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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. fundan@gmx.de

    Dayz banned arma 2

    So much win...
  2. If it`d add knee pads and makes it more durable I`d say yes. More pockets - only if we get a weight-system and in return you can`t move as fast as before.
  3. hmmmkay then: DON`T SERVERHOP and play on servers that are confirmed to be updated correctly and use the search function.
  4. I could swear i`ve seen this topic before....
  5. Heard you must bring them to the sacred place of wiggliness and pray to the god of wiggles to make it precise and full-auto?
  6. Turn on the game - make char autorun (swim in this case) - go to bed. Should have died of starvation until you wake up?
  7. Maybe try this: http://www.ponggame.org/
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iADAcyf5I4k
  9. ...and it makes perfectly sense. And I`d welcome more rare loot on hardcore.
  10. Thumbs up! ...and hopefully a "weight-system" in the future so it makes you move slower.
  11. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-in-depth-video-guide-on-eating-drinking-and-blood-regeneration/#entry1598240 and:
  12. Why is it everybody says he is fully geared at the coast to hunt the "bad bambi-killers" but it never happens?
  13. ....oahhhhhhoahhh one of THESE threads it is.
  14. ...just what I suggested to the people I play with today. Good idea. Hope it`ll make it into the SA.
  15. fundan@gmx.de

    My best Mosin Kill

    ...and another highly-skilled "hunter" that shows off how he can shoot fresh-spawns near the coast. Congrats! You`re what makes this game so great!
  16. fundan@gmx.de

    Long Range Hunting

    Oh lookz! I canz shoot fresh-spawns @ the coast! Takes a brave "hunter" to do so, doesn`t it?