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ironman Tetsuo

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Everything posted by ironman Tetsuo

  1. ironman Tetsuo

    My secret for a quick gear up

    Server hopping is lame, by all means shoot those cheap bastad snipers whenever you get the chance but if you have to play dirty to get the job done you're no better than your prey.
  2. ironman Tetsuo

    First time I've been generally pissed

    shoot your friend but make it look like an attack from a mysterious stranger. Make sure you get to his body first and steal the gun, then hide the body and blame the fake-bandit. Not only do you get your favourite toy back but you also bring some much needed drama to your group.... >:( do iiiiiiit, you know you want it, give in to your temptation.
  3. ironman Tetsuo

    Dayz = PvP

    I've been playing DayZ happily for 10 weeks, in that time I have shot and killed only one other player and only then because he spawned on top of our group and shot dead my two buddies. In contrast to this, I have taken many new spawns under my wing, helped them out, armed them up and then sent them off on their way. I never shoot first even after being killed many times. To me the attraction of the game is the constant pull of PvP and being strong enough to resist it. I don't mind bandits, I don't mind those that lack the imagination to see DayZ as anything more than PvP, but I do mind being told that EVERYONE is a bandit and that NO-ONE plays for anything other than PvP. Sure speak for yourself but you don't represent me and you don't represent many of the million+ accounts playing so don't pretend you know all there is when all you have is your own anecdotal experiences.
  4. HAckers love DayZ because it is very popular and easy to break, once the stand-alone is released the mod will see less heat from script-kiddies, they will move on with the majority to something else. Once the mod has been taken as far as it can be Rocket will open it up and allow people to host real private servers and to even mod the mod themselves, this will then sort the issue out concerning the mod once and for all. There, it's already fixed, it will just take some time to happen, not because people are "lazy" or they don't "care" but because this is the only solution and you're just going to have to suck it up and wait. DayZ is a great game but if the current problems are too much for you then play another game for a while, there are plenty of great ones out there. You survived the begining of the year not even knowing a game like DayZ existed, you can wait a few more months for it to calm down without it killing you....
  5. Great idea (how dare you think of it before me!!), great read! You get all the beans.
  6. ironman Tetsuo

    Consoles eh?

    I smell a lot of fear and uncertainty in here along with the distinctive whisp of panic when there really needs to be none what so ever. I'm going to do my best to calm everyone's nerves... Don't fear the consoles. Those that believe the market hasn't shifted since games like Crysis 2 were planned are either too young to see the bigger picture or just have short memories. Over the last two years the PC has proven itself countless times as a great environment for game development. From Minecraft to Kickstarter and paid alphas and F2P models the PC is no longer seen as the untamed beast like it was during the last big console resurgence. That coupled with the timing, the limbo between console cycles where the old is no longer good enough but the new is still hidden behind corporate curtains the PC is THE upcoming market. There is no need to fear the influence of the consoles, the same way there is no need to fear the xbox or andriod versions of Minecraft having detrimental affects to the PC original. No matter what mistakes you may think Jeb has made since fostering Notch's abandoned baby, none of them have been because of consoles, xbox continues to wish it was PC Minecraft. Rocket has proven himself several times now to maybe not be the best scripter but definitely one full of heart and a will to carve out his own niche. DayZ is the two finger salute to the big risk averse companies that disillusioned him to the industry in the early years and I have no doubt that Dean Hall is not the type of person to drop the ball now for a few extra dollars when his dream of creating exactly what he wanted from the start is within his reach, a hardcore survival non-game that pursues other emotions besides cheap thrills. I'm 35 and i've been a gamer for 28 of those and I've seen platforms rise and die to rise again, I've played games on any device that will load them from whatever device that can carry them and believe me, the hardware will always change but the games will always be the best bit. MLNH
  7. EDIT: Reworded OP as it seems to be confusing some people Ideas for items survivors would trade for in an apocolypse. At the moment we have Ammo and rare items like NVGs, but can you suggest any others that would make good apocolypse currency? Things like, cigarettes, batteries etc.. obviously items with uses make more sense so you may need to suggest those as well, eg. Ciggies give you more stable aiming but your character runs out of breath quicker after long runs and you will also suffer withdrawal effects if you go too long without one. ------------------ Original Post below Hello fellow survivors! People have asked Rocket many times about adding in trade systems to the game but his reply to this and most other questions is that he'd rather add the ability for players to create these types of gameplay extensions themselves (like vigilante groups hunting bandits or the kinda thing Dr Wasteland does) which I totally agree with but I think for trade to work there has to be more items worth bartering for. At the moment we have ammo, guns and the rarer survival equipment, but that's not a great deal and I think we could add much much more. things like: drugs (recreational, like cigarettes) Batteries (dependant on other items actually using batteries i suppose) and Seeds (for creating farms) could make a good start but do you have any other suggestions you think could work in the setting?
  8. ironman Tetsuo

    Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

    thank you! You understand, although I fear It's my poor wording that's caused most of the confusion.
  9. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I know they plan to launch the stand-alone with the Chenarus+ map which is bigger than the one in the mod and has more enterable structures, other maps are also planned for in the future but I doubt they will include Lingor but most probably something just like it.
  10. ironman Tetsuo

    Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

    Any chance of keeping this thread on track? Suggestions for items not systems please.
  11. ironman Tetsuo

    Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

    I've edited the OP as it seems to be confusing people seeing as they're talking about actual trade systems which is not the point of this suggestions thread.
  12. ironman Tetsuo

    Apocolypse Currency (ideas for trade items)

    I don't think you understand what i'm asking I don't want a "system" I already explained in the OP that I agree with Rocket's stance on adding systems, and yes there will be currencies in the apocolypse, I'm not talking about adding Euros and Dollars, I'm talking about adding items survivors would need and could be traded and now i'm asking here for suggestions. Thanks for your input
  13. ironman Tetsuo

    I am the manhunter.

