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Everything posted by Hetstaine

  1. I always wonder what guys think when we have spotted them in the distance being chased by Zeds and we have shot a few off their back. Do they think we were trying to shoot them and end up staying in cover for ages scared we are just waiting for them to bo peep out ? Or do they just think..wow..that was cool. Because of the guys i have met that have helped me and other randoms i have looted places with or shared food , guns and medical items i always have a stupid faith that when we see someone that i always think 'maybe this guy is cool too'. More often than not we do not end up shot so it seems there is still enough good guys around that make the game what it is.
  2. Hetstaine

    Starting with/without a gun

    No gun start was one of the best things that happened. But initially everyone was not killing everyone like they are now anyway.
  3. Hetstaine

    Shit DayZ players say (contribute!)

    My partner.. How do i swap my main gun ?..wait up..ill just..what the hell?.. hey where did my ak 74 go ? It was right in my backpack ! I dunno..i was just refilling my bottle and now all of my shit is on the bottom ? Yeh..did it again..jumped off a deerstand..i keep thinking we are in Crysis. Why is all of my meat on the ground? Oh yeh ..Like that zed saw me from there !! crack.. Nah im not bleeding..all good..HEY! HEY! IM BLEEDING!! How come all i find is watches and cans ? Do you need a watch ? Morphine ? let me look..umm..nah, i have three epi pens ... we cant use them hey ? Ha! Look at that zed..he has a tie ! Your always so much faster than me ! ummm..i'm crouch running again hey.. Awwww..check out the dragonfly Awwww... look at the dandelions OH LOOK ! its a butterfly! A TENT! ITS A TENT! ..wait up..its a rock. She makes my game a lot more amusing but the amount of times i have hit the dirt because of butterflies is fucking insane.
  4. Hetstaine

    Evolution Table - Hackers in DayZ by Play

    Damn you ! Everytime i see that avatar i have always thought ..THE HOFF!!
  5. Hetstaine

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    Yeah it was cool stuff :) You could run from Cherno to Elektro, meet ten people, and not get shot once. First time i did finally get shot was by this guy who lured me to a water pump via sidechat, dark, just outside Elektro. I was lost and he was helping me navigate to this pump so i could refill my bottle. I ended up running down the train tracks and he said ok i can see you, i will come out and stand up. He stood up from a bush nearby and said 'sorry man..i really need some beanz ..' bang! I just sat back and thought wow..this dude really sucked me right in,i couldn't believe i had been capped. My mate who was near Balota was like..'what ..he fucking shot you ?' Sidechat was full of comments about how i had been sucked in ,plus the usual lolz, one bunch were heading down to try and find and kill the guy..a few more were saying they were going into hiding because this pyscho killer dude was now on the loose..good times indeed. And finding an akm..man that shit was golden ! Fuck..a winchester was phat :) Still enjoying the game and hoping the standalone can capture the edge that it had when it first hit the net.
  6. Hetstaine

    Would you play DayZ if...

    Top down ...seriously ..what?
  7. Hetstaine

    Fucking Humanity...

    Get to bagging and bandaging , gonna be a long haul dude. Fortunately for us who are not kos , when the humanity became a factor we were all pleasantly surprised by the new survivor clothes. Enjoy the head gear ;)
  8. Hetstaine

    Sean and Nelson on US 1545

    somebody help this guy out ! :emptycan: !!!
  9. Hetstaine

    Stop complaining about KOS

    Regular server, vet or expert ? We only play vet or exp and preferably 3dp off. Chances of being kos are not really that bad. Most of the deathmatch carnage cod/bf3 type vids i have seen are reg servers. In fact the whole time we have been playing it would still average 50/50 for kos, but we don't hang around the coast,...at all. Forums have also changed to KOS these days. I am afraid the happy times of the beginning are over my friends.
  10. I have two dmr's in my backpack (one for me and one for my partner when i meet her again) plus 4 magazines, an ak74 kob slung on my shoulder, m1911 in hand, ak mags,a stanag for my mate,nvg's , rangefinder, hatchet,knife,standard flash and military flashlight, gps,waterbottle, morphine,bloodpack all slopping around with a couple of cooked steaks. Totally running liek a boss.Unstoppable. My man is a machine. Going to be good when stamina is introduced and the big hitters become a lot rarer.
  11. Hetstaine

    DMR + NVG

    Optics: An over-action MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail sourced from either GG&G Armament Arizona or Smith Enterprise, Inc. allows for the use of any optic compatible with the rail; this includes a rather large variety of military scopes and imaging devices. The most common scope used on the USMC DMR are TS-30.xx series Leupold Mark 4 day scopes, AN/PVS-10 or AN/PVS-17 night vision scopes, and Unertl M40 10× fixed power scopes. Make of that what you will :)
  12. Hetstaine

    DDOS Attack going on?

