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Everything posted by benjamina

  1. Name: Ben (mrthing in-game) Location: England GUID: c8164f7c8083f00a0c156ccc802a9085 Statement: The group of people that I play with regularly have all joined, and say nothing but good things. Essentially, much the same as everyone else I'm tired of private hives that are just full of hackers, and I'd like to play somewhere with a more active admin presence. Cheers.
  2. benjamina

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    You'd sooner have all your data stored on one single server, one character per server?. And hope that server remains stable, never breaks, or goes down, etc?. What do you propose?. You're talking negatively about what is (essentially, and definately, for a LARGE part fo the player base) an actual bona fide part of this great game :]. Just because a few carebears don't care for it, and because they're the most vocal, doesn't make it wrong.
  3. benjamina

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    Just to add, I have nothing against server hopping :]. It makes the game super interesting, and means you can (when hive is workign) have a constant world state that we call share, ongoing and very immersive. So many whiners/carebears. Ugh. Sorry you got skanked OP :[, no es bueno.
  4. Cheers for this chappy. After string of failed google suggestions this worked.
  5. After another hundred hours or so... Zombies are ridiculously sensitive. In-fact the whole zombie system has been entirely raped. The LOS system is buggy, works when it wants to, and at it's best is no means of compensation for the insanely perceptive radar zombies of uber damage. Of course they also spawn in all of the buildings. And even when they're outside and you manage to prone all the way in, it does little, they can magically see you through the wall, and prone or not, they're coming in to get you/give your position away. Terrible zombies... It's too dark. Wise up. Just, no more needs to be said. textures require a little gamma. Wake up.. Item spawns are borked. I spent 3 hours looking for a pistol yesterday, over 5-6 servers. Nada. And primary weps, forget it.. You'll find nothing at-all, and then 300 enfields in a room in the residential area of cherno, or something similarly ridiculous. And you want a compass?. Fuck no. Have 3 thousand watches.. I literally spend 2 hours finding a compass across 15+ servers (farming stores). No fun, no fun whatsoever. Morphine. We need to spawn with a morphine. Currently it's so hard to get, and the zombies are so ridiculously likely to spot you and break a leg, that it's just not worth going into towns. Which is a shame. The gun and food and whatnot I can do without. Basically the first few hours of a life now (and I see this in almost every player now, on all the servers) is just spent sprinting into the nearest town, running into the building you want, losing your aggro and looting, then sprinting to the next one and doing the same. Only when you've got everything you need and escaped without being killed by a player (because the zero spawn system has done absolutely nothing for pvp) can you actually start playing, and surviving. Everything right up until that point now is just boring boring nihilism. And it used to be one of the most fun parts of the game!.. Real spooky feels. Alas :(. dolan pls
  6. this. I bet some hilarious scenes will be going on within the next few hours. I can picture it now: numbers of people running about' date=' trying to choose between epi-pens and blood bags, or special weapons. This was needed though, I've come across some insane camps in the past few days. [/quote'] I don't get it. What's wrong with larger camps?.
  7. Kinda aimed at rocket, but just general thoughts rly.. Like most of the peeps here I play in a larger group of people, spend way too much time playing, and take it too seriously! :D. And tend to hear a lot of opinions and whatnot over comms. So, this is what seems to be the consensus, at least within our little community. I'm not going to concentrate on the smaller things here, glitches and so on. Rather on the more serious, game shaping issues. Maybe a few people agree?. The night time/lighting policy requires an entire re-think. Sending players out with flashlights is not a solution, it's going in completely the wrong direction, and glossing over a much bigger issue. The fact is that at night, with the current lighting and gamma settings, you can't see anything at-all. And carrying a torch around the middle of cherno isn't an option. So the server clears. Every time, night = dead server. It equals no players. No-one wants to walk around a black screen, it's as simple as that. I absolutely understand the desire for ambiance and claustrophobia, and fear!. And for the need to avoid allowing the game to turn into a massive gamma driven PvP event.. But it's really looking like this isn't the way to go about it. You can't force people to run around throwing flares. It feels unnatural, and stupidly dangerous, given the environment. And doesn't at all suit the more serious gamer!.. Please do something about it, because at 9pm GMT, Europe feels like it loses it's game. PvP is important. There's such a fine balance with regards to PvP within a zombie/npc environment. And I feel that the onus is being shifted too far towards the role of one who is avoiding zombies, at the expense of an enjoyable co-op and PvP experience. We need a scary, serious game. But also a fun game. I don't want to have to prone all the way through a city. It's not fun, and it's not immerse. I want to be able to crouch walk, fairly close to zombies. Certainly at night. To have a freedom to pay lip service to the threat, but to ultimately be