    B) *puts on Nerd Glasses* Actually his avatar is a character from Advance Wars, possibly one of the greatest TBS games ever created. :blush: *removes Nerd Glasses* carry on!
  14. ironman Tetsuo

    People who play 3rd person

    you, me, them, us. We were all casuals once upon a time.
  15. ironman Tetsuo

    I am the manhunter.

    I am the Walrus
  16. Rocket has talked about the inclusion of more weapons that you would find around the house like knives, bats etc, they are planned!
  17. ironman Tetsuo

    DayZ Dogs, My Opinion

    :o How much is that Doggie in the window? The one with the waggaly tail! ...and does it come with a free AS50?
  18. yes, because DayZ's current buggy-ness is because Rocket is a hack and not because it's a mod bolted on top of an immoveable framework originally built for another purpose entirely. The fact that a move to stand-alone is the only way to bypass these issues is all made up just to make him look good.... <_< And to those that believe that people only make games for the money are severely deluded, there's many more professions they could enter that would allow them to earn much more money for much less stress and skill, these nay-sayers are probably lacking the creative gene and have never worked on anything out of love. Yes you still have to charge for your work, if it takes up all of your time how else do you afford to eat or buy the equipment to create the thing in the first place?
  19. ironman Tetsuo

    Why Punish People for a Certain Playstyle?

    OP thinks pan-dimensional jumping is a valid form of defense in a zombie apocolypse? Maybe he should write a letter to Danny Boyle suggesting he use the technique in the next "28 (something) Later" film, i'm sure it would add a great deal of tension to the script when the main characters just disappear off screen whenever there's a little trouble. It really isn't a valid technique, it's just a left over from the Arma code beneath DayZ, it will not be possible in the stand-alone so the OP would be best to learn how to play properly before it's absence becomes too much of a shock when he upgrades to the real game. Dear OP How are you any different to those idiots that drop out of fighting games when they go a round down? Or those gits that play Fifa who just suddenyl quit the moment they concede a goal?
  20. ironman Tetsuo

    the douche to passive racio

    Our group was approached by an unarmed fresh spawn we came across in Balota, one of our clan was a bit suspicous and wanted to kill him just to teach him not to approach armed gangs but he seemed genuinely new and not too great with all the controls so we let him tag along on our trip up north. First we gave him just basic supplies (food/water etc) then when we reached the first town I gave him my hatchet for protection. Later we gave him a pistol with only 6 rounds of ammo (you can'[t do much damage with that) and by the end of the day we had him fully armed and ready to face anything. He even came to my rescue when a zombie knocked me unconcious with one swipe. This is the 2nd time we've resisted the urge to shoot and let someone tag along, I know from other posts these things can go very wrong but I feel as long as you're careful, keep at least one eye on them and make sure they don't have enough to kill your entire group in one go you're pretty much safe as houses. It's an aspect of the game I really enjoy, helping others makes it feel more like an apocolypse than killing everyone which to me feels like just a big ol' lawless riot... Not everyone is a douche, but always be careful when approaching other players and never expect them to welcome you no matter how many times you shout friendly. Don't rush towards people, that's the best way to panic them into shooting no matter how friendly they usually are. ------------- sorry, two stories... After we all got sent to cherno by a deathball hacker, everyone on the server rejoined/spawned and headed back to the scene of the carnage to recover their gear. When I made it to the pile of dead bodies another player was already there grabbing his stuff, he was fully armed so I kept my distance and pulled a salute and over comms I said "Hate Hackers, Love the game" After he had finished collecting his gear he moved aside to let me get my stuff, it would have been so easy for him to put me down in that moment but he just left me to it, when I looked up again he was gone. I will never succumb to shooting on sight, this game is so much more interesting when the interactions elevate beyond KoS
  21. ironman Tetsuo

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    I can see how the mouse is more precise than an analogue stick for head-movement/aiming but surely no one could argue that WASD is the best input method for movement, it's certainly not as good as having a second analogue stick. You also cannot argue that having all your input buttons as digital receptors spread across a flat device specifically designed for two-handed typing is better than having two dedicated analogue triggers and 14 buttons spaced naturally around the human grip... It's horses for courses at the end of the day, like mouse and Keyboard? Use it. Like a gamepad, use that instead, what does it really matter? OP gets my beans for contributing to the community even if not all of them appreciate it. Maybe he should have just started a hacker thread instead... :blush:
  22. The zombie apocolypse will never be balanced!!
  23. ironman Tetsuo

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    ugh, Zombie Goatse..... /pukes
  24. ironman Tetsuo

    For those complainers !

    sandbox games are much like blank pieces of paper, some people will write a story, some draw a picture, some just stare at it and say "well this is shit"....
  25. I'll think you'll find that BI have another rather big game launch in a few months, everyone at the company is crunching on ARMA III, it has deadlines to meet and contracts to honour you can't just move staff around willy nilly during peak periods.