    For those who dont know what Negative Ghostrider is... A version of the ghostrider, a sexual position where a girl is riding a guy while she has a sheet over her. Instead the man is behind the woman while she is on her knees doggy style, still covered with a sheet. or it could be from that plane movie.
  13. Hetstaine

    It's all about hit detection

    Walmart. Keeping shit real since 1962.
  14. Hetstaine

    Do you still have artifacts?

    > fully read post > find it only works for a short period of time > stop skimming. ;)
  15. Hetstaine

    My bones are made of pancake mix.

    Pancakes. Vegemite. omfg. Morphine, always have it. Blood, keep over ten all the time..give yourself a 1k buffer. Under 9 you will need vegemite for those cakes.
  16. Well deserved Beanz indeed...and to put it another way, an elevator always smells different to a midget.
  17. Hetstaine

    ALT F4

    If all of the energy in the universe does not leave the universe ..and in time, when all of the black holes join and everything goes back to pre big bang, the energy that has been "retrieved" is at one point again. Now as I understand it ,that mixed energy could be in any state until such a time something happens until the " right mix is made" to create another Big Bang which starts off the whole cycle again, If the was the case would not the universe itself be constant energy ? It is sort of like a never ending circle. Like a forum. With the same topics. ..all the time.
  18. Doggy dog is the new dog eat dog..haven't you been keeping up ? I partially blame Snoop Lion.
  19. Hetstaine

    My secret for a quick gear up

    Hey i dont think your a douchebag or should die in a fire , your playstlye just shows you let them get to you that bad that you had to resort to an exploit to get around their playstyle. What style will people who think this playstyle is 'cool' adopt when the server hopping exploit is remedied ? Snipers are still going to be around so what then ? Or do you just jump ship to an easier game ? Enjoy the adulation of the other likeminded :)
  20. Hetstaine

    My secret for a quick gear up

    The one dude who is doing something useful..yeaaaah. Server hopping to kill because he is not good enough to take them down any other way. Useful. Time consuming..what do you even say to that..that is what a 9 year old uses as an excuse when he has to explain to the teacher why they did not do their homework. Time consuming. Lol. Alpha. Use exploit. Minus beanz. Bet lost. Server hops. Hero. Minus beanz. Hackerz. He is killing them. Snipers are hackers. Hmmm, where to start with this one.As a fresh spawn a guy with a mak has 100% more gear than you. Soooo what happens is in any situation when the next guy is geared up more than you..server hop because he has more gear ? Makes sense. The game is not meant to be fair as such, not balanced. Hopping in a fight or because someone has positioning on you is the same,no matter how much sugar people try to twist into the debate.. whether he is on a hill 400 metres away or down the street 5 metres away.. Highlighted part should be read by all who cannot handle the snipers. Maybe all you guys who whine about the snipers shouldn't have turned Cherno and Elektro into free for all deathmatch towns, the snipers are drawn by all of you who hang around there as if the rest of the map does nopt exist.You die there, go back, die, return, die..then blame the snipers for your repeated deaths. You know it is possible to actually FLANK areas right ? Or work in a group as fresh spawns. like people used to months ago..but nooooo, you all run around popping caps in each others heads ...and blame everyone else for forcing you into a certain playstyle. Veteran Noobs , this game created them.
  21. Hetstaine

    Possible arifacting fix

    Spot on sya..i saw Berezino for the first time in weeks ! then cruised across to NW airfield and about halfway down the runway the dead military zed glitch started slowly creeping in again until it was unplayable again.
  22. Hetstaine

    Starving to death!

    Log in..find beast..kill ..make fire..eat.
  23. Damn new age punks ! You kids so much as try and play any sort of dubstep and i will come up those stairs and plow an esp flying v so far up your ass you will have to pluck strungs in your throat so you can shit! I heard all about your little' bbq parties' in the woods..and let me say..i haven't shuddered and grimaced that wildly in a long time..not since i kicked the lower tenants out for duping mountain dew, fucking weirdos ! Dont make me come up there boy..i like my peace and quiet in these apartments and i got a rusty old axe that is damn near itching to be swung ! The landlord.
  24. Hetstaine

    Possible arifacting fix

    ...fixed that for you.
  25. Hetstaine

    Hive down??

    Just got home. Ate a bacon, egg and tomato toasted roll..with pepper. A hard day at work..now this. There is no god.