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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Bug: race changing gloves.

    Michael Jackson disease. Incurable.
  2. The above type of idea was mentioned a lot over the time of the mod, it generally degenerated into slenderman and seeing ghosts type bullshit :) Nervousness maybe, guilt somehow ? random 1 -2 second flashbacks of a killing that make you go wtf ? ptsd ?
  3. The time of your life..that's what.
  4. Hetstaine

    Trekkin' in the dark

    Love the head mounted torch. Battered this guy to death with a fire extinguisher after he wanted to play fisticuffs at Balota. Being able to get around with the head torch and have a weapon equipped means no need for gamma whoring and for me it is dayz at it's best. Now where are the goddamn flares at Rocket... please.
  5. Hetstaine

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    You are on the net..always prepare your anus ;)
  6. For me it is about the time, not the gear. I have crawled for hours to get morph for a guy when up North with max gear and crawled for hours with nothing more than a crossbow and some food. I don't care if my guy has only a torch and can of sardines, i will do what i can to keep that fucker alive. It's a mindset thing. There isn't anything you can do to make people who don't give a toss , suddenly start giving a toss, without making it arcadey.
  7. Hetstaine

    What is the "In-depth story-line" to SA ?

    There is a mission, it is the greatest one of all in gaming, Don't die.
  8. The only way to make people care about their char and its longevity ..is for the person to care about it and its longevity. I don't want a death punishment because a bunch of knob end kids don't give a fuck :)
  9. Hetstaine

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    Agreed , i don't want a heap of colours and buttons all over the inventory, simple and clean with minimal colours, buttons. I like it as is because it is plain and doesn't look like a ten year old kid threw his art kit at it. You have some nice work Madscripter but maybe throw out the colours and roundness, think serious and gritty, function over form :)
  10. Already have Call of Cthulhu, don't leave town without it. "My somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octupus a dragon and a human caricature.... A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings." That's some good forest reading right there.
  11. Hetstaine

    Trekkin' in the dark

    Depends on how much moonlight there is :)
  12. Hetstaine

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    Excuse me... i mine wood in the woods and then play beancraft.
  13. Hetstaine

    Headtorches not working? (Fixed)

    They are nice as bait too, leave it somewhere obvious and it is like bugs to the light ;)
  14. Them damn server hoppers in the barracks..it has begun again.
  15. Hetstaine

    Goodbye Coast, I'm Leaving You...

    Getting away and heading inland, spotting Mogi and other places as you come over the brow of rises is awesome. :thumbsup:
  16. Hetstaine

    The Hero Chernarus Needs

    Happening with the red and black hoodie as well Rossums , would do a bug report but i am fecked :)
  17. Hetstaine

    Work in progress.

    It's a cool little spot.
  18. Hetstaine

    I thought Standalone would make this go away...

    They tried, that is a bunch of boys that are now humiliated and won't be able to sit for a week.
  19. Hetstaine

    I fell into water in Cherno. How do I kill myself?

    Can you not swim ? If you can..try and pick up North by the sun and start breast stroking, you will eventually die anyway so leave your game on and go to work the pub or something. I recommend one with low grade strippers, lots of shitty 70's music and watered down rip offspirits..just sit in the corner and brood and flash a sleazy smile every now and again.
  20. Hetstaine

    Answer for $30 price. (In depth talk)

    No as50. Refund me.
  21. Hetstaine

    Please make spawns truly random.

    I am hoping spawns are more randomised eventually as well. Chuck us inside a little shack in a forest. There is plenty to go around.
  22. Hetstaine

    My favourite shot now

    anyone seen the wolf mask yet ? That shit is no good. Bumped into a dude in a house with one at night, left a brown trail out the door.
  23. Hetstaine

    Best item I've found in the SA!

    Man up. Eat it. I eat them all.