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Everything posted by grunowben@gmail.com

  1. grunowben@gmail.com

    The return of night

    Quite simply, I think offset time servers should be removed. Why? Because some of my best memories of DayZ are from back in 1.5.8, when there were no ANZ offset time servers. If you wanted to play, you had to put up with night - and we all did. Getting shot at, and hastily putting out the flare I was carrying. Shooting a bandit in the head because he was silly enough to walk into the middle of a flare. My group collectively shitting ourselves when a flare got dropped next to us (turned out someone hit 'f' too many times). Perhaps I'm just wanting to relive my first days of DayZ, but I think night is much more immersive.
  2. grunowben@gmail.com

    What do i need to upgrade?

    If you're having problems with that setup, it's likely more of a problem with the server. When servers have trouble, they slow the frames of all clients connected to them. Stupid, but that's how it is.
  3. grunowben@gmail.com

    Bell noises, what do they mean?

    They happen every 15 minutes, and correspond to the time in game.
  4. I'm also getting this, Windows XP 32-bit here.
  5. grunowben@gmail.com

    put log out timer and make guns do less damage to players

    While military firefights do last a long time, it's not because bullets do little damage - it's because they do a lot of damage. If it was a 1-2 hit kill in this, firefights would last a lot longer, because people are too scared to pop out and take a shot. Equally, your suggestion will just turn it into a CoD style deathmatch (with zombies as a slight distraction). This is not the direction I personally want DayZ to go - and judging by the posts here, it's not what anyone else wants either. If you're calling it luck, you're doing something wrong. Scan the area carefully before you go in - don't just run in willy nilly. If someone is concealed in real life, you'll have little chance of spotting them. Likewise in this. If you're doing a quick scan of the treeline and something doesn't seem right - it probably isn't. Don't hit the town. Honestly OP, I think it's been seen that the community doesn't like this idea. That said, if you want to code something like that and try getting support for it, go ahead.
  6. grunowben@gmail.com

    Why do people stream snipe?

    Well, when you betray them they do tend to get slightly annoyed. Then again, I wouldn't expect any less from yourself - I've seen you aborting rather than fairly fighting on the stream many times.
  7. grunowben@gmail.com

    Veteran player streaming new character

    Oh, this will be fun. Dawn: PM me your info. Couple of friends and I are going after him too.
  8. grunowben@gmail.com

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    I like how they start with a blood pack, morphine and a M1911.
  9. grunowben@gmail.com

    Alt + F4 = immortality

    He's stated that he didn't read the EULA anyway!
  10. grunowben@gmail.com

    have u seen stupid players

    I see people using this as an "excuse" all the time, but seriously, if you're going to be posting on the internet, at least get a browser with spellcheck.
  11. grunowben@gmail.com

    Wire fenced Cherno in ANZ1

    I'll see if I can take some of the fences down today or tomorrow. I'm in that area and have a toolbox.