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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    DayZ Macros

    All keyboard rage punch.
  2. Hetstaine

    Current Trend

    I despise the coast :) The further i am away from the ocean.. the happier i am.
  3. When you invisibility on they see nothing. I've said too much. *poof!*
  4. Hetstaine

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    If Tulga doesn't get a medical centre..ima flip mah desk.
  5. Hetstaine

    Ban~ Brothers Fault.

    Dem brothers. Always hacking.
  6. Hetstaine

    How is Epoch pronounced?

  7. Hetstaine

    Pick your dayz theme tune

  8. Hetstaine

    Adding .50s Back In

    The game at one stage was simply overflowing with AS50's and M107's it was just fecking ridiculous. I remember getting shot by a ghillie suit dude in Elektro, he was standing at the Altar when i walked in and he shot me with a fecking as50. Ghillie suits...ghillie suits with as50's everywhere.
  9. Hetstaine

    Why I became a bandit

    i was thinking it may have been the 'he knew how to deal with me' part. Maybe some R rated tent action, he lost his self respect and humanity at the same time. ;)
  10. Hetstaine

    Cannibalism in Dayz Standalone

    If i was on my 60th day, no food, very low ammo, dying of hunger, possibly infected and injured..and i see a lone dude wandering around..what are my options. Try and befriend him and hope he has some food and medicine? He see's i am well equipped so that is risky as hell. Knock him out and raid his gear if i can. What if he also has no food ? He is the food :) Of course i can always take the easy way out , die and respawn..not happening.
  11. Hetstaine

    Why I became a bandit

    so why did you become a bandit ? I must have missed the whole reasoning somewhere in your topic.
  12. What about the most common thing in Dayz that is overlooked, a main feature that is just there..part of the whole experience ? Yes. You should know what it is. Take a look at this pic. what does one see ? Looking towards Stary, behind you and to your left is Vybor. No heli wrecks, no survivors, no animals. What dominates this landscape ? Correct, the trees. The beautiful trees. Does anyone care for or appreciate these trees ? When we finally find one that allows us to partake of its wood so we can cook our goat leg, are we not relieved ? Hiding beneath one and feverishly bandaging whilst our assailant searches so he can administer the lethal shot, do we not say thanks ? Using the a trunk as cover whilst we spy on someone from afar, knowing we are invisible to them.. The trees that take us under their bosom and become our mother in this wretched land, a moment away from all of the insta death..who has not looked up and appreciated the fine canopies and spread branches ? Lets. I know... you don't even need to say it, i can sense your sigh of approval at such majesty and realise the relaxing of your muscles as you gaze up into this splendid canopy..the wind slowly pushing it leaves, the well anchored trunk supporting creaking heaving limbs as it watches over us going about our futile human lives. Old stripey. No good for wood, hopeless for cover, just a part of the landscape ? No. A singularly beautiful wonder that says..don't eat my bark ..i am poisonous..just appreciate me. and appreciate it we should. Springing to life with colours that say to the bugs..live in me ..i am your home away from home. ..and of course the majestic pines, which without we would not have our wonderful forests, annoyingly dialed down for those who do not see the land in all of its glory, a constant battler against our hatchets as we search for wood like the neanderthals once did to cook their freshly slain kills. Always swishing and moaning in the wind, a comfort at night but reminiscent of every Friday the 13th movie we saw as a child.. Trees. Hatchet them, hide in them..but love them.
  13. Hetstaine


    You don't need a 950, but i don't need an 850 either :) i like to have headroom and always buy one with upgrading in mind. Never buy a no name cheapo psu. Lesson learned op :)
  14. Ha! I suppose most of us had just forgotten about the server hopping epidemic. Fun times.
  15. Everything on my rig is always maxed excepting i shuffle around the tree and grass options depending on how many are on the server i am on :)
  16. Vegemite. Vegemite lasts forever so all good. Lack of Metal and a good cold rum. That would do my shit in. The abundance of fat cars, a good stezza and plenty of free fuel and a gennie to keep a battery charged though ? Straight to some out of the way spot in a forested area on a a nice high hill with a few jars of vegemite and all would be sweet.
  17. Everyone's a comedian. Fruit is too be appreciated. Never eaten. Ask Eve.
  18. Hetstaine

    Remember this gem ?

    Cruising through my dayz vids and found this old one from June .. ahhh that funny humanity face icon we used to have as well :D
  19. Hetstaine

    Remember this gem ?

    Lol, haven't seen that for ages :D My fave has always been the ...crystal..CRYSTAL!! vid at Balota, makes me piss myself every time :D
  20. Hetstaine

    New PC Troubles :C

    Take a break. Go and see Through the Never and chill :thumbsup:
  21. So it just a missing vehicle pbo ?