able to weave a line through them, and get on with whatever I'm doing (get on with the immersive task that's got me playing for 10 hours at a time).. Line of sight is great. But again, we're glossing over an issue, rather than dealing with it and adding new and amazing things. Rein the sensitivity in dude. Spawning with a bandage, painkillers and a torch... . . I spawn at Elektro. Completely defenseless. I have a limited amount of time to find food and water. So I have to go into town, when really.. Who on earth wants to go into town?, I just died up north, all my friends are raiding the airfield. And you just added another 45 mins to my travel time!. Why would you do that to me? :[. Add to this it's pitch black, and I'm using a flashlight. Any player who got there, and got to the guns before me, kills me. If I get there first and find a gun, I have no choice but to kill anyone I see, because if I don't, they're gonna see me prancing about like a total noob with a flashlight in 5 mins time and blow me away. Anybody on the server coming south with NVG's is a god, and cannot be passed or beaten. So I'm walking from the beach, and I'm annoyed. I'm looking at 45 mins of trying to stay a million miles away from a trillion very sensitive zombies, entering a town, no idea where I'm going because I can't dare use my flashlight, and I don't even have a crappy little makarov to defend myself :[. I have to switch to a daytime server, and make sure there aren't many people on. And that's not immersion :[, it's lots of sighing and many sads (and frankly, there aren't enough good servers to make the game playable in that way atm). It feels like it's been included to add a little initial sense of atmosphere for the noobies, without really thinking about the impact on the more experienced players, who's survival game is a more long term affair, and who's spawn gear is a means to at least have a little chance of survival in the short term.. You nerfed hope, brother! :D. Life has to be precious. Losing a life, and starting again from the shore with very little has to mean something. It has to be a pita. I really understand that, and it's one of the great balancing acts that makes the game so unique. But we need to remember too that for a large percentage of the player base, life is up north, it's playing with friends and exploring the landscape. The 1:30hr or so it took to get up north before the update was perfect. The way in which we navigated the first cities, with a little side arm and whatnot, pretty good!. It didn't need to be changed in this way. Zombies. Too many spawns, too good at detecting players. And why am I bleeding from a zombie punch?. Makes no sense. Simply put.. Totally borked. Rein it all in. Dem Suggestions!.. The night/light issue. Allow the gamma hack, but limit it (not severely!, we NEED to see where we're going to some degree, without the use of additional lighting . The other thing is, the way that you've dealt with it. there's just no detail whatsoever in most of the indirectly lit textures. They're part of a solid black block, 2/3 of the screen tall. Those textures need a little detail. I need to be able to tell a tree from a road (and either way, ultimately those few people who prefer the ultra dark have an option. They can join a quiet server, leave the gamma down low and play in a 'Fear' fashion). Include some level of ambient lighting in the dead of night, and those of us who want to get about can boost gamma and not have our experience hampered. I don't know of a way to limit gamma/lighting to within a set radius around the player. But that would be ideal. Beach spawn items. Change them back. Maybe a single bandage and morphine, makarov with 2 clips, beans and soda. That would be a far better solution. I want what I have on me to give me a chance to get into the map a little ways. And compasses, and other more useful items, could be moved slightly further inland. I don't feel that such pressure and onus should be placed on the first line of cities. Chernarus is a big map with lots to explore. Hackers.. Worry less about the gamma, item dupes and whatnot, and focus all the dev at this point on the guys crashing servers and spawning in cherno with rocket launcher and .50 cals. The dupes aren't ruining my game. The guys killing everyone in the server are. Zombie interactions.. Crouch walking at 12-15 meters from zombies at night should be 1 bar noise and sight (soft ground). In the day, 2 bars. Anything more is annoying, time consuming (not in a positive way, we all spend plenty of time prone, this doesn't need to be increased) and works against my immersion. Line of sight and hiding are fantastic additions to a well functioning system (one which we all invested in when we purchased the game!, we like it, it doesn't need to be borked!. Zombies are far too sensitive at this point!). I you want to increase zombie risk/interactions overall, add small pockets of them at random spawn points in forests or some such. The sad thing is that as of the time of posting, it would be a better game if there were no zombies at-all :[. Forced server restarts. Somehow, we need to force all servers to restart regularly. It gets unplayable very quickly on most of the bigger servers. And gets confused with client side gfx issues. I'll add more to this thread as I think of it. But after playing for another 10+ hours today, those are my feels. Tis beta after all, so this is constructive criticism, not me having a go :]. I don't think rocket is particularly good at balancing the game. And again, I'm being constructive. it's an amazing mod, my favorite game for a long long time; and I have lots of admiration. I just wish more people were involved in the overall game-defining decisions.
  8. benjamina


