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Everything posted by corruptshadow

  1. - Server Welcome to Hell Multiple players in the admins group cheating using esp, speed hacks, possibly teleports, and admin using scripts to throw bombs on players that kill his team mates. 9/16/2013 around 6pm mountain Player Names Jelalyla - scripting/ radar (possibly just abusing admin window) - 100% confirmed Indiango - esp (aiming through walls) - 100% confirmed Thor Stiener - using cheat automation (speed hacks/esp) - 100% confirmed Apestol - not 100% sure on this guy but pretty sure hes using esp as well - ??? not sure 2 others didnt catch there names one named himself TavianaGuardg01 - since I didnt get there names not 100% Also they banning players that call them out on there cheating, if you manage to kill them as well. Fun glitching into a building and watching them run right to you and run around aiming at you trying to get inside or shoot you through the wall. The explosion spam as well is fun when you get away from them and they get pissed off. Hope these guys get taken care of, its one thing to cheat its another to admin a server and let your group cheat away.
  2. I made a post kinda like this a week ago, thsi first time back to the forums since then and I have not had any desire to log back into the game since then either. I think I am really done with the game for now and thats all YOU can do right now as well. Just wait it out and hoepfully come back when the standalone comes out and hope it dont get ruined by hackers as well. It was great while it lasted.
  3. corruptshadow

    Im done, hackers win...

    So much for hackers being banned today alone been teleported to thunderdome 3x, got thrown in the air and died, and an invisible teleporter shot me in the face after I saw the smoke of his shots a few feet in of me but no one was there. Six times in 1 day is just stupid so hackers win im out love the game but it seems I cant play for more then 30 minutes anymore without being harassed by some dbag script kiddie. Not like anyone will miss me im ranting because im pissed, my entire guild has quit 15 of us due to hackers and only me and a coupel others even login anymore sucks to see such a great game ruined like that =/. Keep on testing fellas make this game good for the rest of us who cant hack it (pun intended).
  4. corruptshadow

    Im done, hackers win...

    Gear isnt a problem time is I have so much gear stashed everywhere I can regear up with whatever I want I still have to run all way to wherever it is and grab it. Ive done the base building ive done the horading ive done the pk sprees, ive done the zombie killing sprees. Whats the point tho when any lil script kid can come on and just do whatever they want with you? If I get camp raided I can raid back, if I get killed by someone in town I can kill them back, if someone griefs my friends we can grief them back. Hackers? Not a lick you can do to them and its just stupid. Forums are a place to express your opinions and your experiences and this is just that nothing more nothing less read it or dont what do I care?
  5. corruptshadow

    This has been confusing me for awhile now..

    Why does everyon ethin this is a such a bad thing... imo the best thing to come out of dayz is gaming companies actually starting to be serious about zombie apocalypse style games it means more zombie games and someone is bound to get it right eventually.
  6. corruptshadow


    Why would you camp that knowing some guy with no loot gonna come running back? I dont get it... as if losing all your gear and your ride isnt bad enough....
  7. That was messed up lol, I would rage so hard being stuck on that island waiting to starve to death lol. Well played well played.
  8. I wouldnt have been able to resist I woulda seen how many I could take out and get away, you did have nvg and it is likely not all of them did. Using trees as cover and leaning out to take shots and then running to diff trees hell who knows you coulda come out with a 1v6 win Ive done it before but i did have an mk48 at the time so...
  9. corruptshadow

    Something that nobody understands about DayZ

    It is a survival game true but games are meant to be fun, anyone can survive forever out in the woods but where is the challenge where is the fun? When I play like I do im not trying to die I guess you could say im just trying to ramp up the difficulty a bit.
  10. corruptshadow

    Duping: 3/4 of High Level Gear is Duplicated

    I found 6 as50s and 2 m107 in one day of helicopter hunting... I dont think the spawn rate is really 0.87%... The mk48 tho is much more rare I have only found 5-6 in my time and 2 were from players I killed.
  11. corruptshadow

    Something that nobody understands about DayZ

    So you have lived for a month? good for you but I bet I have played the game 20x more then you have in that same period of time. It takes you what 2 hours to get into a town and then back out again? Takes me all of 5 minutes I get same amount of loot as you and dont waste all of my ammo either. Do I run into players more often this way? Hell yes I do but that player interaction for me is what makes the game more fun. Is he gonna kill me or not is he friendly or not some of the most intense and epic moments in game have come from firefights with people or groups of people. You guys who "sneak" and avoid all contact with anyone are missing out on a big part of the game imo. Also I laugh at all the guys who "sneak" into town crawling through the grass thinking nobody sees you. I have so much fun throwing bottles and cans at you guys and watching you freak out lol. Anyways to each his own right?
  12. Nice job alt+f4ing after i blew both of you away US 625 after you sniped at the poor weaponless noob running across the field, I saw you 2 running around in the treeline and ended your lives. Next time you die dont be punks and alt+f4 so the people who killed you cant get your loot. Normally dont make a post for people who alt+f4 but seeing as they were in a guild/clan with tags on needed to be called out.
  13. corruptshadow

