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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Which one of you weirdos was this..

    I assume you are talking to the guy i have quoted ??
  2. Hetstaine

    New Experimental?

    I was just pointing out the obvious that it wasn't a solely American event as he stated ;) We had a pretty good view here ( east coast of aus) of the total eclipse :)
  3. Hetstaine

    New Experimental?

    A total lunar eclipse will occur on April 15, 2014. It will be visible from North America, South America and Australia. Parts of Asia, Africa and Europe will see a partial eclipse. Can confirm..saw it in Australia.
  4. Hetstaine

    Game Breaking Bug only 100 votes

    I did the mod from june 2012 until just before release of SA on the shittiest internet known to mankind and considered 100-150 a good ping.most;ly was up around the low 200 mark :) If i play reg in SA i go for the low ping aussie servers but HC on 200 odd seems pretty good. The terrible Lag, desync and other glitches in this game makes ping seem the least of anyones worries anyway lol.
  5. Hetstaine

    Game Breaking Bug only 100 votes

    Have you got decent net ? I am in Brissy and set my ping to about 250 - 300 to find a good pop hc server. Most of us Aussies are too pussy to play hc apparently, sad but true.
  6. Hetstaine

    Game Breaking Bug only 100 votes

    You will find many whine about lack of hc servers..but many will not actually play on them. It's like when the night comes down and you see the server pop all bail to a day server.
  7. Hetstaine

    "Take my sardines?"

    Broken leg icon..opposite of beanz ..thus reflecting a posters quality of post ..ie: That post was shit..click broken leg. Poster accumulates broken legs and is kicked off the interwebz.
  8. Hetstaine

    How often do you find a Long Range Scope?

    Holy crap Dchil..you need to get around the countryside a bit more :) Spawn rate of the lrs is off the charts atm in the mil tents, get 'em while you can.
  9. Hetstaine

    "Take my sardines?"

    We need broken legs for shit posts.
  10. Never seen it, but i am only 13.8 % of the player base.
  11. Hetstaine

    Do not shoot the rabbit!

    Never kill the rabbit.. you will understand if you read it all. The Curse
  12. Hetstaine

    Rick Grimes Stole My Boots

  13. Hetstaine

    Why random sound bytes/files?

    I had to quit game a few days ago as the short zed noise..just the 'Rah!' got stuck in a loop and drove me nuts .Hope that sound guy is worth his salt.
  14. Hetstaine

    Save The Trees Man! Marginalized Wilderness

    I'm not too excited about cars, makes the map very small imo, but it makes no sense to not have them. There will have to be if we want a bigger map as didn't the devs just recently state that the map would not be enlarged ? There really still is quite a large chunk of forest left on the map though, but i feel that there possibly is too many new joints coming and would have preferred something a bit different up North like the often talked about mountain ranges with a city of sorts on the other side, or a Namalsk type region as you travel further North past NWAF..
  15. Hetstaine

    Skalisty Island Questions

    You will drop a gun if you have two main weapons equipped.
  16. Hetstaine

    Yesus the hacker

    Maybe he is doing a dayz player world map survey.
  17. Hetstaine

    Sudden death

    There seems to be some odd issue in the mil building as well. Three of us at the very northernnwaf one last night, one guy on overwatch, me in the lower section covering the entrance and old mate went upstairs and insta died when he was in the top room crouched. No shots fired , nobody else around. Unless someone was glitched in the secret room and managed a 15 foot silent axe kill through the wall we have no idea.
  18. Hetstaine

    What's considered the lowest of the low for you?

    Wall glitching to get an advantage, it's just lame. You all know who you are.
  19. Hetstaine

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Love the sack. Glitch. Tenst are spawning acogs and lrs scopes like crazy..get 'em while you can !
  20. Hetstaine

    What Is your Game

    Anyone who is attacking me is who i am after. Sometimes i may feed a person a slightly off bit of fruit.
  21. Hetstaine

    Dayz standalone vs arma 3 specs ?

    ...and the position of the sun relative to the wind direction.
  22. Hetstaine

    Dean Hall on Dayz ported to consoles.

    Game is pc first :)