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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. 39/40 when joining a server. Being around slot 10 after an hour. That`s how it looks like atm. No matter the version or branch.
  2. Ideas from Draco and Calixus combined sounds good. Big stuff in existing structures. Small stuff in hidden holes. Building a complete "city" or "base" with big efforts in the middle of nowhere makes not much sense in the apocalypse. Why would you waste time and energy to do so? (Yeah Bandits, I know!)
  3. NO. Re-suggestion 10000000000 times. and NO!
  4. Did you search and look what has been suggested or confirmed already? Guess not. So why should we take our time and read and answer your stuff? ninja`d
  5. fundan@gmx.de

    Improvised suppressors

    Already confirmed IIRC.
  6. Sounds need some serious revamping at some point. True. Have my beans for testing...
  7. Private hives seem not to be right in this stage of the game. 1 hour re-login kinda has flaws. Still the server-hopping is incredible. Any kind of "end-gamish" asset that is server-based might improve the situation. Gives incentive to stay on one server and spend time.
  8. fundan@gmx.de


    No prejudices here. Sorry. Man/woman white/black/yellow. Can afford a pant or not. The interaction will reveal the true nature of the person - not the look.
  9. ...isn`t it the point of a motorized vehicle? That you can travel faster than on foot or horse? And if no cars - how will "your" endgame scenario look like? Guided walking-tours in the north?
  10. Confirmed. Flickering parts cause it (inventory or ground) and effect players near you. You can paint M4 parts to fix it temporary - but they reset every login again.
  11. LRS on 200m? Seen precise shots >500 yesterdays. Spwaning hungry is intended.
  12. fundan@gmx.de


    There are multiple threads with suggestions like this with pictures and stuff....why not use one of them?
  13. fundan@gmx.de

    Yo, fun, not

    I haz it! All of `em! Its MINE!
  14. Add so much to the game. Hope to see some (negative) sideeffects on cloths and condiotins in the future...
  15. That`s the problem with modern society. Reward-based systems should be obsolete when you start to think on your own. The later seems to happen less often nowadays? Please gimme a zombie apocalypse to help curing this!
  16. Will not do this if it involves me putting my gun outta my hand. What is the problem with talking to the "trader" and dropping stuff on the ground and taking it from there?
  17. fundan@gmx.de

    Zombie calls

    Why not make it using the ingame voice yourself? There is no visual indicator showing that you are no zombie. edit: ninja`d twice!
  18. ...make lockpicks (keys) work only on the server they have spawned. No more serverhopping.
  19. I think...there is a section where you report issues?