First. This topic is not a question for or against persistence. Persistence is in the game. It is in the road map. Please do not discuss the pros and negs of persistence on servers. Secondly. I am looking for answers from Players who play in groups who run camps. Not lone wolf style players. As our Group runs a camp. And we have some logistic issues when it comes to wed persistence wipes. Thus i am after the following information. A: How do you organize you tents regarding : Group loot / Personal Loot allocations. B: How do you organize the packing up and saving of TENTS come wed maintenance period. C: Do you find camps worth while currently with the wed maintenance persistence wipes? Lastly: I am not asking if you agree with the wed mainteance wipes occurring. They occur. I am simply asking how you handle it and if you think it is worthwhile currently/ Thankyou for your answers and time .. apologizes for the tone or writing style of my post , on very strong painkillers at the moment , so my intent and what i am writing may not be as i would ideally like. :)