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ironman Tetsuo

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Everything posted by ironman Tetsuo

  1. Rocket was a contractor at BI, he didn't see any money from those sales, all it got him was a foot in the door and the chance to work on his dream. That's a bad example, there have been many regular updates to minecraft since it went official, i'm not sure how this is to be seen as a bad thing? When was the last time you worked for a million+ people for nothing but love (not that you get much love from the internet, it's full of people who think they know better without actually knowing anything in particular
  2. ironman Tetsuo

    This game is garbage at its current state.

    you played a garbage game for 12 hours straight? Man, that must have been torture... being screwed over, on purpose or by mistake is still part of the experience Rocket intended. If the game doesn't make you cry then it isn't working
  3. whilst that is true to a certain extent, maybe it would help if you viewed the situation like this... You open a sandwich shop where every week you invent a new sandwich to add to the menu and for the first few weeks you have a few hundred regular customers. Then a food critic walks by, tries a sandwich and loves it so much he writes it in his blog. Before you know it there's 1 million customers all wanting your sandwiches except you're not prepared for so many, where will they sit? how do they all reach the counter? So while you're busy building chairs and tables and asking friends to man the till/register (intercontinental!) you just don't have the time to create new sandwiches. So instead you get offers from big food vendors, they offer you a bigger premises and hire staff for you but while you're busy trying to keep up with this massive explosion in popularity and the responsibility that comes with it your original 600 customers are moaning about how you haven't made a new sandwich in weeks and how they don't like the smell of all these new guys who they suspect are just bagelFAGS hopping on the sandwich bandwagon. Now everyone is fighting in your shop and shouting at you to make more sandwiches with beef in and how they don't like chicken, but some other guys love chicken so now they fight and you don't know what the next new sandwich should be... So you say "fuck it" I didn't want all of this, I just wanted to make sandwiches... I could keep this up for ages.... :blush:
  4. ironman Tetsuo

    Bullet registry = Zero close combat in DayZ

    like i've already mentioned, peer to peer systems can show the same firefight differently for each person involved, for all you know on his screen you didn't shoot him and he unloaded first. It's very hard to tell just by what you see but usually the result is accurate even if what you saw was different. This happens a lot in other peer to peer FPS games, it happened in Halo all the time, and you will only notice the differences if the game has a kill cam because then you get to see both sides and what may have seemed like BS from your side turns out to be entirely different from the other perspective.
  5. ironman Tetsuo

    A Few Questions About Cars

    sometimes it's hard to get the damaged section you want to repair to appear in the scroll list and it can get especially confusing with wheels as there are four of them and even with one damaged wheel only the option to repair the good wheels shows up. You have to keep circling the vehicle until you get all the parts listed in red. As far as i know vehicles don't duplicate, if it respawns the original doesn't stay where it was. I think the vehicle "save" feature is bugged at the moment though as it doesn't seem to work very reliably
  6. ironman Tetsuo

    Bullet registry = Zero close combat in DayZ

    We need to know if you were 3rd or 1st person as this can affect aiming by quite a bit. Also, firefights are worked out Peer-to-peer so the strength of connection you share between yourself and another player can have a big affect on the outcome whilst the game tries to keep up.
  7. How is it an excuse? The Alpha isn't supposed to work, it is solely for adding stuff that breaks things, Beta is for fixing everything you kept on from Alpha. If we were making a cake, this is the part where you put everything in a bowl and mix it up, the next stage will be to put it in the oven but you're saying "OH MY GOD! This isn't cake! this is flour and stuff in a bowl, it's not even solid! how can I trust you to finish the icing!!!!"
  8. ironman Tetsuo

    So.. Hackers. (Not a rage thread)

    I was playing on a night-time server with a pop of around 12 when we were all teleported to Kamenka mid-air, pretty much everyone managed to log out before dying (it's so easy to avoid once you know what's coming!) but then we all seemed to log back into the same server 5 minutes later, everyone joining (on the ground) somewhere in Kamenka at night, it was like a fireworks party, gunfire everywhere, great fun!
  9. you know, more people might listen to you if you weren't so abrasive for no apparent reason. And what the hell is a CoDfag anyway? Me thinks the lady doth protest too much....
  10. lol, troll. OP is lazy/incompetent/do not know what they are talking about. Rocket was hired as a contractor to work on ARMA III's multiplayer, he was not BI staff He was only properly hired as Lead for standalone DayZ by BI early August, so from December until then DayZ was a one man project worked on in his spare time with no money.
  11. ironman Tetsuo

