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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. I just want to see my dude in a beanie and nothing else getting down and dirty in those swamps.
  2. Hetstaine

    Terrain coverage/ghillie customization

    All opposed to idea say aye.. AYE !! Hetstaine..leave the fucking room .. *closes door*
  3. Hetstaine

    How to disable side chat?

    Shit. Shit is chilled. Chilled shit.
  4. Hetstaine

    Terrain coverage/ghillie customization

    I want to be able to make a true 'urban ghillie'. Cover yourself with crazy glue and then roll around in trash and old newspaper. Sit and dry for a bit and then just hunker down in an alleyway near some bins or lay down in a gutter.
  5. Hetstaine

    Facts of patch 1.8 - loot is nonsense

    Food should only spawn once at server restart and then it is hunting for everyone. ;)
  6. Hetstaine

    Terrain coverage/ghillie customization

    Once you get urban camoflauge skillZ it becomes second nature. this is me at work... and on the weekend..
  7. Hetstaine

    Help with building a decent gaming PC

    So many possibilities and i totally missed it.
  8. Flip a three sided coin. Or just wreck a Nickleback album. Either way..get the original mod.
  9. Hetstaine

    Favorite roadtrip music

    Hall and Oates...Your kiss is on my list..
  10. Hetstaine

    Question about graphics for SA

    what are your specs ? latest drivers ? no non needed processes's running in background ? av turned off ? services finely tuned ? etc etc ?
  11. Hetstaine

    For your DayZ shop

    Newspawn..it could swing either way.
  12. Hetstaine

    Kat Ban Appeal

    In this thread boomgoesthedino got un Kat banned (theres a line i never thought i would write) so maybe Domistyle knows what a Kat ban is ?
  13. Hetstaine

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    I don't see any way around kos besides the players themselves. That's us :) I don't kos and my partner does not either..we are just too damn nice and end up paying for it about 50% of the time still. We are of course a lot more wary than we used to be and we always cover each other really well now, have little fire areas and fall back places when it all goes to shit as it often does. But our general mindset is simply no kos. I don't think you can change a mindset or ingrained playstyle with some mechanic. Patience is pretty much our best asset, we can kick back as long as it takes if we think or know someone is in the area, see how they act, if they are alone, try and weigh up the odds if it is worth contact..then of course it is still a risk when you do finally get to the greet and meet stage. I kick myself in the face every time someone we give a chance shoots me or her in the face but really you just gotta take it in your stride. We still bump into enough people that do not kos that it makes our playstyle worthwhile. If we only had sticks as weapons and hitting someone wrecked any chance of looting the body for elusive loot then certain types would still branch everyone they met on the head. It's the few that that don't twig your eye out on the spot that make the game cool :)
  14. Hetstaine

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    I used to play DayZ..now i play HideZintheforestZ
  15. Hetstaine

    yesterday i going fishing

    y no-one post pic of fishing ?
  16. Hetstaine

    How I became a bandit.

    No remorse...no repent.
  17. Hetstaine

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    Fiji triple confirmed.
  18. Hetstaine

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    If they don't do Fiji ahm a be royally pissed !
  19. For a second there i thought Muncy was back ! S! Lokkie...as he spirals down over the channel in his hurricane ..takka takka!!
  20. Hetstaine

    My camp has been found

    That's a solid bet. Move the good stuff quickly and leave some bait, take up a nice little pew pew position, grab some beers and keep an eye for a few hours. It's what Chuck would do.
  21. Hetstaine

    Gooogle gladiatorZ

    Goo0gle gooogle ? as in Inceptions buddy ?? That Goo0gle ? Goo0gle of Tulga ???
  22. Hetstaine

    My camp has been found

    They either have/had a lot of guns and AB's so do not need yours..or B are just generally nice and didn't want to rip all of your gear. I only take what i need at the time if i find a tent..like maybe some stanags if i am low or AB's if i have none, but, i will remember where that tent is and hit it again if i am in the area ;) They will be back. I would move my shit :)