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ironman Tetsuo

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Everything posted by ironman Tetsuo

  1. ironman Tetsuo

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    hackers create the scripts, the people that use them are just like you and me, games players. The only difference is they can't stand to lose, have some form of inferiority complex or have such shit lives scripting is the only form of power they have. It's more sad than anything else.
  2. ironman Tetsuo

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    The only real fix is the stand-alone, they're working on bringing it out as quickly as they can.... From the RPS interview with Marek Spanel: what was the decision behind making Day Z standalone, rather than keeping it as a mod, or turning it into DLC? Spanel: It was really difficult to support both Arma 2 and Day Z in their current cross-connected nature. Some of the problems for a standalone game of Day Z is nearly impossible to solve in Arma, especially with some of the cheating issues. And any change you make to Arma 2 requires that you think about changes to Arma 2 itself, and all the other mods that depend on it. Hundreds and hundreds of mods. We want to implement methods of countering cheats that would stop some great Arma II mods from working. The basic issue is that Day Z has reached such a height that there is no other way to support it. This will improve the experience, and to keep the mod growing professionally. It will also allow Dean to see some reward for his great work. rest of the interview here: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/23/day-z-arma-3/
  3. Our little clan still plays, we got a good few hours in last night battling a crew with a helicopter. The script-kiddies are annoying but we just live with it, when it gets too much we take a break. I don't mind waiting for the stand-alone before we get really serious with this game. If i can wait years for Half-Life 3 and still be interested i'm sure I can last a few months waiting for DayZ. This is from the RPS interview with Marek Spanel yesterday... Speaking of which – what was the decision behind making Day Z standalone, rather than keeping it as a mod, or turning it into DLC? "Spanel: It was really difficult to support both Arma 2 and Day Z in their current cross-connected nature. Some of the problems for a standalone game of Day Z is nearly impossible to solve in Arma, especially with some of the cheating issues. And any change you make to Arma 2 requires that you think about changes to Arma 2 itself, and all the other mods that depend on it. Hundreds and hundreds of mods. We want to implement methods of countering cheats that would stop some great Arma II mods from working. The basic issue is that Day Z has reached such a height that there is no other way to support it. This will improve the experience, and to keep the mod growing professionally. It will also allow Dean to see some reward for his great work."
  4. ironman Tetsuo

    Low Resolution Character Model

    Don't waste your cash buying the DLC unless you plan on playing Arma as well, the uniforms are only being used as placeholders and those were the ones he had access to at the time. Everything will be custom built and hi-res in the stand-alone
  5. ironman Tetsuo

    Stand alone game on new engine so...

    From the RPS interview: Hall: It’s more like Arma 2.5, and there’s a very important reason for that. Arma 2 has reached a certain level of maturity, and that’s important for Day Z. We want to do things like support a simple ragdoll, rather than the complex ragdoll that Arma 3 has, because we’re multiplayer and PvP focused. So yeah it’s more like Arma 2.5, but because we’ve got the guys who created the engine working directly on this game, we could soon see Day Z codebase looking very different. It’s actually based more on the Take On Helicopters architecture than what we’ve done with Arma 3
  6. ironman Tetsuo

    Are custom skins illegal??

    because people don't always understand why there are limits to the size of files in a multiplayer game, Imagine how much more data needs to be sent/received if all the players in a server were rocking these custom skins instead of the 1kb files. There is also another problem called copyright
  7. ironman Tetsuo

    First vehicle you ever drove?

    I found a Skoda out in the middle of the open near the NE Airstrip, after 30 mins of skulking around in the trees convinced it was a trap I made a mad dash for it, I then bee-lined it north as soon as the engine started. I got out near a small group of houses in Olsha to check if there was any loot in the boot, my eyes lit up when I spotted the satchel charge! Then I was one-hitted by a zombie and had to lay there staring at the car whilst the Z feasted on my guts, that was the longest timer I've ever had to sit through... :(
  8. ironman Tetsuo

    my humanity is ridiculous....

