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About Skynet211

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Skynet211

    DayZ Memes

    Yeah, I've done it at least 10 times now.
  2. Skynet211

    US 171 - Thanks for the truck guy :)

    It was awesome.
  3. Skynet211

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    Well crap! I spawned in some random ass position. Not on the coast but I only had the things in my inventory where primary ammo goes. Lost all my tools, guns, bag. What the hell am I going to do with painkillers and stanag ammo with no gun? lol
  4. Skynet211

    US 78

    I don't know why people hate the side chat so much. I've had some great conversations with people in game before and it made the game more enjoyable. If I didn't want to play on a server with it, I'd just not join that server. Seems simple enough.
  5. Skynet211

    Cheaters on US124

    Something really messed up just happened on US124. A bunch of us died all at once. I didn't die, I got knocked out and was bleeding heavily. We all got teleported to the same spot at once, or at least that's what it looked like. I could see at least 6 other characters occupying the same space as me. As that happened at least 6 people died. I recovered and as I was bandaging it happened again, more people died. I fixed myself up and left the server. Sorry I didn't get a screen shot. I hit print screen and it took a screenshot of Firefox and not Arma. Myself (in game name Skynet) and a mate (in game name geffa2995) can both confirm we were being picked up and dropped. He described it as being "pick up and thrown in the air" This server belongs to Rooster Teeth. I am a member on that forum and have posted about it in the DayZ thread there too. EDIT: This happened approximately 23:30-23:40 +930 Adelaide time.
  6. Skynet211

    Can I play Day Z, Please help.

    http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx Select Arma 2 from the list :P