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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    How do I open doors?

    when you get close to a building that has openable doors you will get a double green arrow icon. hit enter. Only the buildings that you can see through the windows are enterable as well as some small sheds and warehouses with big double doors.
  2. Hetstaine

    My one tip to new players

    no. If i did this i would never have been bloodbagged in tight situations, looted towns with newbies, been helped to find a weapon myself, roamed the countryside with random players. There is a lot more to it than just instantly killing everyone you see. Old Chernarusite....beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the Bandit side of Chernarus are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the bandit path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it has so many other new players.. New Chernarusite..Is the bandit side stronger? lOld Chernarusite...No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive. New Chernarusite...But how am I to know the good side from the bad? Old Chernarusite...You will know... when you are calm, at peace, passive. A true Chernarusite uses life for knowledge ,defense and help, NEVER for attack. New Chernarusite..But tell my why I can't... Old Chernarusite...No, no! There is no "why".
  3. Hetstaine

    Specs - FPS - Please read.

    I agree with a few other posters here..the 9800 is probably your biggest bottleneck. Back when ARMA was released i struggled with a 7900gs x2 sli system , top of the range board etc , i upgraded to a 9800gtx+ ..awesome card at the time and it was brilliant for Crysis maxed out but still struggled with ARMA. Few years later i ditched the 9800 for a GTX460 and voila , ARMA ran wonderfully. Currently running a GT560TI and have no issues at all on a mid range rig. i5 @ 3.33 , 4g ram on win7 32. with everything maxed including vis at 10000. Dont spend all day looking at fps crap, if it runs smooth and plays fine whats the worry if your under 60 fps ??
  4. Hetstaine


    You can do a mad Elektro/Cherno run in about 5 minutes and grab nearly everything you need then gtfo. Mainly hitting the hospitals for morhine, you will not have any fun without morphione in your bag. Most of the time you will not get shot. You only end up getting shot by being in either place too long or by crawling around super slowly. I agree with the double barrell shottie..virtually useless. Disagree with the flares , if it is coming on dark i always like to have a 10 pack of them to illuminate stuff or guide people to places or my whereabouts, sometimes just because i like pretty red lights. Same with bloodpacks, i always carry two, one for me and one to donate to the friendly person who transfuses me.
  5. Hetstaine

    You know you are lucky when...

    Needs to be patched out :) You should not have to run miles off the map to either stash or loot. Its an unfixed 'exploit' at this stage but will be fixed by final version..then everyone will have only the choice of using the map confines :) The big downside is people who get vehicles can easily stash stuff well out of range of people who cannot get a vehicle, and generally all of the vehicles are hoarded well out reach of 90 % of the players. What are all of the hoarders going to do when you can not get off the map..have to play within the confines like eveyone else ? Mother of god.
  6. Hetstaine

    what is going on ? no server works

    Hey well, look at it this way , the script kiddies are not good enough to even play the game on even terms but they are ok at copy n paste..after being banned they see fit to make grief for everyone and get some sort of bragging rights as if they have accomplished something worthwhile , Consider yourselves at least a few large notches above their socially devoid existence and it's all not really that bad :) Plus the original 30 bucks you spent on the game is still valid, they are out of pocket as well as angry at their own ineptness as an individual. Its all good. Just got to put up with some server downtime now and again. Its life..you bump into retards everyday, there is no avoiding them.
  7. Ha! Me and my girl just made it too each on the beach at Cherno when they went down. Dont really care if i lose my gear or char..gonna lose it along the ways anyways , just hoping we both spawn next to each other when they are back up again. Script kiddies,,go outside and get some sun..it will help that pale white skin of yours and chances are you might meet some real people ..you know..ones that dont rely on memes to fake humour and actually have conversations that use more than three letter words. Beans..i must have beans !
  8. Hetstaine


    We should hook up, i love throwing out 10 or 20 flares and lighting up the whole city then doing a mad zed run through the joint..the snipers go ballistic trying to pop me :)
  9. Hetstaine

    let the hopper wars begin

    Nice lol. Only problem is how do you know that it is hoppers everytime ? What happens when i log out from my session and i am near any of the above places when i do..when i log back in am i considered a hopper to you guys because i appear at Stary or NW airfield? I do make sure when i finish my session i always log out a bit away from a populated area and i am prone under a tree with a higher ground view. Do the hoppers just bounce from loot spawn to loot spawn spots ? Good to see a group is serving them up on a plate and spreading the wealth :)
  10. Shotgun is a virtually useless weapon. I would rather throw cans than get caught in a tight spot with the shottie. Be careful with some items , like you found out with the axe/shottie. I always selct GEAR instead of PICK UP. That way you can see what is happening in your inventory If you come across a bigger pack, czech . alice etc ..drop your smaller bag first then pick up the bigger bag. Then go back to your smaller bag and grab what you need out of it. good luck :)
  11. Hetstaine