    Are you the goat from that infamous DayZ youtube clip? I imagine a room full of a thousand bloody corpses with you sat in the middle all puppy dog eyes "I didn't mean to kill them all..."
  9. ironman Tetsuo

    Swinko is a fag, all should hunt him

    no, he's obviously likening him to a small Scottish meatball I say "meat" in the broadest sense....
  10. question/demand = opinion? :huh:
  11. ironman Tetsuo

    Dayz Hunger GameZ

    excellent, I heard one of the streamers mention it a while ago but with no further details I thought I may have missed it. They'd have gotten double kudos points from me though if it had been called "DayZ Battle Royal" instead... B)
  12. ironman Tetsuo

    I...I Don't Understand.

    sounds like Desync, not to be confused with Debath or Detoilet
  13. ironman Tetsuo

    UK01, butthurt.

    if it happens in the afternoon it's called a pmbush... i'll get my coat... :blush:
  14. ironman Tetsuo


    i'm two blood transfusions away from getting it so i'll let you know! Personally i'm looking forward to being a bigger target for bandits, come at me bro!
  15. ironman Tetsuo

    Is this game dying?

    ever thought maybe you've put too many hours into a game that's only half developed? If you're still enjoying yourself that's great, but there's no crime in getting bored with an unfinished game, you can play something else whilst you wait for the stand-alone....
  16. Don't use six or commander, update manually like a 1337 pro!
  17. Bandits are great for the game but I still find it hard to fathom why people don't understand the hate. Who else are you going to hate if not the person that just killed you? Usually at the most annoying time when you had the best gear you'd ever laid your grubby hands on? It's madness, it's like people who have their house broken into hating burglars! Madness indeed....
  18. Rocket is working on a fix, it's called the Stand-alone, until then you either live with the hacks or play something else in the meantime, DayZ will still be here (bigger and better) when you come back. I promise not to eat all the beans while you're gone! :beans:
  19. ironman Tetsuo

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    because the time it took to remove it took precious resources away from other issues..? Display debug = false there, done it, on to the next fix!
  20. ironman Tetsuo

    Remove the score tally

    yeah most likely :(
  21. ironman Tetsuo

    Is this game dying?

    Mod: bolted on top Game: built from the inside out so yes, it will solve a lot of the problems
  22. ironman Tetsuo

    Remove the score tally

    Debug screen is being removed, you will still have player stats on the website though (once it's available again)
  23. ironman Tetsuo

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    homophobic much? seems like you're the person with the problem, everyone else is just living their lives.
  24. ironman Tetsuo

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    oh no something is changing, let's all just call it shit because we don't like change not even enough to experience it briefly before forming opinions from thin air... removing the hud is a great idea and we're just too used to them to see it any differently though. As long as it is replaced by indicators that feel more natural and in keeping with the game design than neon numbers in my face then i'm all for it. Belly rumbling when hungry, desaturated vision when low on blood, blurry vision when close to death. Too many RPG/FPS heads here who want to keep numbers on screen just because it's what they're used to. Debug screen was always going to go, how many games have you played that retain debug info on screen? Confirming kills should be done the old fashioned way (kick the body, if it moves shoot it again) having a magic number appear to notify you of a kill isn't in keeping with what this game wants to achieve. You can still get your e-peen hard by looking at your character stats on the website for a kill counter, but whilst in game it needs to go. I also think ammo counters need to go. Make it so you can actually count the bullets in a magazine (and share them out between half full mags) but once in the gun you should have to keep a mental note of how many rounds you have left.
  25. ironman Tetsuo

    First Lingor experience

    I thought this new map would just be a fad but it seems to Lingor on... B) Lingor Island looks cool but I think they need to sort out the loot spawns, I saw a post from some guy that pretty much amassed an entire army's worth of ordinance in two days... What I really want to play is Chernarus+, so excited for the stand-alone