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  1. Denatured

    Make doors always open away from you

    Doors opening in random directions is annoying. I think that doors open should in the direction they would in real life. public or large buildings the doors should open outwards, that is fire code after all. On the houses with a vestibule the outer doors open out while the inner doors open inward.
  2. Denatured

    Soda Can Coin Stove.

    Yes using them indoors is exactly what I envisioned doing with these. If you have a cooking implement(stick,pan,pot) but not rags and dont want to venture out(possibly giving away your position), you can use your soda can stove+fuel. It would be like the current gas stove+fuel, but take up one less slot.
  3. Denatured

    Soda Can Coin Stove.

    Maybe Im missing your point. This is a source of fire. rather than having to go through the steps of making a fire the traditional ways(crafting a fire kit,finding stove+fuel), this would be faster if you had the materials on hand. just like any other fire source, you would still need cooking implements(stick,pan,pot). I meant it to be a "addition", not to replace anything.I dont think it would be exaclty useless, and all of the materials to craft it are already in game.
  4. Denatured

    Soda Can Coin Stove.

    I think this would be a great addition. to craft the Soda Can Stove you would need two soda cans, knife or blade, a small stone or coin and one nail. to fuel the stove you would need a bottle of alcohol tincture. It would not last as long as the other stove/fires, but would be small. Needing only one slot for the soda can stove, it would be perfect for those who want to utilize space.
  5. Denatured

    What's the fascination with having pristine clothes?

    I thought it was well known that the quality/type of gear youre wearing greatly effects damage mitigation. There are plenty of videos out there that demonstrate the actual differences in mitigation of the pieces of clothing and backpacks.
  6. Thanks to you and all like you, a gentleman among monsters, a beam of warming light in a pit of darkness.
  7. Denatured

    Texture Bugs And Mass FPS Drops

    geforce experience is horrible. shadowplay is still in beta and causes heavy fps drops for a lot of people. I get better performance using OBS and so do most of my friends. other things you can do are try using FXAA card side only, meaning in the Nvidia panel turn Antialiasing-Mode: off, and enable FXAA. then In the Video settings in game disable AA and put FXAA on very high. make sure your game is set to the right aspect ratio as well. If doing those two things doesnt help you can try ( Documents>Dayz>DayZ.cfg) find the lines .GPU_MaxFramesAhead=. and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=. change them both to equal 1 exp. "GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1;". Try to look at your CPU and GPU usage during the game. if youre getting low frames and your hardware doesnt have a bottleneck anywhere then the poor performance is server side net code and such and you must wait for the devs to optimize the game.
  8. Denatured

    Texture Bugs And Mass FPS Drops

    Why insult a person for trying to help you. He was only stating fact. The fact is you are trying to play this game with sub par hardware and software. You may be fine with 20-30 fps and thats great, wish I could play that low, I'd save a lot of money. however 20-30 fps is below industry standards and is a sign your setup is struggling. your FPS drop is likely due to the low amount of vram you have being filled up and your pc using the hdd for texture cache. It is comparable to a memory leak. A system will take a lot longer to draw a frame when it has to pull the texture from the HDD. sorry but dems da facts.
  9. Denatured

    Texture Bugs And Mass FPS Drops

    system specs always help
  10. Denatured

    Super Low Graphics ; Super Low FPS

    Without knowing you GPU or CPU usage it's really hard to troubleshoot the problem.
  11. Denatured

    A few little ideas.

    I agree that gun sway is way too strong. Should making a 200m shot with a mosin be hard, yes. it should be hard because of bullet physics and adrenaline, not because your gun is flying all over the place. IRL you would hold that thing still. It is hard, not impossible to hold a gun steady after running. Im sure its bugged anyway. tested it myself, but it seems ghost fractures and cold that arent reported to your status can cause the non stop sway. try using a splint and warming by a fire until you get the "hot" buff and see if the sway calms down. its helped me before.
  12. Denatured

    Super Low Graphics ; Super Low FPS

    need a little more info. Like what is your GPU usage, CPU usage, RAM usage, etc when playing.Ive read places that having the wrong aspect ratio can cause huge fps loss for some people. have you made any tweak to the config or .ini files ? Make sure you dont have AA set to something stupid. My buddy was getting horrible frames in a lot of games on his 660 ti. turns out he had all the card side AA turned on crazy settings, when most games look great with just card side FXAA enabled. so check in your Nvidia panel make sure FXAA is on, and Antialiasing mode is set to OFF and Vertical sync is OFF. then in game make sure under the texture setting that everything is set to auto and then in the render settings up at the top that AA is disabled and then that Post Process is set to Low. This is just me taking a shot in the dark.
  13. Denatured

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    if "Processor type: Integrated" means integrated GPU then, no. You may be able to run it on lowest settings. DayZ uses a butt ton of Vid memory so shared system mem may not be enough. Then on the other hand I have never seen an attempt to run DayZ on integrated graphics sooo.... I may be totally wrong. You should save your money and get a GPU if you dont have one. Of course with a decent GPU, you'll want save some money and upgrade that aged mobo too.