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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Looking through a tree break at Sol..
  2. Hetstaine

    Lone wolf tips?

    As all have said above. Patience is a big part in being a successful lone wolf. Idiots run in where angels fear to tread. Take your time and have your head on a swivel.
  3. You owe me a box of tissues..that was beautiful.
  4. Hetstaine

    Let's discuss this idea

    My thoughts too. DON'T SHOOT I'M AN A GRADE MECHANIC AND SEMI SURGEON ! *pew pew* ...really...and..?
  5. What is this tom foolery..no eggs ?
  6. Hetstaine


    Someone please bring back the real Beck and God...a most hideous puppet master has control of their avatars.
  7. Hetstaine

    Let's discuss this idea

    You call it bullying..i call it man hugs.
  8. Hetstaine

    Ammo scarcity

    When loot abounded it was also touted as the reason of rampant kos..because there was nothing to do after getting geared up so easily so pew pew. Now it has swung the other way, apparently anyway. You can still get well geared in under an hour... easily. The kos mentality is something that comes down to each and every players decisions, not the game, the players. I still meet people that do not kos and still pass people up north where we tread warily around each other but manage to go our own way. Of course i see a lot of kos as well but i try not to put myself in the situation where i am going to constantly get my ass handed to me and feel any need to kos, that's just too easy.
  9. Hetstaine

    Let's discuss this idea

    As an aside to that, i don't think you can stop kill on sight anyway no matter what you do, the best way to stop it is to not let yourself become a target. You may still be shot in the middle of nowhere, but the guy was more than likely going to neck ya anyway. And he will more than likely take the chance that even if he does damage some stuff, he can still pick the bones and reap some sort of reward. Most of the kill on sight i see in game on the sidechat servers takes place in the cities and i just feel like head desking myself when they open up in side going ' why you kill me braaah..i had nothing braaah..' ..i think..wtf are you doing running around like a gimp in Cherno braaaah.. how come i can make it around the whole map and not get killed or seen ? People need to change their playstyle a bit is how i see it, adapt to the merciless world and take chances when you hold the cards.
  10. Hetstaine

    Let's discuss this idea

    ^ what mZLY said.. you're a bit behind on this one Diddums :) It's ok, i understand you had a shit ton of piss over the weekend :D
  11. The other option is Daizy. Google is your friend.
  12. Weather. Any plans for the weather.
  13. Hetstaine

    Poem - Hero prayer

    KoS..that was just what i needed to go with my morning coffee :D :beans:
  14. 1. [ Danny] Please don't kill the guy in Cherno :) Danny was killed. 2. Combat loggers live longer ! 3. 4. In Chernarus...door opens you. 5. Marathon runners got nothing on Chernarus survivors. 6. Three tyres, one engine, four jerry canz, an Enfield and some Beanz..how about your survival plans bitches ?
  15. Hetstaine

    DayZ Hacked Tents!

    I tried it a few times ( had good ping on that server) but gave up after repeated teleports, insta broke legs in the middle of nowhere and always finding tents with nvg's etc. This was over a period of time too, it just never seemed to get any better.
  16. Hetstaine

    Chat in Standalone

    Isnt it like the lacoste alligator ?
  17. Hetstaine

    Chat in Standalone

    Chat bubbles..THA HELL ??? nine dollahz for a mic yo :)
  18. Hetstaine

    DayZ Hacked Tents!

    Pretty sure au1 has been a hackerz paradise for a loooooong time.
  19. Hetstaine

    Got me a tent :)

    Server disconnect...hey..my bike ?
  20. I have no beanz to give. :beans:
  21. Hetstaine

    Globally banned by Battleye?

    BE is about all that can help you dude :) Globally banned is in BE's hands.
  22. Hetstaine

    Just saw Rocket again.

  23. Log in to my dude who i try and put at least a couple of hours every day or two, Mr Lone Wolf Serious on a pub vanilla. Ginned around a bit looking for a vantage point to get a nice sunrise shot and appreciate the apoc.. One minor step in the wrong direction and a thirty minute run later and i am reunited with my corpse..back to day Zero. First time i have fallen off a crane, what an idiot.
  24. You always have a lot more lurkers than posters on forums so don't get all despondent :)
  25. Hetstaine

    37 day old char + sunrise moment = death

    I thought the same :D maybe he just loves the winnie.