Erhmawgawd another shit talker on the forums, and he's over 12. The maturity level is low on this one. Grow a damn pair people! Yeah, that will effectively get everyone in dayz to follow your playstyle and make things easy mode for you. Just hang tight.. so many players are coming to where you are right now. I also like this part, you insist on trash talking, with out actually reading my post carefully. I didn't ask for people to follow my play style (btw two words) I asked why people only pvp in certain areas. Was that not clear enough? Easy mode? Wandering around the entire map, waiting for the unexpected, hoping to cross paths with other random players and then shooting it out, in a random area is easy mode? Seems like your easy mode is just hiding in a corner waiting for someone to run by. (as one of your videos show) Must be a COD player. And again, read the post carefully as it states I adventure around, as in there is no "hang tight".