    Why geared up players are hard to kill

    I find it funny because the people that alt-f4 are most probably the same people that moan about the game getting boring too quickly. They ruin their own game by avoiding the one thing that makes it great, risk/reward.
  12. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ on consoles

    you missed my point, can you find a PC for £190 that runs BF3 as well as the PS3. I know a top spec PC shits on all the consoles but that wasn't the question.
  13. ironman Tetsuo

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    then mod it, there's plenty out there and plenty more being developed, that's the beauty of PC gaming.
  14. ironman Tetsuo

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    3 minutes is not long especially if you were around at the begining, it used to take in excess of 5. Are you getting stuck in loading or eventually getting through? I've found since the latest update my load in times have dramatically decreased but it depends on the server and how many other people are logging on (and keeping the hive busy) at the same time
  15. ironman Tetsuo


    An even easier and quicker solution would be to not use them until they're fixed or can you just not resist the tenty goodness?
  16. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    5 whole days! you've had to wait FIVE WHOLE DAYS!!! man, shall i call the WHAAAmbulance, sounds like you're suffering real bad, it could be fatal
  17. ironman Tetsuo

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Fifa is a bad example especially when the greatest football game ever made was ISS Pro on the N64. It was blurry, the players looked nothing like their real world counterparts and they couldn't even afford the proper licensing and yet it was amazing to play especially with 4 players. The addition of 1080p and 60fps+ wouldn't really change the game in the slightest. not really ringing true there. Is BF3 on the PC locked to the same sized maps and player count as it's console version? Nope So why do you feel DayZ would suffer the same (imaginary) threat?
  18. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ on consoles

    Did the xbox/andriod versions of Minecraft have any affect on it's PC counterpart? No Stop getting your knickers in a twist over nothing. Care to find me a PC that costs under £190 that will run BF3?
  19. ironman Tetsuo

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    then play a Civ clone that does it right, there's plenty of them out there. That's the great thing about PC gaming, choice and availability! Don't like the look of the new "dumbed down" X-Com? play Xenonauts! (side-note. I first played X-Com on the Playstation, it was exactly the same experience as it's PC counterpart, it just took longer to move the cursor around) Don't like the way the BF series is heading, play ARMA! But ARMA couldn't be what it is today without the investment from the army, they have their secured income so they develop the game to that market and the rest of us "normal" gamers get to reap the reward. Without that investment then BI would have to rethink their entire approach in order to make enough money to keep their programmers fed (and occasionaly washed...)
  20. ironman Tetsuo

    What DayZ Needs

    the solution is simple, advance the mod into a standalone game where you have more power and control.... oh wait, that's already happening :)
  21. ironman Tetsuo

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    how many of the million+ DayZ PC gamers are running a top end rig? Yes high end PCs are better, but not everyone has one so using the top end of the market to represent the majority is a mistake. This is also ignoring the fact that developing for a split market is much harder than developing for a stable system. Why do you think the I-phone has a better suite of apps than andriod? it's the exact same thing, in this case, I-phone is like a console and the 1,000 different types of andriod handset represent the PC.... i'm an andriod owner by the way :) at the end of the day a console is a PC, it's just a fixed spec PC, it's the markets that are different and like it or not if you want multi-million AAA games then expect them to be developed for the largest market, it happens in every other industry.
  22. ironman Tetsuo

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    nonsense the reason BF3 is "dumbed" down (even ignoring the fact it's better on PC anyway) is because it's a mass-market game, they spent millions on making it and then many more millions advertising it, if you think you can break even on a game like that catering only to the hardcore PC elitist crowd then you're very misguided. If you want games that need massive investments then you can expect its design to reflect the audience it needs to attract in order to recoup those massive costs.
  23. ironman Tetsuo

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    honestly? Really? what a bunch of toss. why does the thought of a console conversion later down the line offend you so much? All of your points are biased nonsense. Games are not dumbed down for consoles, games are dumbed down for mass-markets because if you spend 5million+ developing a game you need the mass-market to buy it in droves in order to make a profit, this is a problem with the game development community as a whole and has nothing to do with "stupid" console players. DayZ isn't going to cost Rocket 5million to make, he wont need to make sure it is bought buy everyone and their dog just to break even. Even if a "dumbed down" (god that phrase is the biggest load of bollox ever) version was created the PC game is the lead model, it wont be backwardly affected and besides, if all the kids play the console version that leaves the PC version free for the more mature players. /le sigh I'm a console gamer I also play a lot of PC games too, and I certainly don't need sixupdater to get a simple mod working because I have brains! Imagine that, a console gamer with brains, we're really not that rare and we are not the reason for games being dumb, dumb business practices are the sole culprit.
  24. ironman Tetsuo

    all of you who says that bandit skin = terrorist

    terrorist: one who seeks to control others through terror... Sounds like a DayZ bandit to me! :)