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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. Hetstaine

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Q: Will dayz standalone support the oculus rift peripheral? A: someone gave me a heads up about it, love it, I hope we could support that. Would be awesome.
  2. Hetstaine

    Rocket in the news.

    Cool shit, from an injury to Dayz to Everest. Kudos to the guy.
  3. Hetstaine


  4. Hetstaine

    AusDayZ Server location.

    grabs popcorn.
  5. Hetstaine

    PLZ unlock CZ01

    dont get attached..you will find more bandages.
  6. Hetstaine

    Where have you found your NVG's?

    Sorry op..Tent and dead people :) Never seen any at the barracks and dont go there any more..tent hunting is more profitable.
  7. Skidmarks only skid because they are so far superior in intellect and all other skillz compared to the standard gamer that they get bored the moment they have installed the game and see the first splash screen. It is clearly beneath to have to play on fair terms with the standard gamer.They have evolved far beyond what we could ever imagine being excitingly tanned with perfectly toned bodies picking up majorly hawt chicks at the drop of a hat. OfteN seen cruising in european high class cars or flash american muscle whilst throwing money out the windows to the peasants. Skidmarks are the life of high society parties and a big draw card for many social events Skidmarks stand virtually unopposed as the next great step in humanity.
  8. Sometimes you get these strange players who do not (couldnt be fucked and why bother anyway) server hop and also do not pitch tents. But still , because we find tents we are running with a dmr and m107. Threw the as50 because my partner likes her winnie :) It all comes down to how you like to play the game really. Clearly most like to have the fully armed top of the range sniper ghillie combo, we run in survivor clothes as we dont like the ghillie look at all..yep..full weirdos. I expect the whole duping mess and respawn rates of high tier gear plus hopefully to an extent server hopping will be much better adressed in the stand alone. Not holding my breath for many fixes in this version. A full wipe is only go degear the current mess for what..a couple of hours max ? Not really going to fix anything.
  9. Dayz shirt, baseball cap, kneepads and Alice pack..set for a weekend running around my backyard looting wood.
  10. Dean Hall nazi war machine fate lives in danger.
  11. Hetstaine

    Remove the Murder/Bandit Kill count

    Have not really sussed him out yet..could just be that time of month ;)
  12. Hetstaine

    Who's got the lowest Humanity?

    Ragheads unite !
  13. Had it last night, soon as i saw the message , esc-abort-disconnect. Logged in a different server and my char was at his last resting point up North East as if nothing had happened. I reckon it took me about 2-3 seconds to esc-abort and disconnect, i didnt wait to see what the deal was after seeing that message..just get the fuck out of here now.
  14. Hetstaine

    Dayz = PvP

    Trigonometry..doesnt get it. Just keep shootin em Trig..it's what your good at.
  15. Hetstaine

    Weird happenings

    Only time i could never bandage my mate was because my bandage was not on my tool belt but in my backpack ..tell him to check and make sure he has it in his toolbelt or he will not see the bandage option when rolling his mouse.
  16. Funny content ..terrible playing :D Would have ben an easy save..1 guy covering and 1 guy fixing up the noob on the floor ;)
  17. Hetstaine

    So its finally happened to me!

    I believe puberty was hacked weeks ago.
  18. I have no pity for the now rag headed kos players :
  19. I comsider myself fairly lucky..3 months and i have only had 3 hacks affect my gameplay, 1 of them was our usual vet server and when i joined there was only 1 other person on, so they must getting bored on high pop servers as well. Camping zero pop servers..what a life lol. Still have not been hack killed yet though so yehaah :D Guess i am quicker on the esc-abort than they are on finalising my death.
  20. Hetstaine


    Is that like a fake toaster that sits in the kitchen and never actually cooks or pops the toast while you wait getting ever more angry to the point of hunger driven insanity ? What happened to the real toaster ? Is it fully camo'd in the cupboard in the hallway cooking endless loaves of bread that nobody will ever get the chance to eat ? what the fuck goes on here Decoy ?? Where is the real fucking toaster man ??!!