    Honestly I don't know what to say. Firstly, if there is such a thing as an anti-game, this definitely isn't it. It conforms to all kinds of established gaming norms. And as people have said already, operates on an action>reward basis. It's a game game.. And ofc it's ultimately up to the dev to decide how this goes. But it's kind of up to us, the players, to tell them what we think, and what we want!. Because sometimes something takes on a life of it's own :]. Edit, just to add after reading that. he talks about "But I also wanted them to feel a tension from the environment, from the weather, from the land. ". And that's amazing!. but you know, making everything pitch black, and rendering the average player unable to venture into towns and cities, doesn't seem like part of the plan.
  9. benjamina

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    Hey. Noone is trolling you, we are having a so called 'debate'. If you can't stand having people disagree with you, you shouldn't make posts on a public forum. Have you thought about keeping a diary? I think that would suit your 'everyone-should-agree-with-me-because-I'm-great-and-I-want-it' attitude. Have a pleasant day, regardless. That's so condescending :[. Of course dayz is about other things. And I'm sure arma is a fantastic game too!. I've not tried it, but I've played similar games with much fun... Yes I enjoy military games, and co-ordinated teamplay and whatnot. But I'm also in it for the same things that you are!, fear and claustrophobia, zombies and scavenging and 4am adventures and whatnot. It just so happens that you gobble what you're spoon-fed, asking very little in the way of why and how.. I feel that being as the game's in alpha, and most of the feedback that seems to circulate this forum on a regular basis is self serving and not very productive, it's quite good that people are posting concerns, and giving rocket a different point of view (different to your, as I see it - droll opinion on the future of the mod). It's quite ironic really, that you'd accuse me of not being able to handle disagreement, when you're part of a group of stubborn people who are so desperately offended and flatly unwilling to heed the concerns of a group of players of an opposing viewpoint.. Very smooth.
  10. benjamina


    Lovely forum this is. A giant circle jerk. And dare we speak out, my god.. I only joined today to post some ideas about the mod. But what a nasty community :[. And to make it worse, you're so vocal, leading rocket down some wayward path :[. Why don't you leave? (op).
  11. benjamina

    If I were rocket...

    His efforts are amazing, dude. No-one's disputing that. In-fact people are up in arms BECAUSE they love the game so much. Rocket's trying to shift the onus of the game from a PvP game in a zombie environment, into a zombie/creeper game with a small PvP element. But he's not given anything to replace the PvP, nothing to placate the pk'ers or PvP'ers. And he's listening to the wrong people. The majority of this forum want an Amnesia experience in a zombie post apocalypse. And seem to do not a lot more than agreeing with rocket and towing the line. Which is a shame.. Unfortunately that doesn't represent the majority of actual players, who play it because of it's <1.7.1 style of gameplay.
  12. Be fair to the guy.. He was never going to get an agreeable response. He's angry, and he lacks tact, yes!. But then on the other hand, this forum basically seems to be populated by people who refuse to see any alternative to whatever's put on their plate. Which is a shame. An indy game dev needs a mix of feedback, and from what i'm reading today, you guys don't really represent the average dayz player..
  13. That's what he's doing duder :]. he just feels passionate about the game. And I agree with him :]. Makarov with 2 mags maybe?.
  14. benjamina

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    It's a shame, because I'm being trolled in a fairly serious thread, and these issues are effecting thousands of people who really put a lot of gamer-hope and play time into this mod :[. No-one wants the danger to be removed, or the servers to be black and white day during night time. But what we DO want is a little detail in the textures, so we can see roughly where we're going (and I know, that's an arma patch thing, either way, get it fixed) and for the zombies to be just slightly less fucking brutal than they are..
  15. benjamina

    The Problem with 1.7.1

    I agree with OP. In-fact I did the same thing earlier. It's become a game of running aimlessly in town, not really worrying about zombies, and then logging in the forest when 3 trillion of them have seen you on a radar 2 miles outside a deer stand..
  16. benjamina

