Hey guys posting about about a good Arma 2 Overpoch server and brand new Arma 3 Epoch server and something that may fix you steam ticket null fail or battle eye client not responding for Arma 3 epoch. First the Servers. The Arma 2 server has high loot, high number of vehicles and building capabilities. gold and banks. very helpful admins if you are having some problem joing the server please connect to our team speak posted hear on the this web site. http://www.terminus.pw/ This website has all of the server info for both Arma 2 Overpoch and Arma 3 Epoch. The Arma 3 epoch we have have very helpful admins try to help assist you at any time. to get off the island or general questions if us admins dont know how to do it we will find some on who will teach us or you to do it. The link below is a video of what i as an admin do. BTW no rules at the moment. go ahead and be one of those dayz stand alone dick heads if you want lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1-F0S63N8w Now for the battle eye and steam ticket null fail. go to your x86 or x32 files, go to steam, click steam apps or applications go to common then click. Arma 3 for insurance i replace the epoch files. these next step is what fixed it for me. go here download both client and server file. then take the files you just downloaded and past them in the battleye file in arma3 replace the files. if you are on windows 8.1 you will need to go into the properties of the battle eye files and unblock them. find installscript.vdf file and highlight all of the files below that one and delete all of them and re-verify all game game cache. after its re-verified try it if it doesn't work i am sorry for making you do all of this. thanks for viewing the forum.