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Captain Mo

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About Captain Mo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Captain Mo

    Gear loss after swimming

    Oke I am going to cry now. Thank you.
  2. Captain Mo

    Gear loss after swimming

    So what about my gear? How can I get this back?
  3. Captain Mo

    Gear loss after swimming

    Hi guys, I was trying to swim to an island to place a tent there. I was so excited about this because I found someones tent middle in the forrest and I was so glad that I could take this tent for myself. But exactly at the moment that I was swimming I lost my drybag and my Mosin. I kept the rest of my gear that was in my pockets and I also kept my axe. But unfortunately I lost my tent that was in my bag and a lot of other stuff. My question is. How the hell did I just lose my gear? Is this normal? I swimmed back to the shore to find my gear but just when things couldn't get any worse the server crashed and I was not able to retrieve my gear anymore. F*ck my life right :| ?