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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Bananas. They are fecking awesome.
  2. Hetstaine

    BattlEye Kicked for incorrect version

    waiting here for servers to update myself, it seems the alpha coverage option got disabled too, interesting.
  3. Don't really know, the arma series reminds me of the il2/clod series of games. Guys with big rigs could struggle worse than mid range rigs despite throwing the best gear at the games and running lean mena machines. Seems to have been the same with the arma series since forever :) I have done heaps of tuning in that and the arma series and sometimes it just seems like luck of the draw or black magic. Bigger does not always mean better for some weird reason.
  4. Hetstaine

    Epic Flank of Doom

    It is a good one.
  5. Hetstaine

    Players, communicte more please.

    If you are not the kos type, always make sure you are ready and behind cover before popping out with ' hey man ..wasssssup bro !' Give yourself every advantage before the bullets start whizzing around.
  6. My partner runs an i7 and a more modern rig over all than my old i5 clunker, and i constantly get better frames than hers, with higher settings. All is not as it seems with BI games.
  7. Binocular soccer..classic stuff.
  8. Hetstaine

    Let me handcuff you, it won't take long to struggle out

    I'm hearing ya :D It's a hard learned skill she has ;)
  9. Maybe it was your brother..or sister..or aunty..or uncle.Your dog ?
  10. Hetstaine

    Player Identification and Classification System

    Pretty cool old Zedly. I am not a fan of any icons or colours or whatever bobbing above someones head for any period of time, maybe something that fades away after a couple of seconds ?
  11. Log under a tree, it's part of the basics.
  12. Hetstaine

    T3N RDS no good when crouching or proning

    Vest on a guy, i didn't think of the vest, removed my helmet to see if that was it..will check.
  13. Hetstaine

    T3N RDS no good when crouching or proning

    Just found the sight yesterday and have been alive for about 12 days now. Every now and again the other sights do this as well but not all the time like the above.
  14. Hetstaine

    Re: Road Lobster..Forest Godzilla.

    ROAD LOBSTER After the brilliance that is the road lobster, i give you..Forest Godzilla. That's right, here's the big fella.. Spotted by my partner whilst we were frolicking in our underwear.
  15. Hetstaine

    Why you don't climb ladders

    We watched this chap for a bit, when we saw him at the ladder we were all like..' uhunh..oh no you don't fool..aaaaand there he goes' We grabbed his mosin and threw on a scope i had been carrying around for a bit, gave it a few test shots and then left it back near him in case he decided to do the run back. Ladders. No.
  16. Hetstaine

    All the 1st ranters

    Get yo asses on the servers. I can find three servers in Oz with 3rd off (one of them is 24/7 day so it doesn't count as server)..and there isn't enough on all three to fill one. Now, i prefer first by a mile over 3rd, but if y'all ain't gonna get in there.. then whats the damn use of all of these 1st v 3rd topics ? For those of you that haven't tried it, give it at least a decent crack for a couple of hours and remember ..everyone else on the server is in 1st so the advantages/ disadvantages are the same :) Who knows, you may come to like it. sigh.
  17. Hetstaine

    Build A Rig?

    Research , research..research. Look on the net, 'building a budget gaming pc'... 2013 and 2014 topics. Talk to your local pc shop. Check comparison sites. Basics. 500w or above psu ( i would go 600w at least but you have a severe budget) I5 CPU. Minimum lowest. Nothing under a gtx560 ti card, if you can still find one ..should be cheap as chips and can run the game in its full glory, win7 minimum. 32 or 64, it will run in both but 32 limits your usable ram to 4 gig. Middle of the range memory sticks, expensive stuff is good for bragging rights, middle of the road gets the job done..and goes just as long. Budget Gigabyte or similar brand name board with four slots. Middle road 250gb hdd. Cheap case, you don't need led lights and all that booshit. Just one that holds your gear and keeps it cool. I cannot stress this enough. Don't buy a prebuilt junkware system from somewhere like Walmart or whatever you have wherever you are. That shit burns.
  18. They are there to be had, and when it happens..hold them to your bosom. It is more precious the the rarest item. It is the rarest item.
  19. Hetstaine

    40 hours in review with suggestions.

    You are correct..the gamma slider should be removed.
  20. Hetstaine

    48 Hours Into Standalone..

    Working for an AAA franchise seems to have you also thinking like an AAA franchise. The things you mentioned are the basics, the tip hopefully. Go deeper and cast your net wider, then maybe you can get outside the same old bubble of thought that keeps on churning out the same old games. Not meant in any disrepectful way :) ..just that what you mention is the same old ..same old. edit- speeeeeling
  21. Hetstaine

    Compound Bow?

    I will not be excited once again finding arrows and quivers in dayz, unless we get a real bow, stuff the crossbow with its optics. I want to pull back a big dirty huntsman bow and whizzle an arrow into a big fat elk.
  22. Hetstaine

    Stary Sobor

    Stary is much better now, a quaint little joint to rest and take some time out.
  23. How about exploration..the journey to said places, the things that happen on the way ? I have met so many wackos/ weirdos/ paranoids/ good guys on my many many journeys inland that it makes the coast redundant. Use your imagination just a scrap dude.
  24. Well at least he has first hand experience, landscape, survivability, the overall feeling of it, sheer awesomeness that comes from that sort of accomplishment and that damn view. .. that's all gotta count for something :)