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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Totally, if it is a shit mod aint nothing gonna save it..*cough* warz* cough* #cashedupandlaughing* ;)
  2. I'll put this here because i put it in another topic but it is more relevant here... It is a weird thing this path to less resistance deal that i have seen thrown about a lot especially in some other topics. 9this one) Take il2 for example. Mil sim still but aviation and more niche than fps..more hardcore as well when you get to a full locked in cockpit no outside view, full engine management..essentially 1st person mode. The game is modded six ways from sunday and ten odd years old, but you never find empty locked in pit servers v full 3dp servers..why is that ? It is the same with FPS games..all seeing eye view gives you all of the advantages, but hardly any choose it in IL2 and the 3dp servers are nowhere near as enjoyable regards a tight core community and skill set, really, no elitism meant in that comment. I can always step straight into a full server of 1st and even have a ton of options on which map, theatre, planeset etc i want because there is so many to choose from. Whereas with DayZ ... although so many seem to want 1st there is sweet fannie adams of them ...with over 4000 servers. Does it say something about the player base and what games they have come from or ..? The dev group needs to bite the bullet one way or another with this thing and then move on happy with their choice.
  3. It is a weird thing this path to less resistance deal that i have seen thrown about a lot especially in some other topics. Take il2 for example. Mil sim still but aviation and more niche than fps..more hardcore as well when you get to a full locked in cockpit no outside view, full engine management..essentially 1st person mode. The game is modded six ways from sunday and ten odd years old, but you never find empty locked in pit servers v full 3dp servers..why is that ? It is the same with FPS games..all seeing eye view gives you all of the advantages, but hardly any choose it and the 3dp servers are nowhere near as enjoyable regards a tight core community and skill set. I can always step straight into a full server of 1st and even have a ton of options on which map, theatre, planeset etc i want because there is so many to choose from. Whereas with DayZ ... although so many seem to want 1st there is sweet fannie adams of them ...with over 4000 servers. Does it say something about the payer base and what games they have come from or ..? The dev group needs to bite the bullet one way or another with this thing and then move on happy with their choice. Sorry for dragging off topic too much there but it just got me wondering.
  4. Modding rocks..what is the only reason you can think of that EA doesn't want bf officially modded ? No money in it. No other reason. Sure DayZ has money..but how many mods in Arma do..fuck all...and how many is there. Shit tons. And how better is the game for it..shit loads. SA will be modded whether official or not :) May take some time but it will happen.
  5. Hetstaine

    Operation Foggy Mountain Talon

    Mayuyu of the 'stache. She fell..but her musty will be remembered.
  6. I thought you were talking about Orlok having massive potential but being lonely. Or Inception locked up watching anime..maybe a combine of the two ? Inceptima at Orloks swilling away like it's 1999
  7. Hetstaine

    Just saw Rocket again.

  8. Hetstaine

    Some Info I Need

    16 or 17 gig .
  9. Hetstaine


    Ok, so are you using Dayz Commander ? If you are,In the install/update window do you have the latest Arma2 Update ? What are your pc specs also :)
  10. Hetstaine

    Operation Foggy Mountain Talon

    Pass the clippers, i need to see my knees.
  11. Hetstaine

    Stories of the survivors

    Dat's some weird shinizzle. Got ambushed outrun and outgunned by some dude in the forest once who was so hard core my beard fell off.
  12. Hetstaine

    Operation Foggy Mountain Talon

    I started off clean shaven and baby like, paragraph two i had the stirrings of preteen bum fluff on my top lip, by the end i was shufffling my beard off my shoes. Ned would have been happy. Would grow again.
  13. Hardcore. Yes please What's your thinking on 1st v 3rd Mr 2Guns ? :ph34r: ninja'd
  14. For sure , you got to give it a crack and see how it pans out :)
  15. Hetstaine

    Cherno caught on fire

    You must have tiny fingers to use that keyboard.
  16. Hetstaine

    Optimum Numbers for Zombie Survival

    One to two suits me, no confusion then.
  17. Even with the new spawn system it looks like the deathmatch cities are there to stay, and possibly worse than before ? Some more randomness would be nice, and not spawning within 30 seconds of a shop or lootable area would be nicer.
  18. Looks like a break open to my unskilled gun eyes, more than likely of the pew*snap*load*snap*pew brand.
  19. Hetstaine

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Hook, line and sinker.
  20. Hetstaine

    Lone wolf tips?

    l33t beanZ :beans:
  21. Hetstaine

    How to run up hills full speed

    I run up hills on my bicycle.
  22. 1st all the way. I thought Rocket was making the anti hardcore game he wanted to make and not the easy game people may have wanted him to make. So i expect 3rd won't be an option. Or is this a fallacy.