    @ Beginners..no gun start is not impossible

    Then you could live in the woods indefinitely. ...thats a worrying thought..the woodsmen of Dayz..they freak me out more than the zeds.
  12. Hetstaine

    Which servers have vehicles?

    none..they are all hoarded.
  13. Hetstaine

    Im not going to be the good guy anymore

    That sums it up pretty good. Someone with a high tier gun + alice or coyote is not going to stop and ask if you want some beans. Either stay hidden or pop them if you have no choice. They are definitely gonna pop you and not risk losing their gear.
  14. Hetstaine

    @ Beginners..no gun start is not impossible

    Churches seem a no go any more for me too..unless you want chem sticks or cans :) Used to be worthwhile checking them out but last few weeks they seem very barren. Related to this post for beginners, i just got my lady into Dayz and she is loving it, she lasted about an hour first time in , admittedly she had my help but she made it from the Eastern Spawn of Elektro to about halfway to Cherno before i met her. She never aggroed a zed until i told her we had to do the Cherno run..she was like what..whats that ? I said..you follow me and don't stop for nothing ! Halfway through Cherno she stalled and was killed because she hit shift five times and the sticky keys prompt kicked her to desktop lol. She had to wait about 30 minutes from start of game for me to get her a winchester so she had a weapon and said it was one of the best gaming times she has had as she was nervous and panicking out because she knew if something happened she could not defend herself.. btw she is not a newb too gaming either...so if a chick can do it ;)
  15. Hetstaine

    [GUIDE] Best route to NWAF for newspawns

    If you sit back and watch the supermarkets you can normally pick off the campers/ farmers ;) If there are two or three of you it is especially easy to take them out, we do not enter the Zeleno or any other shops without someone covering from a higher location. Nothing better than looting a camper :)
  16. Hetstaine

    Im not going to be the good guy anymore

    lol..ive been shot plenty of times after getting all geared up..and i'm still a good guy. It just teaches you to be more sneaky :) Dont let them get you down..there are plenty of good guys out there.
  17. Hetstaine

    To 'Charlie' on US79 TX3

    Cool stuff :) There is enough exceptions to make the game still very playable for me, the whole shoot on site stuff gets boring pretty quickly. Especially for newbies i imagine. The first friendly guy i met on Dayz was a guy called Griff or something similar. He bumped into me near the firestation at Elektro, told me he knew where a weapon was and lead me too a Winchester with some ammo. We ended up covering each other up to the powerplant where he said had to log off. Was good finally finding someone who didnt pop a cap in me within the first split second. Best one was a guy i met at the NW airfield .Wickenden was his name, i had spent ages getting up there and was about 5000 blood when we bumped into each other in the main hangars, both of us did not shoot on sight..just hid at either side of the hangar.. he asked if i had any spare AKM ammo , i didnt have any but i dropped a bloodpack so he could fix me, which he did, then i repayed the favour by topping him up with my last bloodpack. We bid each other good luck and journeyed on. Since then i have managed to help a few guys while they have crept around and armed up and been rewarded with no bullets to the face. Oh yeh except for the guy who hacked me with an axe from behind while i was making sure he could get across a street to the Cherno apartments..i guess my ak74 and Alice pack was just too tempting for him to have to work to get his own. Such is Dayz life...but the good ones out there keep you going :)
  18. Hetstaine

    Direct comms question

    I read through the voice comm thread in helpful threads but still could not find out why the below.. me and a mate were on BRA1 last night and trying to use direct comm (text) when standing side by side . We could not see each others chat at all, beta 94209- vet server. We have tried it unsuccessfully with direct comm (text only) with other servers using 93965 and 94364 as well. Obviously i can see my chat and he can see his but that is all. We were all within a metre of each other with no results. Are we missing something basic here or is it still bugged ? From the voice comm thread .. Direct communication - Those who are near you hear voice coming from your character. Character's mouth moves when you talk. Voice fades over distance and cuts off at 80 meters. Text range is 20 meters (1.60), 40 meters with beta (since build 93586), cheers for any help.
  19. Hetstaine

    Voice & Text Communication

    Quick question, me and a mate were on BRA1 tonight and trying to use direct comm (text) when standing side by side . We could not see each others chat at all, beta 94209- vet server. We have tried it unsuccessfully with direct comm (text only) with 93965 and 94364 as well. Obviously i can see my chat and the others can see their own but that is all. We were all within a metre of each other with no results. Are we missing something basic here ? cheers
  20. Hetstaine

    Zombies still coming through walls

    Cheers for the post System, makes sense..its like the mostly retarded AI in flight sims..even the dcs ones, and generally for the same reasons. Hoping they find a way around.the limitations in the future.
  21. Hetstaine

    My Squad Banned On Seattle 58 - Video Proof

    They were still banned in the first place which is a breach of server rules, the ban was long enough for them to safely relocate their admin camp, this is a clear abuse of admin power, they need to have their server status revoked surely. This. Fuckn pussies