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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Is this normal?

    It is a known bug. Try 'having a swig' or 'you have eaten a spaghetti' every five minutes in between running.
  2. Doesn't need to look down. Can feel the weight.
  3. Hetstaine

    Character Wipes ...

    Alpher i imagine. I have had it happen once in about 150 hours.
  4. Hetstaine

    Random shots

    Maybe it needs a shot of Elektro then ;)
  5. Hetstaine

    Fix the Forums!! Please.

    Spam. What ?
  6. Hetstaine

    An afternoon wander chasing the sun

    Started at nwaf, up to Bashnya hill then down to the new bus depot just Northwest of Lopatino.
  7. Hetstaine

    A fun game of chernarussian roulette.

    a hooo yeeeah ! :D
  8. All in all a good day, shooting hoppers was the highlight until i met some geared up guys who didn't kos at a high tier location. Ok so, i am not a fan of the masks but that damn stripey orange shirt..i dunno, my parter and i have been playin' dress ups all week and i got attached to this guy, the wolf mask set him off.. ..he was killed on sight at Bere after quiet a nice shopping journey around the map. RIP bro. This lad i met at Krasno, we had a chat when we couldn't see each other (3pp:off) i told him i would come into the mil building with my hatchet down, opened the door and he was waiting, gun down..like a f@cking champ. He offered me food and water, i gave him two scopes for the mosin that was spawned on the floor near him, he let me loot a dead dude near him..introduced me to his mate, went on our way and waved it up . And then killed a bunch of hoppers. disconnect..night server..click clack..hopper instantly. Plus three more today in a one hour session, lots of direct rage, two loggers. Hoppers have taken over the fun of heli crashes..random, joyous fun when it happens, surprise presents.
  9. Funny thing, the guy in the night/dawnish shot above..i got him just as he was loading in on the stairs..who the f does that ? but anyway, just after i shot him, i cruised up the stairs, hopped over him and then heard the click clack of someone logging in nearby. I backed up against the wall at the top of the stairs..waited..a dude poked his head around at the bottom like he expected someone to be there. Then the dead dude started speaking over direct, 'why did you shoot me bro, what are you doin' man..'..i put a few shots down the stairs so old mate would keep his head down. Dead dude on the stairs kept talking, obviously keeping a bit of watch as when you die you can hit esc and it is like the mod, you can still overlook your dead body and see someones position close to it, dark or not. I heard another click clack while i was backed up at the top of the stairs, hit P and looked at the player screen, another dude loading in..so over direct i said quietly..as if by mistake..'just stay in the corner of the top room man..i got the stairs covered'..sure enough..only five seconds later on the server and three dudes had logged out. Such is the way of the hopper.
  10. You are not trying hard enough.
  11. except people who are drinking.
  12. Hetstaine

    Don't mind my rage

    Full sprint running from a geared up guy after spawn. Stop because my char can't decide to vault a small fence so instead takes ten years to climb over it like an out of shape 90 year old with eight busted hips. After climbing said miniscule fence char decides to revault over some air, Captain combat continues to miss. Start ziggly zaggly running and manages to not get shot by horrible maniac spraying 5.56 who has watched Saving Private Ryan too much, stopped in my sprinting efforts by a 1.0 degree incline that forces me to walk. Shot 470 times. It's ok, i have my own tissues.
  13. Hetstaine

    Don't mind my rage

    Arma alpha issues. Trademarked since release.
  14. Hetstaine


    Krasno mil buildings..1 pop server. There come the hoppers.
  15. Hetstaine

    World Events Ideas

    Weather. A decent weather system extending to rough seas and wild storms where you cannot hardly walk and have to wait it out in a house or some sort of shelter.
  16. beans..it makes the dayz world go around. how about that fine shopping on that last picture . someone must be drinking...
  17. Hetstaine

    Don't mind my rage

    hey.... heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy,,slow down brah..take a breath..it's all going to be ok.
  18. Hetstaine

    Morgan Freeman brings salvation to DayZ. [VIDEO]

    That was the moment i fell in love. Well picked :D
  19. Hetstaine

    New weapon?! LOL

    Excellent :)
  20. Hetstaine

    Morgan Freeman brings salvation to DayZ. [VIDEO]

    Go Morgan, continue your journey to freedom, let not the kos white man bring you down :beans:
  21. Hetstaine

    New weapon?! LOL

    Change your reply to BBCode mode (top left little option near your avatar) for the copy and paste issue. It's a thing that has been happening here since forever :) Once you have changed that can you also quote or multiquote ?
  22. Hetstaine

    Don't mind my rage

    Mostly that works, until it simply doesn't. They need the two different vault styles totally seperate imo, different keys, so it is only possible for one action to happen.
  23. Hetstaine

    In game messages

  24. Hetstaine

    Don't mind my rage

    Are you happy with dodgy vault system and the forced walk up a minimal degree slope mechanic ? Carry overs from arma i imagine and in all seriousness, they need to be looked at at some point :) I would hate to be another year down the road and both are still the same.