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About E.J.

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. E.J.

    Who else is hyped for the new audio?

    1. I'm all for new ambient noises that make sense, but I hope they won't be as overpowering as they are right now. ie- Literally in the middle of an axe fight with all the swearing, and all I can hear are birds chirping with a direct line into my head like they took up residence there.... instead of them being in the distance in the tree line, or on top of the nearby light post, etc. 2. I also hope the new sound system fixes the stereo (is the dolby support planned?) directional sounds as well. ie- Zombie engages, starts chase, and growls... That growl in progress follows my turn (in my left ear) even though I've change directions, and he's on my right. 3. Finally addressed here: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/231472-barefoot-quite/ Clunk, clunk, ... CLUNK! Footstep sounds are ridiculous, and should be dependent on footwear type, stance, terrain, speed of movement, etc. IRL, I could easily conceal plenty of extremely loud in game situations... if I was careful and moved appropriately.
  2. Hello. After spending several hours and wasting a ton of bandwidth reinstalling and verifying files, I've given up. Does anyone know how to install the BAF/PMC addons for their high res textures, and still run DayZ Mod? Using Steam only I might add. A month or so back I picked up the Arma II Complete package. IF I I had the non-Steam version I could uninstall/reinstall to my hearts content until I got i right. Steam on the other hand allows no such luxuries, forcing a verification (bandwidth heavy) solution for any mistakes/backtracking. Has anyone here successfully installed the high res BAF/PMC textures using Steam only? If you have could you give me the pointers I need to get them running with DayZ Mod? Thank you, E.J.
  3. E.J.

    Hunting Scope for What Gun?

    Pretty much any elevated guard structure, deer stand, or feed shack.
  4. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Berezino seems to be the only sure fire coastal PVP city these days. At least for me anyways... Having set up in one of the dock cranes with a scoped Winchester and supressors, I've witnessed tons of hacking glitching. Some of it caught with OBS recorder. But... without dealing damage to one of them [cheaters] for log purposes, there is no way to report it to the Admins. Just today saw two people run in from the north, clip through the train station ticket building, clip through the police station walls, and then run off down the street without exiting from either of the two doors.
  5. This will be the first and last time I necro post a thread, but I think it's necessary. I didn't want to start a new thread with the same content either, but this issue really needs adressed. PLAYER MOVEMENT The constant zig-zagging at close range breaks the game. I'll even go as far as to say that people who do this are exploiting. The current movement model is prone to, and perpetually, being exploited. Make blocking (raising whatever is in hand) a thing to defend from melee, or even potentially firearm, attacks depending on the item. This would make raising your rifle to prevent being axed a thing, and cause damage to said rifle.
  6. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    What? I know there were ak74s galore, but m4 didn't spawn coastally. If you were finding them, it was definitely dropped duped items. In fact, I've almost 700 hours playtime, and have yet to see one in-game. Although, I'm sure I been killed with one once or twice before. (fyi - I don't look for heli crashes)
  7. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Best method to fix this besides logging is to start a longer animation involving the use of an item. Example: Right click a rag and select the "use" option. After the animation starts for the bandaging, drag and drop the item you're trying to equip over the rag in hand. Then right click the rag in your inventory, and if it wasnt used, cancel the action.
  8. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I didn't even get that far. I meant that it can't be fired, period. It's similar to the bug (or same) from from like two patches ago with the exception that the hand placement isn't floating to the left of the bow.
  9. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Why haven't the bows been fixed? Wow, what a waste gathering all those feathers. No other ranged craftable weapons like sling-shots and the sort, and this issue still exists?
  10. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Out of all the rifles that can now recieve the hunting scope, I'm surprised this patch left out the Izh18 as an option. With the repeater at least needing the PU scope as well, are any more rifles with scope capability in the works?
  11. The timer part is what I was about to suggest. I don't think randomization is a good idea. 1. How about if you log out of a particular public or private server you get the normal 60 second countdown if you try rejoining in the next 5 minutes like it is now. 2. But... if you attempt to join a different public server you get a countdown timer of 15-30 minutes (whatever the devs deem approriate) before dropping into the world. Of course you can join any private hive server you hadn't just left (see #1). Whatever countdown that they decide on would also allow you to close out the game and come back (15<-30<) 16-31 minutes later, and just jump into any server you wanted. Meaning the following: - Rejoin the public server you just left - Wait the 15-30 minute countdown to join another public server - Switch to a private hive until the timer runs down
  12. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Are you sure you didn't eat too many human steaks? Lol. Anyone else finding clips for handguns in civilian locations? I'm trying to play as a civilian survivor, but all I find are guns and ammo. No clips... Also, I thought car tents couldn't be locked. I came across one and used the open command, but nothing happened.
  13. E.J.

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Notes so far... - 8 hours in, heard then saw one zombie in industrial area south of Novo at night with a lit flare in hand. It actually frightened me since I thought they were removed. - The Blaze snaploader is back in and working. It still uses the 2 reaches in pocket animation making it useless. - All snaploaders, stripper clips, etc. are pointless. Any internally multi-chambered, or internal magazine, gun can have a pseudo-loader created by left click dragging the ammo off the gun instead of it ejecting like it should. - While I like the hunger and hydration depletion rates are much slower now, the food isn't nearly rare enough. You should have to grow or search to supplement the canned/boxed goods. - It still seems to be the case as the last patch that it is way easier to find military guns and ammo, and not civilian ones.
  14. Yeah, I hadn't thought of using rope to actually add a sling directly to the weapons instead of them creating back inventory slots. I'm not sure how that would work with melee weapons. In all reality melee needs reworked as a whole. You walk around a corner with a short bladed weapon, and the other person has a long rifle, chances are depending on their reflexes that they're going to get sliced up. This is a good idea. It should take a at least 2-3 seconds to reach full sprinting speeds.
  15. Hi all. This is a multiple topic suggestion as I didn't feel like making several different posts. -- 1. Gun bags or cases (yeah I know similar to dufflebag suggestion). They use the backpack slot. They have enough horizontal space to fit any single long range firearm in the game in them, but nothing else. The cases would protect the weapon from water or hit damage (until ruined). -- 2. Shoulder slots. They need to be removed. Use a backpack or clothing to carry needed items until... You find or craft rope. Dragging or picking up the first 2 found or crafted ropes would add them to the players shoulder and chest region. You could then carry rifles, and or melee weapons with them (either or, which would allow proper double carrying). --3. Weapon kits. Modify weapon cleaning kits to make them "generic weapon kits" with limited uses depending on their condition. - Cleaning and repairing weapons to pristine condition. This would take a kit in pristine condition to repair a badly damaged gun back into pristine condiiton and ruin the kit itself. Differing degrees of condition on the kit itself and weapon would lead to alternate outcomes in quality. - As a kit, the modification of the weapon to fit any plausible scope available in game to any rifle. This would take at least half of a pristine kit's usefulness. -- 4. Player movement. Nuke the spasm inducing left/right, left/right, motions of players dodging attacks. Implement a momentum system where quickly changing directions depending on your speed would slow you down as your player shifts his/her balance. This would greatly improve the status of melee combat, and make approaching sniper situations a greatly different strategy. Any additional ideas or criticisms welcome, but I honestly would like to see these changes made for a more satisfying experience. Thanks.