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    When you die and you start a new character, you want to get to your old characters status nearly straight away. That is what he's getting at. Old character is dead man, you screwed up somewhere and got killed. You might be lucky to get back to it in time to get your gear, but that is a risk you are going to have to weigh up by running to the NWAF with noob gear. Personally, when my character dies, I pretend its completely gone. Completely forget about it and start over, enjoying what the game has to offer without being paranoid about my gear - I tell you, it's a lot more fun than running around with leet gear looting the same shit day after day. As for the dark, I personally love the claustrophobic feel of having a flashlight and not being able to see anything but a small section of my screen. Game has balls as a requirement, time to start using them son. Easy mode is gone. You're completely missing my point old chap. I don't want to get to my old character/weapons or anything like that. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm just as happy plunking about with a lee enfield as I am shooting things with a DMR at the air field. I'm under no illusions as to the intention of the game. As I said, dying really has to mean something. It's one of the most important balancing acts in the game!. But what I don't want is to be lumped in the dark with a flashlight and a ridiculous set of circumstances. The game should be hard!, absolutely. But this just feels like a very lazy way to create atmosphere. It's akin to jump-scare horror films. What I want is a more balanced game!. So that people like you - who want to spend the whole game crouching and slowly moving through the countryside alone, can have a similarly enjoyable experience as me, someone who wants to move with a little more freedom, collecting car parts and meeting friends and so on. Just a middle ground, for both of us, that's all I'm suggesting. Oh' date=' you're one of [i']them I'm glad you are having some troubles now. I'm making a point. Let's not pretend bandits are goign to be any less likely to kill for sport just because someone has a torch!. In-fact, imo they'll be far more likely!, it will become quite trendy.. We already wanted to avoid death?. Death mean great danger and hours of trecking long before this update. I don't see any need to make it more annoying than it already was. The balance, I and many others felt, was set. 'Learn to live with the lighting or go play another game' - what kind of attitude is that?. You'd be the one here speaking out if you felt differently, and you wouldn't like to be told to 'go play another game', it's not constructive.. This game is a success because of it's community!, and we don't all feel like you do dude, as you might imagine. Yes the game is about choices. Then give me the choice to make the game playable by gaving a little detail in my textures!.. I don't have that choice. And what on earth does action and consequence have to do with the brightness of a game?!. I make lots of choices while playing, we all do, and they have interesting consequences. But being in the pitch black doesn't add anything to that, nor do overpowered zombies who have radar.. And what?. Of course what the community wants makes a difference. Why do you think rocket starts threads with new ideas asking for opinions?. Why are elements implemented and withdrawn because the player base don't think they work?, etc. The dev team are building a fantastic game. And it's as much my duty as it is yours to give feedback. Why you have to talk to me like a mother telling of her child is beyond me. I frequently see larger groups. Certainly from being on various gaming forums and whatnot, communities play this game together, 2-3 at a time, sometimes 10-20 at a time!. It's a very enjoyable experience, and adds a fantastic element to an already great game. I'm not being sarcastic here, you can PM me, and I'll be happy to pick you up and you can come play in a larger group for a while and see how you feel about it. Not every group runs around killing for no good reason. Lots of us enjoy making friends and building things. 100% agree. So sick of these World of Warcraft kiddies complaining about losing their characters/gear. Its like they've been conditioned by all the games out there to value their character and their "stats" or PHAT EPIC PURPLE LOOTS. They dont play the game as it should be played. You make as good a run as you can with your current character until you take a bullet to the face for being sloppy or make a dumb mistake and get eaten by ZEDs. People need to learn to start over and enjoy the build up to phat lewts. To many of them been sitting with phat lewts to long they let it get to their head that they're invincible. World of warcraft kiddies?' date=' hahaha. Dude I'm 29 years old and I've never played a 'mmorpg' in my life, and I don't care for the taste of mountain dew either!. You're completely and utterly missing my point. I'm not interested in retaning stats or weapons, it doesn't interest me at-all. in-fact prior to this update I used to value the death process!. It would bring me back to a very fundemental element of the game, and I'd have to make my way north and so on. Appreciate what I'd lost!. Whereas now it's just OTT, massively stacked and unbalanced. I love this.. "They dont play the game as it should be played. You make as good a run as you can with your current character until you take a bullet to the face for being sloppy or make a dumb mistake and get eaten by ZEDs."... It's a survival game.. 'The way it's supposed to be played' (there's no such thing!) is simply to survive!!. You survive your way, and many many people survive my way!, it's all the same. The point is to enjoy the game, the environment, and to survive. Ugh :[. Read my post, silly.