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Everything posted by intenseskill

  1. intenseskill

    hydration issues

    since the latest my character needs a hell of a lot of water! last night my character had just got the thirsty warning and i drank a full bottle of water and it was still saying thirsty. no matter what i do he always needs to drink more!
  2. intenseskill

    hostage/ human shield

    hi i think it would be great if you could take a human hostage and use them as a human shield with a gun against there and you could make them walk with you or just a single button press to shoot them dead. to me this seems like a great idea.
  3. nickname: mrniceguy medical attention: fractured leleg location: trapped in the shipwreck character: male with black riders jacket and a crossbow on back. yeah i am trapped as the only way out is 2 flights of stairs up which i cant get up i wont be on now til tomorrow. but if i could get help that would be great
  4. intenseskill

    What do you do when you got gear?

    yep thats the aim of the game! unless ive been playing it wrong! lol on a serious note now u got gear its upto u i prefer bandit hunting and helping bambi's! (rob from the pricks and give to the people on there way to being pricks)
  5. intenseskill

    Day Z Interface

    really great. i love it. i wish it was actually in the game
  6. intenseskill

    how to use melee weapons

    im just playing you are ofiously not ver gud at speling!! hafe a nise day! ps seriously didnt mean any insults lol
  7. intenseskill

    how to use melee weapons

    just wondering! what is a hatched?? is it some sort of egg??
  8. intenseskill

    DAYZ Standalone VS. ARMA 2 MOD version

    i have been playing a couple of days ( standalone) and i know already that some at least of what u say is not true, guns for instance there is alot more than 3, the jumping. if your hands are up you will do a slow jump if they are down you will do a quick one.