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Everything posted by MorbifHalo

  1. MorbifHalo

    Banned from Seattle 123 unfairly

    further more if you guys can prove your not hacking on our server why not search the threads and see what you find before you decide we're being unfair...... if you hadnt noticed the server in question is crawling with cheaters and hackers atm the moment which has caused massive issues, multiple stops and long hours of script hunting to find those responsible. if you seriously want to play legit on our server pm me add we'll chat on a public teamspeak you and friends. again we dont care about legit bandits just hackers/cheats
  2. MorbifHalo

    Banned from Seattle 123 unfairly

    Resolved: also see this. http://dayzmod.com/f...__+seattle +123
  3. MorbifHalo

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    Heya sorry to hear about this, im one of the 4 admins for this server and we are having a hard time getting rid of all these hackers of late, not know why they have decided we are their new target but its gone way to far of late and many of our own clan are tired of have legit charcters and camps wiped out by these scum, unfortunately all we can do is get ips for suspect players and start banning evryone we think may be hacking, only problem here is that some players may not be hacking and may well get a ban from our server by accident. sorry in advance for this but we have to get some control of our server again since we all put RL money into having the server up. so just before anyone else comes here carrying on about being ban from this server be aware that if you contact us we will reveiw the ban but you will be watched closely, if you are found to hack agian not only will we ban you from server we will put a ticket into head office for a perma ban on all servers. Again we are the funding support for this server and are an anti-bandit group, we dont mind bandits playing on our server infact we like it, gives us someone to hunt. but if anyone is thought to be using hacks we're not going to fool around with it and will kick\ban any users that we think may be the culprit, if this at any point effects you and your not involved with hackers or using exploits then please contact us and we'll get back to you as quick as we can. Sorry to all you legit players out there, this is a dark day for many of us and the best thing we can do is weed these bastards out and get back to playing the game we love and enjoy the way its meant to be :) all in all people hang in there hopefully we'll get less of this as time goes by, maybe we can get back to just the real players once the hype is died down some. P.S if you hackers see this and think oh yay bait, go play something else that is better matched to your skill levels maybe solitare it comes with the windows program your parent\s put on your new oversized gameboy. that is all.
  4. I'd like to see a confirmed killed list only cause i'll give you any single item for a kill on {CQF}Rct Judge Dread :P bastard shot us up 3 times with no weapons in hand and D/C'd before the rest of the anti-bandit troops showed up to get him back, hid our bodies the first time and im sure he didnt take a thing.... bandit scum in cherno what a suprise, here we are trying to help people and bam in the face, kills me and two noobs we just recruited really nice since we had you covered and called for a cease-fire.
  5. seattle servers being hit pretty bad at the moment.... :(
  6. MorbifHalo

    ANZ 1 - What just happened?

    Lots of servers getting hacked tonight we saved our newly found heli twice from hacker attack and once from legit sources, had choppa's spawning on top of players and explosions going off which some said sounded like satchel charges...
  7. Yeah if you got a greif with us come bring it to us not take it out on defence-less noobs you cowards. get a life you tools. ~{SoH}~ Morbid happy to fill you with holes from my M4A3 any day you want bandit scum :)
  8. MorbifHalo

    Canadians? Looking for clans!

    Shadow of Humanity, its a anti bandit group but mainly we work as groups of friendlys look us up :)
  9. MorbifHalo


    Sure pal thats the meaning you found in the game cause thats the most you could manage, we have our issues with bandits like you on our server and we roll with it, never takes long for a large group of friendly's to re-equip thats the joy of working together against the choas. but when we nail you slimy bandits who are just out to make everyone else have a bad time of it we know your not going to be much of a problem for a few hours :P and that makes me happy. not only do i get to game with friendly people,hunt zombies and collect loot, i also know if some bandit decides their bored and the only solution they can think of is to go and ruin someones day, i'll not be that badly off with multiple camps to re-equip and that bandit now has half the server after them and my gear. and probably there head.
  10. Well if your friendly the admins for the clan(shadow of humanity) have got a server running seattle 123 doesnt show in 6 laucher but its there (weird?), we're an anti bandit group trying to build a dayz community in-game, help other players and loot city's as larger groups. we also hope to fill the server with friendly's as regularly as possible so if you dont fire on us and/or use direct comms we're always looking for more people to either join the clan or ally and work to make our server a bandit free zone as hopefully as that may seem Smile
  11. MorbifHalo

