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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Improvised with burlap or boar. Lately i have been using the Smersh though, 8 slots keeps you from hoarding and only carrying the neccessities
  2. Hetstaine

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Clearly i am answering the exact post that i quoted, maybe you should go back and reread it ? I don't know why i bother with these topics as everything is out there for everyone to read or watch but many just seem to miss it,ignore it or are totally oblivious.
  3. Hetstaine

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    1. People desperately wanted the map more fleshed out and were always saying how barren it was. 2. Most have wanted tents since release of alpha ..did you see how mad the servers went the first minute they were up when tents were first announced ? They are a huge part of the game and always have been whether you use them or look for them. 3. Ditto vehicles, they are a major draw for at least half or at worst a large chunk of the community. 4. My opinion is that Rocket has been pretty transparent the whole way through from mod until now, warts and all. He has always said it may all come crashing down and that it is what it is. I don't know how that translates into your statement of him believing his own hype.
  4. Hetstaine

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    From that small salad may come a guy who ends up owning and managing a whole chain of restaurants, of course he will make mistakes as he learns as everyone does on his way up, but how else does he learn if he isn't given that chance? If that trainee guy never gets that chance then we may miss out on a food chain that isn't just another shitty macas or kfc that churns out the same crud day after day. What it takes is the people above him to have the balls to let him loose or at least give him a go and let it fall where it may. Of course you need to remember that the guy said ' i don't care if everyone doesn't like my salads, i'm making the salads i want, that i enjoy, if my salads fail then it is what is'
  5. Hetstaine

    If you create/have this server, I will come.

    I know what you mean, but i find the the hour before the sun comes up and goes down the nicest in the game, if you make the day/night cycle to short then you lose this :) The sun is down a few minutes and you go from full day to inky blackness nearly instantly. If they could do an 11 or so hour cycle then at least over a few sessions you could experience a full 24 hours :)
  6. Hetstaine

    If you create/have this server, I will come.

    4-6..way to small imo, that's getting near gta style.. 11-15 would be ok as then over a few days you can experience the whole cycle on the same server
  7. Hetstaine

    If you like Frankie , you will love this guy !

    yep, very cool and clear.
  8. Off course, who wears cheap imitations ? Not i sir. Unfortunately he died quite so me time back, but at least he went out lookin' good.
  9. Hetstaine

    Where are the birds ?

    Anyone seen a crow in the last few weeks ? Seems nobody has noticed they have been absent.
  10. Hetstaine

    The social experiment goes horribly wrong!

    Nice work :)
  11. Hetstaine

    Bearz please

  12. Hetstaine

    Bearz please

    Yeah that tripped me out, i ripped them off the tube under 'grizzly roar'. Just had a pic of a grizzly bear face. Didn't realise they were from Skyrim :D
  13. Hetstaine

    Whats your survival record ?

    Just over four months with my current reg char..my fucking reg guy outlived my hardcore chap who died due to massive head shot trauma last week. Tears.
  14. Hetstaine

    DayZ is literally unplayable at the moment

    Use an official server and stay on it, i still have my four month old reg char on stable going fine and only just lost my hardcore unicorn recently.
  15. Hetstaine


    Don't worry..i'm a retard :)
  16. Hetstaine

    This changes EVERYTHING!

    Yeah i know, there never used to be a tower there so it is quiet annoying. I just dumped a tent there in tribute as it was one of our camping places in the early part of the mod.
  17. Hetstaine

    This changes EVERYTHING!

    No, it will degrade. Anything not in a tent will degrade and eventually be gone. See above. Atm tents are the only thing that will keep your shit safe from degrading until it is gone or ruined as i understand it. Finally settled down my four month old Stable char, good to offload the gear. Tents and persistence is a game changer though, no more aimless wandering once you have a base of operations. You can decide if you want to do a session of just pure hunting and looting to restock meat and supplies, heli hunting and tent raiding for weapons and gear, tent raiding or go and cleanse the land of bandits. Depending on what you have you can equip accordingly and not have to worry about carting around two guns anymore, added bonus is being paranoid every time you log back in is if your shit has been raided raided or not.
  18. Hetstaine


    They only have a 2% spawn chance there i believe (from scouring Reddit)..and the spawns are not working there for anything anyway :)
  19. Hetstaine


    No. Found my first one in the mil building at Turovo and another one in the tents at Balota His textures are on low :) I like it, makes you really decide what you need as it is only eight slots. Frugal survival. edit - I'M A RETARD.
  20. Hetstaine

    Stashing the goods. Sure, but where?

    Think of the best possible out of the way spot on the map..and then go nowhere near it.
  21. Hetstaine

    DayZ Xfiles

    No good seeing this when you are 1st person full pop server and full paranoid..
  22. Hetstaine

    DayZ Xfiles

    Yiss...yiss we do.
  23. Hetstaine

    DayZ Xfiles

    Innit. Guvnaaaah.
  24. Hetstaine

    DayZ Xfiles

    You glorious bastard..where have you BEEN !!! blows kiss ...x