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Everything posted by melismomma

  1. melismomma

    optimizing my laptop for dayz?

    Does anyone with Alienware M17 x r4 have issues starting Dayz? I can't get it to start after 5 days of purchasing the game... I can't go beyond Wait a moment.... with Dayz sign in the middle of my screen. I don't want to cancel this order.. I want to play it sooo bad.... checked firewall did all the admin on steam to do my best to start it... wont load even after 15 minutes of wait a moment... screen.. i cant go further... why????
  2. melismomma

    game will not start

    I am also having an issue getting this game to start i have Dayz wait a moment on the top left corner...... and thats it. I can't go further in the game. I already checked fired wall and I also have Alienware. Alienware M17 X r4 Quad core I7 8gig ram and 500 GHz.... still cannot start it.. I only have one other game thats Evil within and that works from steam... so not sure what the issue is here.. I did what u said above but still cannot start it.