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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. ..and also, whatever you have thought, the devs have more than likely thought it and a hundred different offshoots of that idea as well. The fuckers are gamers like us so of course they have :) It is all down to how it is implemented, what is possible with the engine and everything that goes with that. Lets all cross our fingers and hope they can pull off some seriously cool shit.
  2. More items..but less spawn of high tier, make shit rare. I don't want to be fully geared in thirty minutes, and that is what it is atm which is annoying. I want to work for that shit and feel like it was a fuck yeah moment when i found a double mag for my M4 instead of chucking them away because there is so many of these 'rare' things. More players ? Expand the map and then we can have more, current map with even 100-150 players ? fuck that. ( i know you already said expand the map) 1000 players going to need instances and a lot more work, underground rail, sewers etc. Hang in for the ride and see where it goes in a year or so. I have hopes of a Namalsk type region tacked on the top North, a fucking monster mountain range, a couple of decent islands and expansion west down the coast.
  3. Hetstaine

    All the 1st ranters

    Yeah i don't even go into a game until i have played around with the keyboard settings first and had a good look at what is on offer.
  4. Hetstaine

    Odd coincidence or.....

    Yep, ages back when i had internetz worse than an empty tin can.
  5. Hetstaine

    Why you don't climb ladders

    Fuck their gavel.
  6. Hetstaine

    Re: Road Lobster..Forest Godzilla.

    dAYZDB chernarus plus my friend.
  7. Hetstaine

    Explorers Log: Expedition Chernarus

    I was going to ask if you found that little tunnel through the rocks, pretty neat :) Partner is in the tunnel if you look closely. Nice shots :thumbsup:
  8. Hetstaine

    The Worst Combat Logger

    Dude is fucking tripping ballz. As bad as logging is, that was pretty fucking funny :D
  9. Hetstaine

    r/dayz didn't seem to grasp the concept of road lobster.

    A more beautiful thing i have not seen in a while..until Forest Godzilla
  10. Hetstaine

    Goofing around down South with squad (The dumb moments)

    I am a huge fan of the spazzy run. The only way to get around with style.
  11. Hetstaine

    Odd coincidence or.....

    Ring your isp and ask if anyone took a bruise to the cheekbone.
  12. Hetstaine

    Item in last-ish patch

    dot dot dot
  13. Hetstaine

    Odd coincidence or.....

    Had it happen a few times in similar desperate situations. Dark, up above Novy. A motorbike trundles by with two dudes, my partner is darting across the field, i am behind a tree swapping guns out for my sniper as the bike turns and makes a beeline for her. The dudes jump off and start spraying stanags like ants at a picnic, i scope in..fucking disconnect. By the time i get back it is all over and she is at the coast. Maybe he punched your isp ?
  14. Hetstaine

    All the 1st ranters

    How good is your pc ? I don't deem to get any of those issues besides the occasional stupid double step forward arma carryover. I am wondering if you are lagging/stuttering a lot ? I get super smooth and well quick enough head/body movement. I change my dpi up and down a bit as well depending on the situation, especially when scoping/looking at a distance. Maybe i have been playing 1st for long that for me 3rd seems clunky :) I have been in 3rd in the SA since release obviously but coming back to 1st servers feels like home. Another thing is since about 2002ish i have always used only the right hand side of the keyboard for everything, arrows for movement, right ctrl and shift for crouch and sprint, 0 (ins) for stand, numpad 1 for prone, del/pgedwn for corner look and then numpad for look left , right, left back and right back etc. It is a combo that i keep for all games so is instantly familiar and comfortable. As well as having a mouse with enough buttons for inventory, reloading etc. Everything is grouped nice and tight around my left hand and there is no darting anywhere on the keyboard for a key in a panic situation. If you don't have a nice comfortable setup then 1st is probably not going to be enjoyable. At least you gave it a crack :thumbsup:
  15. Hetstaine

    All the 1st ranters

    You can get your chest off in here anytime Dallas ;)
  16. Hetstaine

    All the 1st ranters

    Well they better all putting their chars where there words are and jumping on the servers. edit-
  17. Hetstaine

    All the 1st ranters

    Definitely. I find in 3rd i bump into heaps more shit and get stuck in bushes and crap, in 1st i seem much more aware. But yes, definitely more awesomerer. It seems they are filtered ny either 3PP:ON and 3PP:OFF, nearly every server i looked at (AU) had one or the other in the name :) Yep. Annoying. Will be interested to see what you think, give it a couple of hours at least..and play with your fov as you can get pretty much the same 'peripheral' as 3rd with a slight adjustment. That would cool for those who like to see their chars. Myself i don't give a toss what my guy looks like in 3rd as i can see it in the inv anyway, but different strokes for different folks. :)
  18. Spray disinfectant on finger, stick finger in wound, grimace like Chuck, carry on killing all like Arnie.
  19. Good read :) All of it has been mentioned over the last year and more but you broke it down well. All of the above is something i would like to see implemented as really atm the only thing i have invested in my char is the base reason, time. I like to see how long he can stay alive, once i get to about day 2 or 3 it's all about how long can he go for, there isn't too much else really except the journey he has been on, the fights he has survived and the comebacks from near death. Gear is gear and it is easy to get, still far to easy imo. Any other reason to keep my guy alive would be a vast improvement. edit - Facial growth would be a cool start and probably the easiest to implement, throw in forty days worth of beard growth textures and pop one out every ten hours of playtime.
  20. Hetstaine

    3rd person tweak [suggestion]

    Is that Orlok ?
  21. Hetstaine

    Real life zombie apocalypse

    Head to the bush because the cities are gonna be hell holes.
  22. drink until full, eat until full..fill water bottles, have food..sprint everywhere.
  23. Hetstaine

    you can put limitless bags into one bag?!? WUT?!

    Tents in tents, bags in bags..the wheel turns.
  24. Hetstaine

    Does murder face increased negativity recently?

    Forums sort of exploded with the influx of new blood..it'll settle down again and we can all go back to hassling Inception ;)
  25. Hetstaine

    Book Collecting

    Opening day will be a fire sale, literally ;)