feel like we're losing something (justified or not) I have been playing computer games since the Vic20, I used to spend saturday afternoons copying code from magazines into my Spectrum just to make the worlds worst racing game, but I loved it all the same. Would I want to go back? Would I want to give up all I have now for what I had then? If I take off the rose tinted glasses then i'm afraid the answer is "NO BLOODY WAY!" Even with games I wouldn't touch with a barge pole taking up the top ten slots in the format charts doesn't mean I haven't been exposed over the last 5 years to some of the greatest games I've ever played or had even wished of playing. Gaming now is amazing, I can spend a £40 on a AAA rollercoaster ride or £2 on a witty indie hit or £12 or a game that isn't even released yet and have hours of enjoyment, I've never had such a wide choice of games over such a bredth of genres and I don't even have to get off my arse to buy a new game I can do it over the magical interwebs without leaving the flat! Of course there's a lot of chaff out there, gaming is now big business, but there is also so much more if you scratch past the surface, and a lot of what is still great about gaming today is only possible because of all those other bits we pretend to hate.
  3. ironman Tetsuo

    The problem with modern gaming

    damn those minesweeper/solitaire players! Damn them all to hell for ruining my hobby! QQ :P
  4. Humanity has nothing to do with justice or consequences, killing someone no matter what they did doesn't make you a more humane person. You could take the world's most innocent person and have them execute every scumbag on death row and they wouldn't come out the other side feeling very good about it.
  5. ironman Tetsuo

    The problem with modern gaming

    i'm just a jaded gamer in his thirties, pass me my gaming slippers and i'll tell you all a story about when all this was just green fields, hopes and dreams... B)
  6. ironman Tetsuo

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    only the immature concern themselves so rabidly with the concept of actually being mature....
  7. ironman Tetsuo

    The problem with modern gaming

    the problem with modern gaming is modern gamers :P
  8. ironman Tetsuo

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    but, can I still watch Adventure Time?
  9. ironman Tetsuo

    Everyone that thinks PVP should be removed....

    you obviously didn't read the post....
  10. ironman Tetsuo

    Everyone that thinks PVP should be removed....

    whereas you must be so busy you don't bother reading the threads you just reply to what you think they're about instead??
  11. ironman Tetsuo

    Invincability is stupid easy now....

    you're not supposed to report those issues here, they keep the cheat/glitches in a seperate forum for a reason and it's not hard to find.
  12. ironman Tetsuo

    Hitman For Hire

    right in front of me on this server ThePaidAssassin 2 cans of beans
  13. ironman Tetsuo

    Hackers on every server

    ON EVERY SERVER!?!?!?! but, but... i'm the only person on this server... does this mean... no wait, it can't be.... surely not.... Nooooooo! I'm a hacker!* *i'm not really, i'm just a facetious shit :blush:
  14. ironman Tetsuo

    Nerf the zombies...

    QQ Why should zombies act in a black and white fashion, why can't the occasional Z catch you off guard? Having all Z's act/react in the exact same way would make the game feel mechanical, I think unpredicatability is much better.
  15. ironman Tetsuo

    Everyone that thinks PVP should be removed....

    I think you're over reacting. Even if you could find me 10,000 players that want PVP removed from the game that would still only be 1% of the total install base for the mod, hardly something to get worked up about. When people are killed needlessly they will feel hard done by, they will complain and say it's unfair but it's only a reaction to events that led up to their death, they don't really want PvP removed, they just wished they'd survived the gun fight :P
  16. But murder isn't a humane act no matter what your justification may be, why should you receive humanity for an act that requires it's abandonment? you're looking at the system like it was a "score" and thinking it should act as such, but it isn't.
  17. ironman Tetsuo

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    /apols, double post, don't know how to delete it
  18. ironman Tetsuo

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    they're obviously place-holders. Why waste a whole day creating kick-arse skins if you don't even know if you will keep the bandit/hero morphing in the game at all anyway? Try to look past the aesthetics and at the actual idea itself, that's what is being trialled, it's not a fashion show! :P
  19. ironman Tetsuo

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    how many of the million players are Bronies? I'm not even sure what they are, you do realise there's more to the internet than 4chan memes right?
  20. nope Even though i've only been on the bad end of the high powered snipes I wouldn't want to see them removed. It's hard to make a real judgement when everything else is so incomplete and things like duping and ammo glitching alter how affective these weapons are I still think they deserve a place in the game. What i'd like to see is less ammo for them to make it so that snipers don't just spam the things, each bullet should be precious to engourage smarter use. Once another 100 types of weapon have been introduced to diversify the arsenal of the game and duping/glitching is fixed their use should calm down.
  21. ironman Tetsuo

    Are zombies more bugged since ?

    the only strange (or what i'd consider "unintended") behaviour I've witnessed has been when you hear a Z but can't see him anywhere. Usually it turns out they're buried within a structure, if you get close to the walls you can sometimes see their arms poking out trying to grab you.
  22. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Gamescom goes on till Sunday Rocket has said to expect 1.7.3 after Gamescom has finished Rocket has said he hopes the Standalone to be available later this year (I got all that from the AMA)
  23. ironman Tetsuo

    Surviving. Really?

    you personally know all 1 million+ players? Your facebook must be a nightmare to navigate... I don't shoot on sight
  24. lol, two paragraphs of rambling insults before you even approach something resembling an opinion is not the best way to communicate with what you consider a community of low attention, the only thing I see failing is your career in mass debating...
  25. Sorry dude, but if you have a shit connection you should really stick to single player games, you can't expect modern games design to revolve around 56k dial ups.....