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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. There goes my extra torch battery.
  2. Hetstaine


    lol..well there ya go.
  3. Hetstaine


    I was thinking maybe Lee might have let him roll with him if he was also a killer ? Makes sense.
  4. Hetstaine

    Can we please pick names ourselves?

    So change your Steam name well.
  5. You have walk, jog, sprint. Your sprint slows down after a short burst and is more of a fast jog. You will use more energy fast jogging :)
  6. Hetstaine


    Its on the tracker, habbening to a few people, plus met a few in game who had the same issue :) Been habbening to me and my partner all night. We had to stop playing after the fifth teleport as we could not get to each other, her in Cherno and myself in Elktro. We kept on getting tele'd back to our spawn point about ten to fifteen minutes after launching in.
  7. Stand on the beach, have the ocean directly behind you..North is directly ahead :) Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. What you will have to do is start to get to know your way around, remember landmarks, hills, roads and road junctions, large chimneys in certain towns and cities, after a while it will sink in and even a small shack in the middle of nowhere will be a place you can use as a reference. Find a road and follow it, remember where you started and then see where you end up..and what you passed on the way, barns, certain small rises and forests and even clumps of trees or rock outcrops. You will slowly become aware of your surroundings and be all like ' aww dayum..i 'member dat shitty ole town down dere..dats buttfuck shitville !' Loot, well dunno, i haven't experienced the severe lack of it yet but obviously it is habbening, i generally head inland and have had no trouble finding gear. My advice..get off the coast and venture in, the only way to get to know the map is to get lost. Some of the best moments are when you work out where are and you end up finding that can of drink or food you were desperate for :) good luck young journeyman
  8. Hetstaine

    Fan kit?

    Wants fan art, makes own fan art /thread.
  9. Hetstaine


    What would have happened if he had said, i shot at your mate because i don't give two beans for life in this hellhole ? Just wondering.
  10. Hetstaine

    Anyone else enjoying the game so far?

    Loving the cock off it.
  11. I left the payday mask and went with the Ushanka. It looks boss.
  12. Hetstaine

    Not having any fun !!

    You just missed out on the most rape fun you could ever have in a barn in the forest in the dark. I would take Steakman up on that offer.
  13. No they weren't , i went on seven different servers last night and three of them were day.
  14. Hetstaine

    Couple of screens,maxed out

    first visit to the apartments in daytime.. I'll put the rest in spoiler tags for people who get funny about big pics.. This one was a body i met on the beach that kept on doing neck exercises while spewing blood from her head First random i met,had a chat,commented on each others headgear ( i had the Ushanka on) and moved on peacefully And the Dayz i love, heading inland away from the coast and cities
  15. Hetstaine

    Couple of screens,maxed out

    i5 @3.33 Ghz, don't worry about overclocking it anymore as even at 4.1 Ghz the difference was minimal. Win7 32 bit, gtx560ti 1gb vram, budget 2010 gigabyte mobo, 4gb of no name ram. Always updated drivers, bios etc, services reamed whilst gaming, keep the machine lean :) With fraps and skype running i was around mid 20's sometimes dipping into the teens in built up areas. But 18-25 in the SA feels nothing like 18-25 in the mod. In the mod 18 was basically..gtfo of here and find a new server as i slide showed around the world whereas when i dipped into the high teens in SA it was still smooth and fluid albeit with random quick lag spikes when zooming. Out of cities i was in mid 30s and 40s. My partners i7 ati win64 8gb machine fared worse and we had disable vysnc and drop her FOV and a few other settings to get smooth.
  16. Hetstaine

    battered to death on the beach

    This is true..i just have no time for beach spawn killers :)
  17. Hetstaine

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    Thank fuck.
  18. Hetstaine

    My first 30 minutes of playing DayZ Standalone

    No fucks given.
  19. Hetstaine

    battered to death on the beach

    Beach spawn killers, that' who.;) OPJFK.