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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Is DayZ TOO Easy?

    Yes, much easy..me want hard game. Backpack full, back hurts. Belly full, belly hurts. MAKE HARD !!
  2. Hetstaine

    FPS in Cities

    Same, i did a week or so of oc'ing and benchmarking and had nearly no noticable difference from 3.3 ghz up to 4.2 so dropped it back to factory. Last night in Zeleno a bunch of us were getting constant drops and freezes to the point were we had to leave because it became unplayable.
  3. Yeah i get that :) The problem is i have to be about 1 cm away from someones face or they just cannot hear me, it just simply will not work if i am more than a foot or so away from anybody, facing them or not. Doesn't matter if use a 270 dollar headset and mic combo or a cheap desktop mic and like i said, no amount of mucking around or tweaks seem to help, i have been trying to get it working half decent since jul 2012 and no joy.
  4. For what ever reason direct has always been shite for me, no amount of tweaking gets it working anywhere well enough to be able to communicate decently in game. Teamspeak-perfect..Skype- Brilliant..anything else to do with my mic and sound- Awesome. Arma based direct of any sort with hours of tweaking - Crap.
  5. Hetstaine

    Truly Amazed!

    I won't be dumb enough to stop..wait five years to shoulder my weapon and then attempt to engage....run motherfucker run. But then again i don't go rushing wildly like a lunatic in the direction of explosions and gunfire.
  6. Hetstaine

    That Blair Witch thing

    In the forest in between Myshkino and Pustoshka 025 077 on dayzdb :) I am waiting for the sun to go down so i can take my partner there in the dark :D
  7. Hetstaine

    Steam Achievements

  8. Hetstaine

    In Tent, shun all.

  9. Post back when you find out where you were..i don't think i have ever seen that weird little part in the game before :)
  10. Gonna have to run with aviators. I might die of hunger, but at least my eyes don't hurt.
  11. Hetstaine

    There was a guy- a fully geared guy-

    Geared is the easy way to distinguish from a new spawn. Calling them stalkers or endgames sounds weirder to me than geared. How about Land Pirates... ' and then this land Pirate shot my face off '.
  12. Is your in game res the same as desktop at least ?
  13. Hetstaine

    Childish server messages

    Joined one over the weekend. As we are spawning in the messages are .. Dickfag, faggot cuntz and a few more. Whats the deal with that shite ? Are we too expect spawn in screens with penis pics soon as well ?
  14. Hetstaine

    Childish server messages

    I haven't really drawn porn , but have done a few nudes (think rose and Jack style) , i will admit, it is fun.
  15. Hetstaine

    Childish server messages

    Until i see a midget covered in dildos exploding out of an elephants asshole nothing on the internet will surprise me. Been here since the 90's..how about yourself mr webz ? I have screenshots of those doors and they keep me comfort in the forest at nights. I just thought the messages when joining were ..well..dumb. How about if we joined and saw 'blackcuntz or fagniggers' does that make it cool and funny as well or is that in poor taste ?
  16. Hetstaine

    Cowardly Admins

    Shot one guy who raged like an absolute idiot. He said , just wait, i'll be back. Server reset a minute later. Never went back.
  17. Hetstaine

    Anyone else crashing?

    We crashed twice each on one server, changed servers, no more crash. Never crashed in the SA up until then, maybe some servers are corrupt or missing files or something went amiss with their side of the update.
  18. Hetstaine

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Firstly, there is no face saving needing. Second, they may not be the 'elegant' solution some are looking for but they work for those who find it so terribly hard to keep one finger on a key for the amount of time it takes you to run from a to b. Remapping the run to a single key is the simplest solution imo. Instead of me answering why there should not be an autorun key, why don't you explain why there should there be one ?
  19. Hetstaine

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

  20. Hetstaine

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    I was just stating all of the ways you can autorun currently. You shouldn't have skimmed...makes you look silly ;) btw i use my finger.
  21. Hetstaine

    People are already playing with the AKM..

    No. No we don't.
  22. Hetstaine

    Binoculars in SA

    Is Greez your name or was that like a geeeez. with an R ? Just wonderin'