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About revnu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I would really love the see leather-clothing coming back. I think these looked really awesome 😍 Is there a reason why they are out of the game for so long now? I spawned a set on my testserver, just to see them again and realized the leather-shoes are invisible, so I suggested maybe there is a not solved bug, and because of that they are not in game untill that is patched. But just if they are out for balancing-reasons, I have some suggestions, because I really think a lot of the crafting-vibe gets lost because things like this are taking out of the game (same counts for the improvised bow): -you could make crafting leather items harder. For example we could use the old system for tanning leather, where you need to fill a barrel with water, add garden-lime, etc. This way you could not gear up from 0 to 100 as a bambi, just by finding garden lime and a leather sewing kit -you could lower the protective values of the clothing. I remember that the jacket had similar bleed protection as the riders jacket. This would lead to all players just running around in leather jackets. If you lower it to protection like standard-jackets it would be more balanced -you could give them less slots (but to be honest I would prefer that the balance should be created by the factors I wrote before) With the old system we could make 3 different colors for the leather-clothing. It would be good if it comes back like this again, as the standard-color had bad camo properties. I can remember there was also a improvised leather bottle.... The leather-backpack is still in game and I love theese - They could be in different colors. I think depending on the animal the leather comes from, but I did not solve this riddle yet 🙂 Maybe the community can give a sign to the developers by answering with "+1" if you also want to see leather clothing back in game - I really think it brought a lot of this "crafting vibe" - and I would really like to see more of that.
  2. Hello, first I want to say, that this is not a request for auto-run. But I think im not the onlyone who gets a cramp in the finger, then he walks >20km and have to press "w" & "shift" together all time. So plz, like we have an additional option like "walk or run toggle", give us one more option named "Turbo toggle" I really like to have that so I can press shift to switch between modes, instead of pressing it all time. if anyone also like to have this feature plz give me a: +1 THX 4 this great game..... revnu