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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Difficulties with game.

    Enjoy your noobie time Toybasher, it really is were the best fun is :) Finding out how it all works by making mistakes is frustrating sometimes but once you get on top of it, it is rewarding :) Learn the basics and don't worry about getting your first kill in or trying to be a 'boss', travel around the map and check things out, get your bearings and don't get stuck in the 'Cherno and Elektro' are the only places on the map trap'. It is glitchey, you will lose shit for no reason, you will die from a rock or something random for no reason, you will get your ass handed to you by snipers, kos types and 'friendlies'. Just get out in the Chernarus world and explore and learn, grab some zeds and then run through a forest and work out what makes them lose track of you. (hint..zig zag through the big fir trees) Check backpack slots before putting items in. Never go anywhere without Morphine, bandage and painkillers. Knife, hatchet and matches are your best friend. Gawd i wish i could start again and have the same problems :D
  2. Hetstaine

    Social Experiment, Neat Idea

    Sounds cool, will read the essay :)
  3. Hetstaine

    Work with me here..

    Ok all cool :) and yes it is through steam. Will report back tomorrow on how she went. Fingers arms legs and eyebrows crossed.
  4. Hetstaine

    Work with me here..

    So that will just replace the app data then and not download the entire install ? I only say this because she is on a plan that only allows 8 gb per month :) When we did her full reinstall (twice now) we did it on the last day of the month so it still allows high speed and does not cap it until 12.00. So even though she had under a gig left she can grab that 17gig before it rolls ;) . Then of course the month rolls over and she gets her 8 gig back.
  5. Hetstaine

    Work with me here..

    Yes i know lol :) Seems a lot of people still do by reading the long running thread above as well :) It makes no sense seeing as how she was fine and then by running a 1.8 update through commander it went blaaaaaagh.
  6. Hetstaine

    Authentication Failed

    My partner has the same. mostly annoying. Checked all of files against each other, reinstalled ..yadda yadda yadda. nil. BUMP.
  7. Hetstaine

    crafting in patch 1.8

    That's all i get as well.
  8. Hetstaine

    Melee Weapons

    i only just loaded up 1.8 and my hatchet felt like it had shorter range, has that been changed or was it the rum ?
  9. Hetstaine

    Zombie - How should they work?

    Deans bro is some sort of bacterial specialist or virologist ..vet ? goldfish keeper ? something anyway that i am sure can be found in a .000125346 second google search. From memory he is using his brothers leet skillz in areas of the game related to disease and such, maybe he will contributing in the virus area too ?
  10. Hetstaine

    Need help Asap new to dayz

    This is why we need a good FAQ ;)
  11. Hetstaine

    Mail by pidgeon?

    Combine pigeon with atv and drive over Kamenka bridge. Standalone melts.
  12. Hetstaine

    PC Question

    I would ditch the water cooling as well, but i suppose that is a personal choice. I have oc'd the guts out of my machines in the past for shits and giggles and never required water cooling and have been able to play everything thrown at them with air cooling. Except Crysis when it first came out..but nobody could play that on full anyway ;) I refuse to have liquid anywhere near my pc bits lol.
  13. Hetstaine

    PC Question

    You will save a couple of hundred doing it yourself :) It may seem daunting putting together your first box but there is so many tutorials on the web for a noobie that you basically cannot go wrong, remember read twice ..do once :) The satisfaction you get when you turn it on for the first time is awesome :) and plenty of help here and other places if you get stuck or are unsure as you are doing your build.
  14. Saints Row death from above bitches.
  15. Get in the fucking van !
  16. Hetstaine

    Thinking of upgrading(ish)

    I just have an empty box with a flare in it, runs awesome but too much bloom.
  17. Hetstaine

    Fix the zombie spawn

    You are so lucky you said please.
  18. Hopefully this is something they look at as the development goes on.
  19. Sounds like shit is getting serious. I will pray for him ;)
  20. Hetstaine

    Can i run dayz on my laptop

    Did you camp any new spawns in that time ? If so your laptop can run it. No. Is this the thread about the lack of animals in 1.8 ? Head to nwaf for the graphics card upgrade, it is in the firetower. At the top.
  21. Hetstaine

    Small Idea

  22. I haven't seen Fraggle in ages.
  23. ...he speaketh the truth... umm.. hmmm
  24. Hetstaine

    Free Public Vent - VOIP Solution!!!!

    i felt violated until i realised it wasn't a pitchfork poking me , just a friendly forum member..