    My first impression and the conclusion

    Well if your friendly the admins for the clan(shadow of humanity) have got a server running seattle 123 doesnt show in 6 laucher but its there (weird?), we're an anti bandit group trying to build a dayz community in-game, help other players and loot city's as larger groups. we also hope to fill the server with friendly's as regularly as possible so if you dont fire on us and/or use direct comms we're always looking for more people to either join the clan or ally and work to make our server a bandit free zone as hopefully as that may seem :)
  12. MorbifHalo

    NCR | The New Chernarus Republic [7-29-2012]

    Name:~{SoH}~Morbidhalo Steam USERname:jsimpson667 Experience with DayZ:been playing for alittle over a month now, been some highs been some lows Are you willing to work in a team:always im currently working with an anti bandit group, but am always on the look out for more allies Are you comfortable with the controls:yes id say ive got an good grasp of them Do you have a mic:yes Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak:yes im happy to use teamspeak What other clans have you been in:Shadow of Humanity(anti bandit group) Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):nop still working with this clan, just looking for more friendly's to work with.
  13. MorbifHalo

    Beanditz and the PBX Chronicles

    It all seems well and good till like us you get raided by bandits server hopping and loaded to the gills with barbwire, the it all goes to hell very quickly...... no point having a camp at all in this game travel fast and travel little only take what you need and move on. even on a server we got for our clan of friendlies there is no where thats safe for more than a few days. tried a few times now to start a base for players who want to just kill zombies and collect loot, every time bandits find it and destroy the lot, i doubt they even take very much of the gear, they're just there to ruin everyones day and hard work. Sadly this game may suffer greatly because of this as people that dont want to be bandits or fear constant bandit attacks, will give up and the player population will drop off quickly leaving only bandits who will get bored when there is no-one to kill forcing them to go to a new game and grief people there instead. that will leave the game with only the diehards, hand full of bandits and the hackers oh yay what a great game it will become....... hopefully it doesn't come to this but in the month and a bit ive been playing it ive seen just as many players leaving due to frustration as players joining due to hype, eventually the hype will wear off though and they will leave in the droves. i guess maybe those of us that are sick and tried of the bandits need to either wait a few months and not play till the bandits get bored and move on or band together on servers as allied friendly groups and push the bandits out where we can as a united front? So for Reference if you want to join the good fight Shadow of Humanity (seattle 123) come join us and hunt bandit, zombie and loot alike! :)
  14. MorbifHalo


    is this the same milkyway i know from BGO? if it is we totally have to team up! :P
  15. MorbifHalo


    we have a anti bandit group with its own server shadows of humanity ~{SoH}~, im sure their is plenty more out there have a search or come join us :P
  16. MorbifHalo

    ANZ6 Server Details/Issues

    Heya are you still running this server? cause you need to update to
  17. Im going to have to say love the new zeds!! they scare the crap out of you and thats what they are meant to do, not meant to be going to big cities with nothing.... leave that to the guys with a plan and the ammo lol :P now im new myself but i came into this knowing full well this is one mans dream, his sharing that dream with us and you should be grateful you get to help him make it something bigger and better, dont you think?
  18. MorbifHalo

    The community is poo poo

    hear hear to this, so true.
  19. sign me up my steam name is jsimpson998 im normally on Anz or NZ servers but ive got a good connection so can do others. other than that im happy to run a similiar group on these servers for you, im online pretty much everyday and most nights :) be nice to make a tent city somewhere.
  20. MorbifHalo

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey all, Names MorbidHalo in game ingore the typo on profile lol. I'm a new friendly on the ANZ & NZ servers, online everyday and night playing alot. always keen to get a community together and start a tent city in the wilds :) love the game best work i've seen in many years, bought 3 copies so far for friends.