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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Just saw Rocket again.

  2. Hetstaine

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    Episode V - The Quackinator
  3. Hetstaine

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    Part III : The Goo0gling. sort of like The Happening, but without Wahlberg...maybe more like The Conjuring.
  4. Hetstaine

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    May his singed feathers carry him peacefully and far away from Tulga to the great medic tent in the sky.
  5. Hetstaine

    Worthless Points of Interest: I Nominate....

    Otmel. and Fuck Petrovka..why i go there i know not why.
  6. Hetstaine

    Understanding Inventory quirks

    Yeah i always look for a bit of a clear area before i dump shit..outside and never in houses or such :)
  7. Hetstaine

    Understanding Inventory quirks

    ^ Missed that :) ...always backpack to front with guns. If the backpack does eat a gun or something else...scour the area in a circle about 5 or so metres..the item will get dumped on the ground. mostly.
  8. Hetstaine

    new player

  9. Hetstaine

    Understanding Inventory quirks

    Shuffling is the way to go. If i am going in somewhere like the barracks or a heli wreck raid on a full pop server i will stash unwanted items behind a tree or wherever then go in with the minimum needed to do the job in case of death. Morph, gun, couple of mags and some food for some fast needed blood. You can always run back and get your dropped gear if you die that way :) ... you will get pretty quick at shuffling shit around around in the mod :)
  10. Hetstaine

    Coastal crabs..

    The coast is where is go to watch the madness of killing and the silliness of sidechat 'why you kill me brah ?' type stuff until i have had my fill, most of my lives are spent in the top two thirds of the map. Elektro is just too small and i am well bored of Cherno :)
  11. Hetstaine

    new player

    Also recommend going into OA and trying out a few of the basic tutorials so you can get up to speed with the basic controls. go into your vid settings (esc in game/ advanced) and disable post process effects and make sure the Interface and 3D resolution are the same as your monitor. Set everything on high and then slowly work it down until you get good frame rates..or do opposite, set all low and nudge them up until the fps starts dropping :) Don't open dunny doors. Get morphine.
  12. Hetstaine

    new player

    Loot will only stay on the server you are on these days...long story :) Run both Arma2 and Arma2: Combined Operations once to complete installation. Download the latest version of DayZCommander from HERE Run DayZCommander and click the "versions" button from the top menu. Click "Install latest revision" under Arma2 OA. Wait for the download and install to complete. Click "Install latest version" under DayZ. Wait for the download and install to complete. Press "Done" to close the versions panel. Now the next step is important...look for a Vanilla (standard) server to get your first experience of DayZ. There will be a lot of running and you will get lost, but starting with weapons and a map will really defeat the purpose of the whole feel of that magical gaming moment we all got when we first started with the mod. You will miss cool moments like feeling vulnerable, finding your first weapon by yourself, getting chased when you cannot defend yourself, and dying when you have accquired some loot that may have taken you hours. Welcome to PC gaming..and Parkway Drive..ooOoooOOOOOOOH FUK YEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!
  13. Hetstaine


  14. Cracked up roads with chunks of tar missing and the piles of leaves look cool. Nice and atmospheric :)
  15. Hetstaine

    Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Help

  16. Well, i honestly cannot see any reason for it being in, even with the shoulder cam ideas or bringing it closer to the player and what not..what then is the use of it ?? If it is going to pulled in so close it negates it even being in game. I have been thinking as has everyone and there has still not been a good way to work with a 3dp view that has any pros.
  17. Day 36... looking down into a small wreck of a village i can see a medic centre, against my better will i know i have to go in and look for some supplies. Fuck ! I have used all of my painkillers and have no bandages or antibiotics left. It is raining and i feel like death warmed up. The last thing i want is to go down there but i must, i have seen a couple of infected wander through the deserted streets and i have no idea if anyone is down there or not. Once again i put my binoculars too my eyes and give all buildings a thorough look over..nothing moves. I have approached slowly from tree to tree and now have a mere thirty metre sprint across open ground to get to the first run down house that will cover me from possible prying eyes within any of the other buildings. Ok..it is now or never, rainsoaked and needing to move before i fall prey to my fastly sapping energy i leave my large backpack behind the tree, shoulder my rifle tightly...clasping my pistol i break cover. Sprinting, the rain beating against me, my heart pounding, my vision clear and focused on my objective.25 metres. My feet are pounding the wet grass and i am moving faster than i feel i ever have before, scanning, always scanning left, right and above in front of me.15 metres. I can see the wall of the house and its broken glass windows in perfect detail, one curtain ripped and flapping slowly in the slight wind. 10 metres. Still no movement from any of the buildings that i have been constantly keeping in mind. 5 metres. I turn quickly and check my six.. suddenly my legs are jelly and i don't understand why i am faltering, they keep moving but i have no control over them, my hand has gone to my chest where it feels i have been hit by a truck, i slam into the concrete wall still running and fall back on my side..looking down i see my chest opened up, blood streaming..everything is fuzzy and grey..then black. Day 0... For an hour i have been on this roof and by using eye in the sky technology i have been able to dominate this whole town. 7 victims in an hour and i have never even played before ! I was told this was something different and would require different skillz when in fact it is childs play. Risk v reward or something..there is no risk...lolz. The last guy seemed like a ninja, flirting from tree to tree and he took forever to get down here, i nearly lost him a couple of times in the rain but he never really had a chance as he would have had to navigate the streets below me eventually, and they only have to turn their back to me once and it is over. I might change out to my pistol for the next one and give him a sporting chance. I do look brilliant in this beanie but i wish it would stop raining so i could see the true colours of my other snappy clothing !
  18. But how am i to admire my clothes you fool ?? And don't be silly and mention the gear screen.
  19. Nice write up :) Hoping that fog gets implemented.