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Everything posted by bjhermann@internode.on.net

  1. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    FR 101. le down

    This sucks how theres no way to contact the admins unless they see the this post on the forums....
  2. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    FR 101. le down

  3. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Dallas 48 [TOP- BR] Admin Abuse

    its simple really, the devs just dont care much for it as this is an alpha their just working on making it work and fixing bugs and not do much about all these abusing admins. They can worry about that when the games finished.
  4. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Dallas 48 [TOP- BR] Admin Abuse

    bump for ban's
  5. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Add a police station

    so your talking about editing the original map..which is fine and balenced as it is.
  6. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    SG #00 VN#01 Lame host

    quick question, not realated. are admins able to veiw their database to find out where all the vehicles are over the map?(not vehicle spawns)
  7. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Downgrade with Six Launcher

    im having the exact same problem i cant downgrade even if i put all the files into the @dayZ>addons...
  8. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Dallas 48 [TOP- BR] Admin Abuse

    yea, and its very obvious that they were duping tents aswell. with at least 20 or more. and restarting then kicking them and using their powers to give themselves an advantage over the rest of the playerbase much like hackers do, i think they should recieve the same punishment.
  9. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Loading/Waiting fix

    im going to try this on and hope it works, will post results in an edit vvvv. edit: opened the patch to run it and it said "WRONG CD KEY" then ran anyway and finished in about 2 seconds, is it supposed to be that fast?
  10. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Experimental test patch

    wtf, it says im on 93825 after i just updated twice in the past 20 minutes. do ineed to verify my steam cache or something for it to update properly?
  11. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Experimental test patch

    "and yes i can see that these servers are using 9700 but it was my understanding that using the latest patch worked even if its not the one on the server" as i tried rolling back the patch but it didnt work. so my only way to fix this is to reinstall the game..again, for the 3rd time.
  12. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Experimental test patch

    Every server i joined after installing 1.7.2 and using the 94444 patch i get bad version error. I installed this new experimental patch to try and fix this but to no avail, im using the 94444 patch and i got this on every 1.7.2 server i joined and now on all the servers. anyone else getting this? ERROR RECIEVED ON: 1.7.2 (experimental test patch) OA patch 94444 also recived on servers running the EXACT same version i was using, 1.7.2 + 9444 and yes i can see that these servers are using 94700 but it was my understanding that using the latest patch worked even if its not the one on the server http://img9.imagesha.../badversion.png
  13. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Leaderboard Hacker!

    im pretty sure i have not seen this guy on the top of "longest alive" the last few days i have checked, are the boards just updating really slowly or is this guy just a hacker using speed hacks? 1 6248784 bluedot 252h 05m Alive
  14. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Leaderboard Hacker!

  15. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Leaderboard Hacker!

    its got be a bug or cheat or something becuase none of the other leader's times changed...
  16. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    Leaderboard Hacker!

    i dont know how but he certainly wasnt there the last few days ive checked
  17. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    removed, dw.

    -removed by poster-
  18. Are the leader boards only updated every few days/weeks or what?, my character is atleast 50hours old with 1000+kills, I'm not raging or anything I'm just wondering whats up ive been randomly respawned with all my gear and stats 3 times, does that reset the timer? http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/596972261415797188/7F5083A92E045CBF6BD390E4ABBEDA576594CD84/ (server was buged, no zombies or loot)
  19. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

    their working but it just looks like their either not taking note of ALL the players in the database or the current board of leaders was only taken a few weeks ago
  20. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

  21. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

    whats the point of staying alive or getting the most kills if you cant show it in anyway.
  22. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

    i would take this to the troubleshoot board but its not really trouble..unless its an actual bug..
  23. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    YES but instead of spawning on the coast as sniper bait, u spawn closer or even in the closest forest
  24. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    93 zombies in supermarket

    this was taken a few weeks ago, im at 1000+ kills now :3 devils castle was a great place for lewt and very defendable, shame i had to leave due to bandits moving in.
  25. bjhermann@internode.on.net

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

    zombies ofcourse :P