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Everything posted by B4GEL

  1. Totally agree with your points, running around with the inventory open hoovering gear up sucks. I don't think the vicinity window is necessary at all, it's useful when stuff is glitched under the floor or invisible but that wont be an issue for ever.
  2. B4GEL

    Can Someone Explain What This Means?

    This is the reference from the last status report: I'm feeling slightly skeptical to be honest, not sure how weapon progression is going to work if there's military weapons in the center of the map. Use the CLE to confine high grade civilian weapons like the SKS and Model 70 to mid-map towns like Stary, keep military weapons far west.
  3. B4GEL

    What's the fascination with having pristine clothes?

    Yep It's useful for bugfixing but that wont be necessary for ever.
  4. B4GEL

    What's the fascination with having pristine clothes?

    Item quality is a great feature but why is the Pristine - Ruined scale visible to the player? An objects texture changes as it is damaged or repaired, isn't that enough. The game obscures 'gamey' mechanics like blood and health levels for the sake of immersion, what's more immersion breaking than an obsession with 'pristine' items. If my gun isn't firing I don't want to check the colour coded item quality. I want to look at the gun and think, Does it look completely fucked up? Or does the ammo? Or the magazine?
  5. B4GEL

    Planned military base?

    After that map of new areas was revealed someone discovered that there is a radar base (manned by the 532nd battalion of electronic warfare) at roughly that location in the real Chernarus. So we can assume that is what it will be in DayZ too.
  6. B4GEL

    What about Russian Spam?

    Yep i would love to see some more thematically fitting canned food, I can't imagine it would require much work to implement. Here's another thread suggesting some traditional Russian tinned food.
  7. More depth and complexity is always a good thing in my opinion, it's really just a matter of whether it's worth the development time. The vehicle parts they've shown so far give the impression that vehicle repair will already be pretty complex but I don't feel that vehicles will be a big enough part of the vanilla game to warrant modularity at this level.
  8. I feel that vehicle modification this extensive isn't necessary for vanilla DayZ, doesn't really fit the theme as others have mentioned. I wouldn't complain if they did decide to go this far, however it would work far better as part of a Mad Max 2 style mod on a larger desert map with a bigger focus on vehicles and fights over fuel sources like oil wells and crashed tanker trucks.
  9. B4GEL

    Accelerated Time Fragnet Servers

    Played for a couple of hours. It's way too fast in my opinion, dawn and dusk are basically nonexistent which is pretty immersion breaking but it's probably only this fast for testing reasons. It's going to be a great feature, seeing night and day in one session is very cool although I do hope extreme time acceleration doesn't become the norm.
  10. B4GEL

    A story of a man named Uncle Mirek

    When's the film adaptation coming out?
  11. From a status report: Now.
  12. Unfortunately for us because of the way the devs are building the game it's entirely possible that the current state of affairs on public servers (casual Electro DM) could last until beta. But I do find it curious that you feel that it's getting worse. In my experience there's more people out west now than there was before private hives, helicrashes and vehicles. There's plenty of stuff coming that will add to these features pushing people off the coast, just look at the road map. What it comes down to is whether or not you trust them to do what has to be done. I haven't seen anything to suggest that the devs have changed direction to appease the casual majority, in fact in recent communications they've been reinforcing their vision for the game in spite of potential outcry from a large (or perhaps just loud) proportion of the playerbase. Here's some quotes from recent status reports: All this gives me confidence that the game will, eventually, be what I imagine it could be. There's no point complaining about trivial things like there being no scope for the CR527, the devs have a plan, they are following it. All we can do is wait.
  13. B4GEL

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Ah ok i didn't even notice it was less before
  14. B4GEL

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Having more zoom with iron sights is a terrible idea. Why would they want people pointing their weapons at each other all the time? All it will result in is a lot more people being shot. If i see someone across a field aiming their gun at me, I'm going to assume they want to kill me but now everyone will have to do it whatever their intentions because you'll be able to see further.
  15. I'm hoping that with the new procedural coloring system everything that would be spray paintable irl will be paintable in game, as long as the color choices don't go out of control and it ends up with everyone running around with pink guns.
  16. Yeah i know about the IZH18 but my point is that it's illogical to be able to saw off the Mosin but not the CR527 or the IZH18 but not the Blaze. I'm not bothered either way if they decide to add more complex weapon modifications but what does bother me is that you can saw off one bolt action rifle but not the other.
  17. Yeah it would be totally feasible to have more complex gun modifications when advanced crafting is introduced but i don't think it's worth the developers time to add a 'sawn off' AK or SKS because almost everyone would rather have a full length one. However since there is a sawn off Mosin and shotgun in the game i find it quite immersion breaking that you can't saw off the other bolt action and breech loading guns.
  18. Although it's not really necessary i think for continuity's sake all of the guns that would be as simple to saw off as the Mosin is should be saw off-able. The Blaze, CR527 and the upcoming Model 70 should all have sawn off versions but any of the guns that would require something more complicated than simply sawing off the barrel with a hacksaw should not have the option.
  19. B4GEL

    Third person being worked on

    It's certainly interesting idea. Doesn't look like it would do much to prevent wall peeking but the other reasons given for a change of 3pp, seeing the world from the proper height and objects retaining the correct scale make it worthwhile considering. Having a high FOV in 3pp looks so ridiculously warped with the current 3rd person camera angle, this looks like it could make it much more immersive. People will complain if 3rd person is changed, because 3rd person makes the game easier. Almost every update from here on out will make the game harder, there's going to be lots of complaining and there's no reason for 3rd person to be exempt from changes.
  20. B4GEL

    Survivor GameZ Qualifiers - Training Montage

    I like your style, very surreal. Good luck at the survivor gamez.
  21. B4GEL

    One of the german G36 variants in DayZ

    Germany sent a ton of G36's to the Kurds in Syria last year so it's not entirely unbelievable that they would do the same for the Chernarussians. The 'lore' of DayZ is fluid, we have no idea whats going on outside the borders of Chernarus. Perhaps we are the only survivors of a global infection or perhaps Chernarus is the only place affected by it and the rest of the world continues as normal. This is one of the strengths of the game, everyone's opinion on the on the causes and consequences of the infection is different and the designers try not to limit that potential. Heli crashes don't have to signify US intervention if you don't want them to, plenty of other explanations can be found if you use your imagination. Anyway I'm not really interested in seeing the G36 added because it doesn't have much to differentiate itself from the two 5.56 assault rifles already in game. I'd love flecktarn camo though, and perhaps a super rare MG3.
  22. B4GEL

    Can we move the mic icon somwhere else?

    Why not remove it completely? "Direct Communication" appears in the bottom left when you use voip, nothing more is necessary in my opinion.
  23. B4GEL

    Typo in Elektrozavdosk?

    Perhaps the people that constructed the sign weren't paying attention that day and the authorities never got around to changing it. Perhaps someone made a mistake ordering the letters and they ended up with two E's and no money left in the budget to get a Э fabricated. Perhaps some bored teenagers switched the E around during a night of drinking and light vandalism. This kind of thing happens all the time IRL. It was obviously done on purpose to add immersion, aren't the devs great? ;)
  24. Slings have been suggested many times and the devs have said it's not going to happen. Regardless of this the current situation does need to change, having weapons glued to your back looks ridiculous. I think wearing a backpack being a requirement for weapon slots is a good compromise, the best option there is given the devs position.
  25. B4GEL

    Sandwiches and baking

    It looks like cooking is going to be pretty in depth, get hyped.