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About aequitas

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  1. aequitas

    Confused with controls?

    I wish there was a way to enable toggle for certain controls, such as iron sights. I hate having to remember to double tap for certain things.
  2. aequitas

    Thirst/hunger while offline

    I noticed this myself yesterday when testing the new patch. I was going from server to server and only logging in for a minute or two before logging out to find one that worked. Once I finally found a decent server my character was dehydrated. I drank water, switched servers a minute later to join a friend, and was immediately dehydrated again. If you've recently consumed an item (food, water, bandage, etc.) and are going to disconnect or switch servers, make sure that you wait a little while before doing so. If you switch too 'quickly' you will consume the item without gaining the desired effects. I try to wait 1-3 minutes now after consuming an item just to be on the safe side.
  3. I had no idea that was the case for Arma2. How unfortunate. So many FPS support melee combat these days that I've kind of taken it for granted. As corny as it sounds, maybe they could give newbie players some kind of BB gun? It could take a few headshots to kill a zombie and do noticeably less damage to other players. Hey, it worked in the Fallout series... =P I'm just not a fan of the "spawning with absolutely no means of defending yourself" model.
  4. aequitas

    Gender Error

    Another girl that I know (who had a female character) respawned recently as a male character. Apparently even the people who have/had female characters are being turned into male characters now. The gender stuff must just be really buggy.
  5. aequitas

    How do i load beta using steam?

    These are my launch options under Steam: -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd I hope they are helpful. Make sure that you also launch the game as ARMA 2: Combined Operations.
  6. aequitas

    Gender Error

    The same thing happened to me. After reading so many articles about how gender selection is a one-time choice, I was very careful to select "female" when logging in for the first time. I had issues connecting to the server that I chose and when I tried to connect to a new one, I was stuck as a male character. The only way for this to be changed or repaired is if an Admin/Staff does it for you. I was told that only Rocket himself can do it and he is busy doing more important things, like making updates for the game.
  7. I understand that guns were removed upon respawn to discourage griefing on the beaches, but would it have hurt to give new players some kind of melee weapon to start out with? If players had to chase each other down and get within melee range to attack, it would be enough of a deterrent. I actually find it unrealistic for a recently-awakened "Survivor" to spawn without a machete or even a baseball bat to defend themselves from zombies.
  8. What a silly question. Zombies don't need sunlight in order to smell your delicious brains!