    I love it when a plan comes together

    Other night had another epic battle at south airfield, me and my buddy hit up the south airfield for some much needed ammo. I went in to loot and my buddy stayed on the hill 700m away. Ran into a guy with an axe tried to kill me but I told him to quit or I would shoot him in the face, he stopped and went off. Head to the medical tents I see a guy in a ghillie come up from the tents my buddy told me was 3 guys incoming my direction. I go prone immediatly seconds later the 3 guys walk 10 feet away from where I lay (im in ghillie also) I see them open fire and see name of the guy with the axe is killed, knowing they are bandits I tell my buddy to take um out, 5 shots later all and a few shots from me and all 3 are dead. I get up to check out there goods (yeah stupid of me always wait but didnt think was anyone else) an mg bursts bullets fly all around me, my buddy sees the guy and his buddy next to him and takes them out amazingly I was unhurt. I resume looting and hear even more gunfire, I run behind a tree and see a noob run past me bullets chasing him, I kill the 3 zombies chasing the noob, when I dont kill him he says thanks sadly I used him as bait tho I stay behind the tree as the noob runs off more shots ring out and the noob goes down. I have a good idea where the guy with the m4 is so I try flanking he opens fire on me some guy in a ghillie. He hits me and im bleeding and have a zombie down to 8k blood I rush towards him hiding behind trees and light the guy up. I go to loot him (didnt I learn from last time minutes ago -.-?) again gunfire on me from the medical tents im hit and bone breaks, 3k blood left I roll behind a tree bandage up and morphine eat two meats I have on me. 3.4k blood left I see the guy running from all zombies he aggrod at the medical tents I take him out as he runs. 9 people dead and one of the more intense fire fights ive had and came out alive, snaged an mk48 off one of the bandits which is my favorite gun, some more nvg and gps. Restocked up on ammo and blood bags which is originally why we came lol. Seems most people would have just alt+f4d as soon as they saw any danger but they miss out on the epic battles like these I had everythin to lose full kit every item which made it that much more of a rush.
  14. corruptshadow

    Lol @ hack post surge.

    I dont know how people are not seeing hackers im seeing them on an almost daily basis now. I used to see them maybe once every week or two now every day on diff servers. Im not exagerating im not making it up why would I bother its a problem. Playing on low pop servers sitting in the woods only coming out to hunt animals and get water is not my idea of fun and shouldnt be necessary in the 1st place.
  15. corruptshadow

    An open question to Bandits.

    Just to see what people have in there inventories lol, much more fun to kill players then zombies especially geared players. Nothing more exciting then seeing someone with a coyote pack and an assault rifle of some sort.
  16. corruptshadow

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    @ #BASEDGOD what is your ingame name it isnt Lil Wayne' The based God or something is it? As for counter sniping I do it all the time its the easiest way to get geared. If you want more challenge help save people from zombies as well it helps to pass the time. Also I dont wait for them to come back I have a buddy go and loot there gear then hide there body makes it easier. Its funny how many snipers use the exact same spots makes for easy kills.
  17. Havnt found anything yet anyon else?
  18. I like to camp the south airfield youd be suprised how many people sit on the tower and snipe noobs or on the mountain behind. Got a nice collection of nvg, gps, 50 cal rifles and dmrs killing the players that camp the noobs. My favorite is sniping zombies chasing unarmed players lol they always think im shooting at them and never get any thanks for saving them from the zeds =./
  19. corruptshadow

    Only one weapon for you!

    mk 48 hands down, ammo easy to find in deerstands and firestations 2 shot kill players, and when prone hardly any recoil, short bursts when crouching for easy kills as well. 1 shot zombie kills and 100 rounds can be used with nvg. Intimidation factor is high and easy kills even at 300m.
  20. corruptshadow

    Your vehicle experiences.

    Have had and driven them all currently only have an atv i its all you really need, my favorite i the motorcycle tho its lack of gear slots is its downside.
  21. Since new patch I have not been able to login ive tried six updater, ive tried dayz commander ive tried deleting beta and reinstalling patch. I have tried deleting dayz mod and redownloading all the files. With six launcher i get "Bad server version, you were disconnected", with dayz commander I just get "You were kicked form the game" Aside from completely uninsalling and downloading the game again I dont know what else to try anyone else having trouble or have had trouble like this and knows wtf is wrong -.- getting really frustrated at this.
  22. corruptshadow

    Game stopped working need help?

    "Ok I found a fix for this. What I did: Go into your steam library, right click Arma 2 go to properties, Local Files, Verify Integrity, wait till it completes. Do the same thing for Operation Arrowhead Launch both games again like you did when you first installed to the main menu screen then you can exit then right click OA again and launch combined operations to relink the games then after your done with all that (doesn't take long) you should be able to launch dayz again and join servers. Worked for me" Found this in a post it worked for me quotin it but forgot to see who wrote it so thanks to whoever that was!
  23. corruptshadow

    Day Z Chile

    Same was thinking now is canned chile! Was excited to go find some if and when I can get my damn game working again -.-
  24. corruptshadow

    Game stopped working need help?

    So when i try connect my friends say im missing missions_e.pbo so gonna get that file form them and try again ill update soon as I check it file i sthere but has wrong signature or something -.-
  25. corruptshadow

    Game stopped working need help?

    Same this morning could load into the game fine but after server got updated doesnt work anymore. At first I was thinking I got banned for some reason never done anything to warrant it so had my brother login to my account at his place to check and he logged in just fine so its not that.