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Everything posted by Hetstaine
Not so easy come, easy go, very easy come...
Hetstaine replied to Ohjay's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Entertaining,far superior than 72 % of the standard daily threads :) beanz -
FPS ? All of them. Everything maxed. Could not be bothered ever checking. Game runs fluid as..all good everywhere. Game runs choppy, change server..still choppy..reboot..all sweet. gtx560ti , i5 @3.33. 4gb on win7 32.
My secret for a quick gear up
Hetstaine replied to Hoskins123's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Bad person ? we will never know..but what you do be it online in a game or here on forum is a small reflection of yourself. Not saying that just because you axe someone a question in game means you are a serial killer, thats ridiculous..but your play style definitely shows off a side of you. I know i wouldn't be running around popping heads off every fucker i saw because i thought they were going to kill me the instant they turned around. Most would be a blubbering mess when confronted in a live or die situation ( cue the real men who refute this and would go all rambo in 2 seconds ) Thats not my style of play because it just is not me, sure if someone is a real threat or has shot at me then i am attempting to take them down. But just sitting around popping people? meh..can do that in every other game that has ever come out. There is always some sort of exploit whatever the game..and i suppose it is up to however you game as to wether you choose to use it or not. For myself and the people i game with we choose not too as we consider it bad form. If you constantly find yourself in a situation where you are dying the same way (hackers aside) then i think you need to look at your tactics , not try and find the loopholes. If i was going to server hop to get gear or to kill snipers or whatever else..then to me the game is not worth my time, i am just cheating myself out of the game because i cannot find the time or be bothered to come up with a better plan of attack/ defense. If i get outplayed well.. unlucky, look at what i did wrong and how i could have done it better. If ,as you say, they dont have the time or desire to get things legit then they aren't here for long anway so its a moot point as they move onto the 'next big thing' very quickly. -
My secret for a quick gear up
Hetstaine replied to Hoskins123's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
No crying, its a game dude. just watching someone trying to explain to people why they use exploits as their tactical gameplay. If i die to a sniper then it is only me that has put myself into that position, not the snipers, not the hackers, not the vets or the noobs. Keep on shoveling man, your digging a nice hole :) You remind a bit of my mate, he rages when he gets sniped..i laugh and tell him to get over it and what the fuck are you doing running around for ten minutes in the coastal areas anyway ? I dont snipe but i aint got anything against them. Last time i sniped we where shooting some zeds of some poor guy running around Elektro getting his zed train on, we were running up to Skalisty from Balota, stopped on the outskirts of Elektro, grabbed some beans then started popping zeds offa this guy. We were then sniped at by someone above us, we legged it and left the dude to his fate. My mate half loses his shit because we are gtting sniped at. I tell him to get over it. His solution always..fuck it lets snipe the snipers the fucking dogs! ..yawn. I run and he ends up following so we get the fuck away from the coast. Snipers gonna snipe..sploiters gonna sploit. -
How can you even call this a game?
Hetstaine replied to HamTheBacon's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
exactly what i was thinking. Also..sounds like you keep running to the same places ? You know there is more than Cherno and Elektro right ? I like how whenever someone has a game session they dont like it instantly means that everyone else who plays the game must be the trash of the world. ...Meanwhile in the forest above Berezino.. -
would have been headshot at ..' hey sexy thing'.
My secret for a quick gear up
Hetstaine replied to Hoskins123's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Minus beanz. Does not like snipers.Server hops to kill snipers. Calls people in thread snipers because they dont like his server hopping.Gameplay might change when exploit is gone. Doesn't get it. -
My secret for a quick gear up
Hetstaine replied to Hoskins123's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
and the real difference is ?? sfa. The only difference is in one of your situations he is engaged in a battle..in the other he is not..but the exploiting remains the same. When people think what they are doing is cool they call it using the game mechanics to try and make out as if what they doing is fair, or ..i am only doing it because the snipers are lame. Take them out fair and square or be lame and hop to your piss easy advantage..it really is an easy choice. Its lame. Lame ass hoppers for whatever reason.There is no technically speaking If he joined a high pop server , took down the sniper legit and then got his gear..all fair. Server hopping whichever you try and turn the story is the same as hopping in a fight...but each to their own. -
pop ..pop..watching motherfuckers drop. Always good to have someone watching out when you get in a shitty sitch :) Hope you gave your mate some beanz.
I want to build Elektro..under Cherno.
Never sniped in Elektro..or Cherno..or Stary..or NW field. Got any anitbiotics ? My partner is sick :)
My experience with my friend when he started hacking.
Hetstaine replied to T3hCr0w's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
why didnt he just spawn another heli for himself ? weird..i thought he would have had a fleet of helis ready to go. Tell him we all hope he is enjoying finding a server. -
Whats the verdict so far ? Gui looks a lot better but yet to install when i get home from earning my slave wage. *92 posts say get Dayzcommander* Yes yes i have Dayz Commander, but thankyou..that was not the question, i use six launcher for other arma mods as well.
The stupidest spawn in all of DayZ
Hetstaine replied to Inception.'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Get flame suit dude ;) -
Hetstaine replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Awesome post op. minus beanz -
. Duping and server hopping. Clearly didn't get it.
Would you play Dayz without Zombies?
Hetstaine replied to Flavalicious's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Dayz without zeds , great poll. -
Dear god no. Just no. I dont want to be running around finding rinky dink in game money to use. vending machines sure, bust them open to get stuff maybe. But currency..nup. Metagaming provides trade oppurtunities, even without it i am sure many have traded gear in game. especially after helping someone. The whole end game concept is a hard one to get right, who wants the old school big boss type level ? , you mentioned airport with 200 plus zeds, that is the same principle, been done a million times, predictable and boring. End game is what you make it thus far, our groups endgame is still just survival of the char, helping people where we can, hopefully taking out some bandidos, seeing what the next patch brings and working along with it. I dont know if the dev team even has an endgame planned, from what i have read there is no such thing envisaged. Obviously the duping and hopping made the game too easy too quickly..it is many users fault that so they are bored already and have nothing to do. Remember when you first started and the whole feel of finding something better than the mak or your first winnie ? Well that is out of the game for most of the playerbase ..because of the playerbase. Now its wow..look an as50, nvgs and a gps. I didnt even see that stuff for the first month or so, now it is rampant. Kills the whole gear up adventure. qft.
Similar ... 9. Q. Chances of an overflight by a military plane..just cosmetic for atmosphere. A: I would prefer all this kind of thing to come from players. I just need to give them the tools to achieve this.
Trading L85A2 AWS for M16ACOG
Hetstaine replied to Bluetorchtv's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Mak is now rarest. No ..you cannot have mine. -
First Kill ... and Murder (and I'm not happy about it)
Hetstaine replied to GiggityGump's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
As soon as you mentioned 80's music ..farrrrk, thats worse than the Jason dude.. Broken legs were needed once that shit starts. Good job on the headshot though.. -
I'm fucking tired of dying to hackers
Hetstaine replied to Jackftw's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Survivior ? -
You are the only person who has been hacked in dayz so far.
Test your theory :) I only just upgradd to 2.5 last night and have not seen a raghead yet so i dont know.