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Everything posted by Jamskis

  1. Jamskis

    What is a Carebear?

    That's a carebear alright. Does anybody remember these guys anymore ? Dat theme song.
  2. Jamskis

    IF this was an actual game...

    1. I think game purchase only and pay lil' extra for future content / expansion / DLC to keep you guys motivated enough to carry on with the great work that you've done so far, just don't start nickeling & diming for everything and we're set for life. Oh and people love hats. It would be lovely to have one of those cosmetic stores or something. :) 2. Studio developed & maybe a bit community involvement mixed together? could always ask what community thinks of X or Y now and then. Just don't start listening every whining invidual when they start throwing temper tantrum for silly reasons ! 3. Kickstarter. You could give some nice cosmetic thingie for those that helped with kickstarter to give people a bit more "oomph" to donate i.e "carrot on a stick" (Chernarus / DayZ related cap & t-shirt for in game characters ?). Then again, it should raise money regardless what you offer with this much popularity anyway. :P
  3. Jamskis

    The Hourglass

    I (personally) think that the whole hourglass thing is okay overall but needs a bit "fine tuning" per se. I've had few cases where you get knocked out by the very first zombie that manages to hit you and then you're just staring that hourglass thing til you just die. Might as well throw this theme on the background while at it: :PDoes anyone know if the timer in hourglass is random or is it affected by your condition ? ie. your blood / food / drink status. If not, it could be something to look in to, as in better the shape you are, less hourglass staring !
  4. Jamskis

    stuck in debug area

    Well here's few that I've seen / experienced to work in few occasions: 1. Create new profile in the main menu. Try to join any server with newly made profile and it *might* fix it. 2. You could always try to get in touch with admin of said server (if there happens to be one online) and ask for help. At least in one of the EU servers, where my buddy was stuck in, admin helped him out. Usually admins name(s) can be seen when you login to the servers for first time with lines like "This server is hosted by .... " 3. Keep doing suicide until you get in debug forest. Once there, you can run through the forest and quite easily get back to the map (takes average 15 minutes of running to find town). There's multiple youtube videos and I think I saw one guide in these forums (sorry can't find link atm). Other than that I'm not sure how to get out of the actual hill area. I found some posts and videos about just heading to east for next 15-20 minutes and you *might* get out. If you don't have gps / compass you can always try to look direction of the sun / moon or anything like that. Personally, I just put weight on "W" button and went to do other things (or you could also use some fancy keyboard with macro options to make auto run btw). However I managed to run 40 minutes in wrong direction and die to starvation. Oops. :/
  5. Jamskis

    ARMA II: Combined Operations.

    Huh, I must've been lucky then since I managed to buy Arma X Anniversary edition with 20 € from local store here in Finland about year ago. Box contains "real" map of Chernarus & cool postcards (along with the games ofc). It might be worth to check out local game stores if theres any on your area, you'll find some nice bargains now and then. :)
  6. Jamskis


    I think what we need is to make bicycles more common, just seen one so far. It's not like people don't have bicycle somewhere in their household (IRL), use it or not. It would be great to have at least one "common vehicle". :P I'll have to second this one. Bonus points if you hit tree while going downhill with that speed and end up flying forward like crazy and actually survive. Me and my buddies used to play Insurgency & other Arma II maps going around with just bicycles. Had to blow up radio tower to stop enemy troops from spawning ? or destroy ammo caches in middle of the terrorist town? little C4 and bicycle all the way past enemy lines, plant C4, bicycle towards the sunset, and set off explosives and ring the bell. Dat "Ring ring" sound.
  7. I'm not sure how well melee would translate with Arma II. It's not exactly the most "flexible" shooter game when it comes to fast reacting or reflexes. I think average cod / bf3 player already gets cholera from control schematics alone. But who knows, it might work out but we'll see. At least by Arma III. :) I think what we need is quiver of arrows that works same way as ammunition clips currently, as in one quiver could have 10 arrows or so ? Beans for thought. :)
  8. Hiya, I just wanted to give my deepest thanks for super fast reply to compatibility issue with DayZ launcher and actually doing patch (extremely fast even) to fix the issue. It worked like a charm ! My game boots now without any hiccups and patching game is no longer head ache. I couldn’t be the only one who had issues with updating every time new patch happened so this must be big relief for quite a lot people. I would’ve posted this on the thread that I started at the forum (https://dev-heaven.net) but it was already locked so I decided to put this right here. So once again, thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in to this wonderful mod in this wonderful game. With all the negativity going around I bet you guys don’t get enough praises so I’ll take my hat off, good sir(s) ! :)
  9. This is wonderful news, thanks for making things easier for non steam version users. Keep up the good work ! :)
  10. Jamskis

    Stuck at Debug map

    Seems to be common issue with everyone that I know atm, myself included. If it's patch related, give it a day or two and it should be fine. If not, then we'll be damned. :/
  11. I wouldn't call it exactly "bad" but it certainly has it's flaws. I guess we could say it's still taking "baby steps" and getting better little by little. Seems to be having a bit compatibility issues if you're unlucky like me and managed to buy the game from actual store instead of Steam. Seems to be causing a lot more "research and tinkering" to get DayZ working. :P
  12. Thanks for the tip, but there seems to be minor problem sometimes when you spawn in debug forest since your character might spawn completely invinsible (without skin) and can't be seen by other players / zombies. Not sure how common this is but if this starts occurring more often it might be a bit "game breaker" when people start moving invinsible shooting others. :/
  13. Hiya, great mod and all but after the latest patch I've had few difficulties joining in servers. Sorry if this has been asked before but I'll try to be "brief & spesific" at the same time so please don't throw me to zombie pit ! So for starters, I have the Arma X Anniversary edition, so it's been a bit cryptic to get patches and stuff to begin with (had to use Arma II launcher so it detects "CO" & manual DayZ updater to update my game). My problems started when I tried to manually update the game as before since it seemed to work ok but now I've tried to login about 30 different servers, always getting to debug forest and respawning doesen't seem to work either because instead of debug forest I get stuck to debug hill with 100 players there. So I asked my friend for help and he pointed out this awesome launcher but I keep getting issues with setting it up correctly. First time I opened launcher it asks me to specify 3 different paths for my Arma II and I'm not exactly sure how you're suppose to set line which says "Pack Path". I've tried multiple folders for this but each time I try to join server I'm getting this "no entry '.profilePathDefault.' " Any help with this issue would be much appreciated. :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: After tinkering few hours with launcher I managed to get a bit further in to the problem. It seems launcher doesen't understand that I have both Arma II and Operation Arrowhead (= no CO). Is there any way to work around this ? ~ Hugs and kisses, looking forward for reply