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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    PvP slider

    Just give some sausage lad.
  2. Hetstaine

    Any suggestion on good log-out point?

    Always in a forest and always under a tree.
  3. Hetstaine

    Need someone to kill me

  4. Hetstaine

    PvP slider

    Beat me to it Steaky old bean.
  5. It is a start, i would (like to) think most players do not log at high pvp spots so it wouldn't be an issue. We don't log anywhere near built up areas, generally in a forest under a tree. I would go further and bump them straight back to the coast myself :D ..at the furtherest point from any mil loot sites. Random disconnects would be annoying as would server restarts if stuck in one the zones though, i could live with random disconnects if it would alleviate the hoppers though and Five minute server restart countdowns would cure the restart issue.
  6. It isn't really a safe location as such, but the system (i imagine) would not 'bump' you to a spot where are another char is in close proximity as you can simply be axed whilstb still logging in.
  7. I had the same suggestion with zones like that ..but for 3dp/1st. The only way i think to really kill hopping is a log out and combat timer. Char stays in game for a certain amount of time if you log in a 'hot' zone. Cannot log under combat conditions at all.
  8. Hetstaine

    Rumored patch tomorrow?

    Non confirmation confirmed.
  9. Hetstaine

    TO Everyone Who Camps Coast (Read)

    I have had my fun camping spawn killers, it is rather fulfilling, happy travels Twisted Order :thumbsup:
  10. Hetstaine

    Time is not synced for all players?

    relog when that happens :)
  11. Hetstaine

    some question about SA server

    I love the night and with headtorch it is fucking awesome, i have been waiting at Kamenka with a couple of hand outs and gifting them to newbies and then watching them run off in joy. Makes me shed a small frozen tear.
  12. And so it should be. Fuck yeah. Mountain climbing sluts.
  14. Hetstaine

    Touched by a Bandit

    The rape count is high in Chernarus at the moment.
  15. Hetstaine

    Should they bring back General chat?

    Because it is like reading constant lines of crap, especially when a bunch of what seems like 13 year olds start fighting when their mum leaves them alone for five minutes. Real immersive. An option to totally disable Global would suffice.
  16. After running for five or ten or so minutes non stop you are teleported back to where you were five or ten minutes previous and have no control over anything in game, sometimes spinning in place and have to force quit the game. Every four minutes, stop , go into your inventory and shuffle a few items around between your pack and clothing, have a drink or eat some food, this seems to fix it. Did some testing with it last night as i was getting over running from Black Mountain to Novy Lug..repeatedly :) Ran for an hour all up stopping to interact with my inventory every four minutes and was never teleported. Give it a go.
  17. Hetstaine

    Should they bring back General chat?

    Fuck Global. Anyone in Cherno..Anyone in Elektro..Why did you shoot me? I HAD NO GEAR !!! ..fag..cockbiter..FUCKING FAGGOT!! .. fag fag fag fag.. fuck global.
  18. Hetstaine

    Job Applications

    That's what she said.
  19. I don't think so. My desync was 0 and my ping was 25, no chain either. I had one magic carpet ride where i drank then ran for ten minutes..zap..back to where i had my last drink. Ran for four minutes then had a drink..ran for another ten and ..zap..back to the second drink location Only ever happens when i am non stop running and not interacting with anything. edit- the rest of the time nothing is out of whack, loot is fine, interacting is fine, my partner is not noticing any weirdness, lag when around me. Only when running for longish periods of time..and it is random. I have run from nwaf to Kamenka and not had it happen, but when it does start happening even changing servers does not fix it.
  20. Hetstaine

    Flipside of Server Hopping

    Seen a stack of them when i was on the hospital roof at the new mil area above Kamenka. Pop in,turn their flashlight on and begin looting, then magically pop out again. Six in about twenty minutes. Two people, can totally pin that area down and take them out. Going to be some fun nights ahead with my partner shooting hoppers. Assholes :)
  21. Hetstaine

    Am i the only one with the munchies?

    Well i was just thinking, you should not be extremely anything after munching out on that much food and water unless it is going straight out yo ass :) Maybe it isn't registering on the server or something ? I would take my food and drink to another server and see how it rolls.
  22. Hetstaine

    Am i the only one with the munchies?

    You sure you're not desyncing ? Have you tried a server change ?
  23. Hetstaine

    7 secs test video

    I only counted 5..why are you robbing me of that last 2