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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Help! Huge bug!

    Noob. ;)
  2. Hetstaine

    Forum noobs

    Jesus. That's who.
  3. Hetstaine

    Forum noobs

    I don't mind helpin' the newbies and try and steer them away from simple kos if possible, at least plant the idea that it is possible to not kos and show some self control regardless of countless deaths. As a newbie myself at any forum i will generally do a lot of stickies reading first before asking basic questions and sometimes may not post for a few weeks , get a feel of the people and the mods before i open the door and waltz in to and have a drink and get merry. Without the constant influx the place stagnates and gets smelly, like Diddums bedroom. It's a cessfuckingpool.
  4. Hetstaine

    Help! Huge bug!

    Shoot Steak and Potatoes a PM . Tell him you are only clad in underwear and a three day growth, shit will get sorted ;) Otherwise hit the lads on the Musty website Musty
  5. Hetstaine

    Your first dayz screenshot

    Pretty sure this was my first one, back on Steam before commander was out and before i moved to playwithsix, back when Dallas 29 was a goer :) Remember when the dark was scary ?
  6. Hetstaine

    Your first dayz screenshot

    I just full screen my steam shot use the win7 snip tool then tinypic it :)
  7. Hetstaine


    cool :D If you can get a ninja bloodbag you will be most happy, it is quite the manuever. One must not know it is being performed on them, preferably they must not know you are even there ;)
  8. Hetstaine


    Because it is nothing like that :) You stalk and watch players and decide if they are breaking your moral rules of the apocalypse. Someone who you see killing new spawns - Death penalty. The sniper hill shooters- Death penalty. People who promise to help others then lead an unsuspecting person to their death - Death penalty. Airfield snipers - Death penalty Bandit clothing - Watch and follow and see how they act. Chopper killers who shoot survivors with impunity from above - Death penalty Attempt to help people, while being as cautious as fuck, by supplying food, drink, morphine, ammo, guns if needed and even vehicles. Showing noobs the map and taking them on a stroll to places they haven't been. Overwatching new spawns without them knowing and keeping the bad guys at bay if possible. Ninja bloodbagging, this is a Steak and Potatoes expert level and hard to achieve but extremely satisfying, it's an end game of sorts. Following a group and seeing how they act and handing out punishment if necessary. No mindless KOS, even if shot at by someone because you both scared the sit out of each other it is still possible to have a parley with them sometimes. Showing others that kos can be stopped one player at a time and leading by example regardless of the outcome. The life of a hero is far more than camping out eating steaks and sloshing pepsis in the forest. :)
  9. Hetstaine

    Your first dayz screenshot

    Yeh i had a look on Steam and i actually started playing dayz on 26th May but never joined here until 17th June..must have been too busy playing instead of speaking crap :D
  10. Hetstaine

    Your first dayz screenshot

    nice, lovin' the dew :)
  11. Hetstaine

    New roads on chernarus

    Roundabouts. With the tank memorial in the middle.
  12. Nice, forever and never a bandit :thumbsup: :beans:
  13. Hetstaine

    All time favorite item in DayZ, and why?

    Makarov, it just says... DayZ.
  14. They could, but if the option was there to log then many will log, death removes that option. I am sure after modders get there hands on it that it will be taken away and we will end up with the plethora of shit servers we have now :)
  15. It is totally fair. Have you forgotten the eight kabillion threads on combat logging ? I had a hopelessly shit internet connection up until two weeks ago and the amount of times i dropped out in bad/good situations sucked massive horse testicles but unlucky for me. If you are cuffed and log for any reason, then death is good :) It should be harsh. It is the only way to stop the huge percentage of people who will just log in situations like this.
  16. Hetstaine


    One day you may find that the path to a hero is far more challenging than the bandit path ;)
  17. Hetstaine


    Photoshop skillz off da chartz.
  18. Hetstaine

    How long does dayz have left to live..

    The mod as it stands now is imo worse now than it was originally, even with the bugs. Online is a pvp fest of massively stupid proportions. All i can say is bring on the SA, at least it will be interesting in the beginning.
  19. Hetstaine

    learn lesson from counter strike mistake

    Good article about penis's and gaming here.. Why do people love to draw dicks in games ?
  20. Hetstaine

    Auto-run button.

    Wouldn't bother me..we can auto run with an object on the arrow key anyway so...? I do feel more focused if i don't autorun and hardly ever do it because i find it annoying but i can't see how it would change anything.
  21. Hetstaine

    learn lesson from counter strike mistake

    I would love to be able to use a spray can in Chernarus but we all now that no matter what is implemented there will be cocks everywhere. Huge ones, small ones, arty ones, hairy ones, big blue vein junket pumpers. load spurting mutton daggers, spam javelins, baloney batons and meat scepters. Everywhere.
  22. Sadly Dayz Vanilla is nearly no more, *wipes a tear and slings twelve backpacks full of weapons in back of helicopter.*
  23. Hetstaine

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    .it looks fine...in your opinion. In my opinion i thought the arma2 was terrible..but i got used to it and even grew to like it. But i think you will find many more disliked it than liked it..but you liked it. That doesn't make you wrong, it is just your opinion. Like you not liking the revised one so far. Once again you are not wrong, but you have formed an opinion on it. Well done. We all have them.
  24. Hetstaine

    Play DayZ with a noob :D

    Stop trying to be nice Conky, you will give him the wrong impression.
  25. Hetstaine

    dayz rules joke.

    7. there is always someone in Cherno/Elektro/Stary/NW field..so stop fucking asking over side.