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About TheStalkerMonk

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  1. TheStalkerMonk

    How old are you?

    52 in a couple of days, and like bfisher i hope someday my grand son will play beta too...
  2. TheStalkerMonk

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    None of this surprise me at all....just look at headlines these days, when some star changes hair color and it becomes front page news, you don't need a degree to know what fuel the country, any country for that matter. Lower possible common denominator "rules" I'm surprised that you have 857 posts...by the way i didn't and i won't click your banner, i mean come on....the big clown shows gave you away in front of the door.
  3. TheStalkerMonk

    How tall is the character?

    please explain....i don't get it...what word should i use instead of haystack?? not trolling here i'm just curious... while we're on that subject.....you guys never say "were" i must have heard this a million times...."we was with so and so when....." aren't you suppose to say "we were" this has been bugging me for a while.....or like haystack i'm missing something....
  4. TheStalkerMonk


    Truck horn....plz.plz.plz.....
  5. TheStalkerMonk

    How tall is the character?

    Thanks everyone!!!
  6. TheStalkerMonk

    How tall is the character?

    I'm asking because i try to get use to play 1st person, in case 3rd person goes away....from what i saw so far i feel the character is like 4.5 to 5 feet high...just to say from the looks of things in general the character is not a 6 footer for sure. Also......did they replace all the heli crash by hay stack???
  7. ....tried it couple of times and i don't like it...i like to see my surroundings...
  8. TheStalkerMonk

    The story of a sinking truck

    was at Grozovo pass alllllll the way up there, and what do i see?? a nice blue truck just waiting for me....was i glad or what!!!! that was my ticket to go all the way from way up on the map...noticed the truck was sitting on the edge of the map....texture only, no grass no tree....as soon as i saw the open door light up in my sight i hit the F key.....and the truck just sank instantly(kinda cool to see it go down so fast though), the screen went black and got this message.....ummmmm what was it againg!?!?!?!?! oh yeah....you're dead. Then respawn to shipwreck....gotta live another dayz!!!
  9. TheStalkerMonk

    Mosquito/Nat/Fly Sounds. - TAKE THEM OUT.

    plz remove them....this game has it's share of annoyances.....don't bring in fake ones....this is not a sim.
  10. TheStalkerMonk

    character switching

    Yes it worked..2 characters...twice the fun!!!
  11. TheStalkerMonk

    character switching

    ok?!?! that make sense...kinda!!! Thanks!!! and Thanks again for a swift response!! This is a thing i like about this community.....you don't have to wait hours before getting a response......sir you have my beans
  12. TheStalkerMonk

    character switching

    Played for 2 hours last night.....got back to this morning to a character i had 2 weeks ago or so...wth?? Same thing happened yesterday morning....but i think it was battle eye's fault...after a server restart i was kick bak to desktop(2 or 3 times) and saw a dos window saying that battle eye was trying to update itself(something along this line i don't remember) so basically my spawn of this morning is a 2 week old character i had....remember perfectly because of my gear and where i logged off!!!
  13. TheStalkerMonk

    knocking myself up

    worked great except i was in the process of taking a big yellow bag...lost my axe, a pristine 1911 and the bag...oh well...still alive and running Thanks!!!
  14. TheStalkerMonk

    knocking myself up

    well you know i was alone...she was alone...we had a good feeling...
  15. TheStalkerMonk

    knocking myself up

    lol....should have said knocked myself unconscious...